Ok so here is a list of posts i have been hunting in an effort to break my need for a repeat button.
Regarding common experiences
I’ve observed that there tend to be some experiences and phenomena that are common to all of us as we progress, regardless of specific methods used, beliefs, or whether we identify as RHP, LHP or find those definitions meaningless.
This is the list of the things I’ve heard and read other people mention most frequently, including having been on here almost 2 years now and read a fair chunk of posts dating back to when the forum opened, and I checked in with some magickal friends we know in offli…
Indepth guide to multiple subjects.
Almost everything you need for black magick.
First of this is for the beginners.
Items i’d suggest you acquire.
Candles - Black, Red, Purple, Green, White etc.
Incense - Sandalwood, Dragons Blood, Lavender, Opium, Frankincense etc.
Crystals and Gems - Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Carnelian, Black Onyx etc.
Journal - to write notes, spells, symbols, rites, sigils etc.
Athame / Knife - To use for rituals and energy manipulation and blood letting.
Black Mirror - To scry and train your sight.
For th…
Regarding psychic development
I decided to go ahead and cut and paste some of my psychic development methods in it’s own thread as to not have to keep sending it via individual PM.
I will start this off with the Original Void meditation. It’s what I have developed it to be the best sort of universal meditation to get you in the “zone” from where one can astral travel, spirit eavesdropping and many other activities one needs to be in a theta state. Binaural beats can be used to enhance the meditative state.
This is it, thou…
Regarding sigil flashing and consecration
I thought I would post this because I have seen several people mention lately, those newer to sigil magick and consecration, that the sigil never does flash for them yet they see a colored aura like a glow around the sigil lines and then the lines disappear.
I think there is some misconception about what exactly sigil “flashing” means. I am not trying to single anyone out, just trying to be helpful because a few people messaged me that they were afraid they’d never be able to activiate the sigi…
Regarding cleansing
A limpia is a cleansing ritual that cleanses of negativity, sickness, and curses. The following is a very simple version utilizing an egg. There are more complex versions with accompanying rites to dispel stronger shit, but those are better taught in person for it to be done correctly.
Anyhow, some of ya will probably find this useful when you got someone giving you the mal de ojo (evil eye) or if you have a coldor something.
Take a raw, unused egg. Completely virgin. Wash it in a bowl of holy…
Regarding a simple method of banishing
Decided to make this as i am cleansing my living room this morning and it occured to me i havent seen anyone post about it. Its a method i started using on instinct when i started working from black magick of Ahriman. Since i started working in this current the LBRP seem to general a banishing that would sweep away all the energy i am raising.
After pondering on it for a bit i decided to try cleansing negativity through fire and earth. So i tried it and it works very well. I’ll use it to clean …
Regarding wards
Now you’re at the stage of being the potter, at the potter’s wheel of creation, and what you’re creating is your wards, your servitors - this is how I got started, and to do, is to learn.
First, starting with seeing that guy in your mind, make him split into four seperate copies, like they’re standing hidden behind him and they step out to the side and stand in line. Have them bow to you, not grovvelling, but like loyal knights acknowledging their King.
Place into them the INTENT “To se…
Regarding witch bottles
I decided to make this because they’ve been mentioned several times recently, particularly by @Lotuslouvena . I didn’t see any instructions on how to make one so I decided to go ahead and add some for the new people on here to add to the practical information on the forum.
Little History:
Basic recipe:
A water tight jar
Broken glass/ mirror shards
Anything pointy and bent like an undone diaper pin, bent nails
Your urine- this acts like a decoy for energy sent to you.
Put the obj…
Regarding the Theta gamma sync
What’s up guys and girls? This is an article detailing and giving tips from my experience on evoking spirits and sensing their presence. I’ve had a conversation with @Seven and she confirmed that I should write an article for the Newbies on this. So thanks Deborah! You the inspiration for this…
OK so on getting into TGS. What you want do is ZONE OUT. ALL THE WAY OUT! Like when you were sitting in class bored out your fucking mind and you started daydreaming. TGS is like …
Regarding a method banishing
This is a copy of a post cached by the Internet Archive from EvocationMagic.com , that reproduces an earlier post from Occult Forums:
I Am’s Solar Grounding and Banishing Rituals
Postby Vovin on Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:22 pm
Archived Link
This was posted on Occult Forums a few years AGO i have used it and it definitely works it takes awhile to get the hang of…
Solar Grounding Ritual
Visualize yourself as growing very large…huge. Grow until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Ea…
Regarding making petitions.
Hey All,
For all the new magicians coming to our forum, I thought i would make a tutorial for a simple, and easy, yet powerful magical technique : the petition spell
i know the petition spell isn’t as sexy as evocation, but it has a long history as a traditional form of sorcery. We have evidence from ancient Greece, the defixones tablets, that this was a very common form of magick used for everything from love spells to curses.
The petition spell has become a staple of Wicca, as well as Law o…
Regarding the PRINCIPLES of evocation.
Which as it happens applies to Evoking Forces such as the planetary and elemental not just spirits of said force.
Preparatory Immersion.
Use or Development of a Working System.
Attainment of Omnipotence.
Substantial Contact.
Issuing a Task.
Psychological Retraction.
Regarding the method of communication with spirits.
It all starts internal spirits don’t actually use vocal sound instead they use energetic frequencies, when in trance our mind translates it into words.
The magickal imagination can be accessed in the theta gamma sync, structuring that being in a manifestation bases, then hearing the internal dialogue becomes natural.
Trust in the words you here don’t worry if you believe you’re making it up as I can assure you in these alter states like the rapture and theta gamma sync it’s hard to even think …
Need supplies for your rituals?
So this is one i have used in various forms for when I’m not sure what all I’ll need but i know i may need ritual supplies in the future. With it i have found stuff i end up using at some point for rituals either just falls in my lap one way or another or just enough cash for the supplies i need for a ritual i am planning will just pop up without me having to budget for it.
Your gonna need a orange pillar candle, something to carve a sigil into the wax.
If you wanna inclu…
A list provided by a member of beginners friendly spirits.
Tonight after thinking about how I united a beginner with Lucifer (which was very beautiful to watch come together so well) I thought I’d leave a list of spirits that are willing to teach beginners. This list will be comprised of both angelic and demonic spirits that I have either heard of or know personally that can aid in ascent and such. Anyone can feel free to add on to this list if they wish. If you have questions, feel free to also comment or pm me. Here we go:
Lucifer- (from my…
Regarding to the reason to RELAX and let go during ritual.
Those of you, who see yourselves as seekers may indulge me. I know it is a bit long, but the statements are short. You may discover that I am just a fool, stuck in contrived ways of thinking, or may find some value in this.
The opinions in this post are mine and mine alone. They do not represent a consensus from members of the forum. I’m not some kind of oracle. Just a dude.
Let go.
Shaking my hand, when your hands are already full, will not work. You’ll need to let go of something.
Regarding Angels in demonic evocation from a member who Successfully uses it as a Method of doing business!
Not a chain to bind or Whip to swing
The first will get results. The second with get you an asskicking. INTENT MATTERS
(Land mine topic for some)
I have used Gordon’s book many many times. Using the rituals does not offend the spirit at all. Even though I have a really good relationship with a couple of spirits, I still use ritual 1 when doing a formal petition.
Look at the ritual as a business meeting. On your first petition, the spirit does not know you and you do not know the spirit. You do your petition, there are some neutral third parties there (angels, view them as accountants or attorneys or whatever), the spirit looks over your…
Regarding tips on evocation
A couple of people PM’ed me asking for advice on evocation, TGS, and the like. Also asking for verifiable evocation methods that are simple. Well, for those people, here it is!
{Using a Mantra to get Into TGS }
Any mantra Can be used to get into TGS as the RHYTHMIC chanting of the words eventually lulls your mind’s focus just to that one thing (the mantra ) then eventually that mantra itself will no longer be the focus and you will just BE…in TGS. However, regarding specific Mantras created …
Regarding a method of invocation that many member have tested.
Close your eyes,
Keep your spine straight,
Relax your body,
Focus on your breath.
Stay in this meditative state,
visualise your seven chakras,
Now visualise
the sigil of the spirit
you want to contact.
Visualise that sigil at your root chakra, then vibrate the name
Of that spirit three times
Feel that sigil open with
The essence of that being
Flood through that chakra.
Now feel that chakra flooded
With the power, energy and vibration of that spirit.
Now deeply inhale solidifying
Regarding working with various deities.
Hey guys !
I’ve had a lot of people ask how I work with gods and goddesses when there aren’t ready made sigils out there for them and how exactly they can bypass the use of sigils.
The truth is that sigils are a relatively recent introduction to working with spirits, remember our ancestors contacted their gods and goddesses without the help of sigils.
We can too. And i’m going to show a simple way to do this. It’s not the only way but it’s one of the simplest and it’s great for people who are…
This is an updated post based on some tips I gave a few years ago on how to make a pact that works - it doesn’t look at the mechanics (written in blood or ink, parchment or paper, Full Moon or New) but instead focuses on the human psychological & emotional side - for that reason, it also applies to spirit marriages, and making lasting sexual contracts with spirits:
To make a pact that will be successful and beneficial for both you and the spirit, you need to understand what your own values are…
Regarding the risks an benefits of precision in magic.
I just want to take a moment and explain to some people my opinion of what the 3 fold and karmic balance really is. So I had an issue with my boss where I was getting blamed for all kinds of things that were actually malfunctions in our system. So I summoned Ma’at to reveal the truth. I then used the powers of Luna for influence, I took a badge off of his desk and channeled energy for him to think greatly of me, to see my full potential, and to think to himself I cannot lose this guy… Becau…
So recent posts over the last few weeks had me pondering on the rituals done in the last few years with the same area of life but different targets and as a result different outcomes.
Knowing what you want is easy most of the time, usually related to a long term goal or short term desire.
Expressing it in ritual for a precise outcome on the other hand is not always as easy.
For a clear an example of this the focus is going to be the differences between magick for money,income, wealth and pro…
A message received by a member which i personally feel relates to the challanges and hard time we face in our journeys.
I was smoking a cigarette and contemplating my appointment with a psychiatrist when I heard a familiar voice. “Any necromancer worth his salt can raise the dead, hear them, command them, work with them. It takes a truly skilled individual to raise themselves from the dead.” Those who suffer from this bane often think of themselves as powerless, but we are magicians. This is simply a challenge on the path to ascension. I want to extend my best wishes to those who are fellow travelers on the path …
Regarding the properties of palo santo wood.
Not only does this stuff (in my opinion) smell amazing but it’s cleansing properties are second to none. It removes almost all negative energy from the area when burned but also has the unique property of having an effect on your psychic centers or Kundalini chakrah whatever you want to call it it clears you out and opens you up. It really Sparks the third eye up and gets the gears turning. It makes for a great addition to any ritual, however if one intends to do baneful works I will give you wa…
Regarding the kabbalah and kabbalistic cross
Disclaimer: This post DOES NOT AND WILL NOT contain any energy, vibe, or anything otherwise that could be interpreted as “Anti-semitism” or anything against jews as a people. Neither does this post support Joy of Satans theory that Jews are Satanist’s enemies or any of that bullshit.
Also this post DOES NOT endorse Jehovah, Yahweh, his Godnames, or anything related to him.
It does not “prove” that christianity is true in any way that word is understood. Period.
(End of Disclaimer)
The Kabbalistic Cross (KC) is one of the Most important prepatory rituals in Kabbalah because it prepares the Black Magician and his environement to Process in a more effecient manner the Energies that he/she is about to evoke.
As Far as Ascent goes, this method of CrossWork (yes I just said that) serves to Invoke your Godhood and bring you Deeper Into Trance. Most Magicians only do this ritual Twice, once at the beginning and once at the End and wonder why they dont get the Maximun benefit.
Regarding how to make a scrying mirror that wont break the bank.
“Why make a scrying mirror inside a shoebox?”, some of you might wonder. Because it is a simple process, compared to the traditional way of making a scrying mirror. You don’t need to break glass to crumbles, stir it on black paint and glue it on a mirror…and wait a few days to make it dry.
By making your scrying mirror inside a shoebox, you get the depth of view, making it much easier to focus since your focal point doesn’t get distracted compared to a traditional scrying mirror.
To make this …
Regarding entites coming to you on their own accord.
I thought it might be an interesting exercise in research to log in this thread, spirits of any kind who contacted you
without you having done any prepataory immersion or other research
without you expecting them, or deliberately summoning them
lived up to their stated descriptions in grimoires or classical texts to the extent you believe beyond doubt they were really that spirit.
While I have little to no interest in the “are they real?” topic because I have a working cosmology that…
Regarding balg forum resources and tips
This is a round up of just a small selection of the information, tutorials, and other material available free on this site, and other things new members often ask about - I’m hoping this post will make it easier by having a bunch of links together in one place.
Beginner Questions? Feeling A Bit Daunted?
That’s understandable! There is a member-led FAQ topic newly posted 2nd Feb 2019 at this location:
And this is a member-created Glossary of terms you will find frequently used on this forum …
Regarding a mediation to start work with Lucifer.
Lucifer meditation
Close your eyes
And relax
Take a deep breath in and out
Feel that each inhalation
Lifts you up in the air
and energises you
And each exhalation
Relaxes you
but as you exhale
Feel the earth spin faster
Repeat this
Around 10 to 15 times
Then visualise your surroundings
Become nothing but a empty
Dark void.
Visualise at each shoulder
Lucifers sigil
Then each inhale you take
Energy flows into these sigil’s
And the sigils glow and charge
Then visualise your cha…
I have written this for many reasons the main reason is because a lot of people, on the forum say they want to work with lucifer but find it difficult, second is because a lot of new comers are attracted to working with him so this is a thread, which will help those a lot.
Lucifers enn - ’ Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa icar Lucifer '.
Lucifers masks - Lucifer has many forms and masks to enter all traditions around the world these are his 11 gnostic forms that were pieced together by Asenath Mason …
Regarding demonic enns
I found a listing of all the Goetic and Dukante with there Enns for anyone looking for them.
Here they are in alphabetic order.
Abbadon – Es na ayer Abbadon avage
Abigor – Aylan Abigor tasa uan on ca
Agaliarept – On ca Agaliarept agna
Agares – Rean ganen ayar da Agares
Agares – Rean ganen ayar da Agares
Aim – Ayer avage secore Aim
Alloces – Typan efna Alloces met tasa
Amducious – Denyen valocur avage secore Amducious
Amdusias (also Amdukias) – Denyen valocur avage secore Amdusias
Regarding KING Paimon
I am writing this post because I feel it necessary to give thanks to a spiritual entity I am currently working with. His name is King Paimon, also known as a demon from the Goetia. He is a demonic king that rules over 200 legions of spirits and he is said to be very obedient to Lucifer. Before I begin to tell why I chose to dedicate this post to him, I will give some basic information about him in case you should chose to evoke him after reading this.
What He Can Teach You & Help You With:
What you can expect will vary greatly depending on what you need and what you asked him for. You said only asked him to aid you in your ascent, right? Well I can say that he is very quick with results. So many people evoke him and have given him offerings that it has made him very strong over the years, so it’s not uncommon during a first time evocation of him for him to appear very quickly as if you’ve already been evoking him for years.
I cannot tell you how many people have asked me, why did…
Edit: Regarding sallos and Lessons the spirits can teach. This one will likely grow as i find them and examples of the others.
So, people usually talk how Sallos can bring anyone they desire to them. This is true… but…
Sallos isn’t only about making a person lose their head for you - he can teach you how to be that one dude who has 5 girlfriends and 7 fuck buddies at all times.
He can teach you how to strike deep into that abundance mentality with women, and never again have any problems with women.
Evoke him, ask for his help, and watch for any strange… coincidences. This could be a random article, course, or …
Regarding info on Azazel from memebers
Well, I made a simple list about information on Azazel. I wanted to post it to see if everything seems to check out, and if there’s anything I should add in.
(Azazael, Azazil, Azazyel, Za-Za-e’il)
Eya on ca Azazel aken
Regarding Belial
A while ago I replied in a thread about Belial, including everything I know to date about him – with the software changes, some links in that got broken, so I’ve just fixed those, made a few edits to bring it up-to-date, and am making this its own thread because I just recently recommended Belial in a couple of replies.
This is an image I created that represents how he most often appears to me, though he will sometimes change his appearance if he feels like it, and this definitely i…
Last year, I asked Belial to give me something which would help people open their psychic senses to communicate with demonic beings.
Although this isn’t his main area of interest according to the grimoires, he’s as aware as anyone that so many people labour under a form of imprisonment with regards to being unable to contact demonic spirits, and his answer to me was driven by the desire to break that bondage.
He gave me a set of 4 symbols with an incantation and instructions for use, which I’v…
I do have one thing to state here though. This is like the 40th time I’ve seen Belial’s name this month, no exaggeration. Usually that means it’s a sign that I need to contact a demon if I keep seeing their name everywhere I look and I am seeing it all over.
I’ve been having some issues with prioritizing lately and after reading all the posts on here about Belial a manly voice that was obviously not my own (since I’m not a man) spoke to me and said “Belial can whip you into shape and set you st…
On regards to Bune and A divination method used by a member with success and who continues developing to where they need not rely only on it.
Duke Dantalion might have been annoyed that you asked him a question that you clearly knew the answer to. What I did with my pennies is that when I first got them ready, I just used them for basic divination. At that point I would say something like “stupid question time,just trying to tune up the pennies.” and then I would ask a stupid question that I already knew the answer to. Almost like tuning a guitar. Did this the first time or two when using the pennies. After that, they were ready, bec…
Yes, although now I’m getting to where I can somewhat hear her when she speaks, maybe 75-80% accurate. Sometimes I have to use the pennies to double check to see if it was indeed her or self talk. Sometimes I can faintly hear her voice or words may just pop into my head or she even puts songs into my head such as if I ask her a question, all of a sudden a certain part of a song will pop into my head which will correspond to my question.
In regard to Marbas a specific spirit to help you develop. In a manner that is tuned TO YOU personally.
So I’ve thanked Marbas once before in the Thank You spirits thread, but I figured to point anyone else who needs help with developing their clair abilities in the right direction.
I’ve been working with Marbas on a little something-something, and I’ve found that he is excellent in figuring out what practices would suit you best.
So if you wanted to, for example, develop your clairvoyance and clairaudience skills, contact Marbas and ask him to help you out.
Soon enough, you will stumble upon a…
Regarding an Ideal lover spell that kicked in REALLY FAST
If you looking for the ideal lover/s depending on your preference.
Make a list of qualities you would seek out in a lover and the qualities you consider to be an ideal relationship.
Then use this as the focus/petition for a combination planetary ritual of venus to attract this love, the sun to illuminate yourself and them so you can find each other and jupiter to expand these first 2 to empower the ritual with jupiters sovereignty and power of expansion to be the master of your fate.
Doing th…
Info on the uncrossing ritual.
So for whatever reason i am having alot of posts about people asking how to remove curses in my reading list so figured it would be good idea to link some general resources on what it is and how to do it since i didnt find any already listed on the forum after a quick search.
[Mystery School Lesson 11: Uncrossing]