Experienced Magicians Debunk "Selling Your Soul"

Ok so here is a list of posts i have been hunting in an effort to break my need for a repeat button.

Regarding common experiences

Indepth guide to multiple subjects.

Regarding psychic development

Regarding sigil flashing and consecration

Regarding cleansing

Regarding a simple method of banishing

Regarding wards

Regarding witch bottles

Regarding the Theta gamma sync

Regarding a method banishing

Regarding making petitions.

Regarding the PRINCIPLES of evocation.
Which as it happens applies to Evoking Forces such as the planetary and elemental not just spirits of said force.

Regarding the method of communication with spirits.

Need supplies for your rituals?

A list provided by a member of beginners friendly spirits.

Regarding to the reason to RELAX and let go during ritual.

Regarding Angels in demonic evocation from a member who Successfully uses it as a Method of doing business!

Not a chain to bind or Whip to swing
The first will get results. The second with get you an asskicking. INTENT MATTERS
(Land mine topic for some)

Regarding tips on evocation

Regarding a method of invocation that many member have tested.

Regarding working with various deities.


Regarding the risks an benefits of precision in magic.

A message received by a member which i personally feel relates to the challanges and hard time we face in our journeys.

Regarding the properties of palo santo wood.

Regarding the kabbalah and kabbalistic cross

Regarding how to make a scrying mirror that wont break the bank.

Regarding entites coming to you on their own accord.

Regarding balg forum resources and tips :japanese_ogre::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Regarding a mediation to start work with Lucifer.

Regarding demonic enns

Regarding KING Paimon

Edit: Regarding sallos and Lessons the spirits can teach. This one will likely grow as i find them and examples of the others. :grin:

Regarding info on Azazel from memebers

Regarding Belial

On regards to Bune and A divination method used by a member with success and who continues developing to where they need not rely only on it.

In regard to Marbas a specific spirit to help you develop. In a manner that is tuned TO YOU personally.

Regarding an Ideal lover spell that kicked in REALLY FAST :joy:

Info on the uncrossing ritual.