Tonight after thinking about how I united a beginner with Lucifer (which was very beautiful to watch come together so well) I thought I’d leave a list of spirits that are willing to teach beginners. This list will be comprised of both angelic and demonic spirits that I have either heard of or know personally that can aid in ascent and such. Anyone can feel free to add on to this list if they wish. If you have questions, feel free to also comment or pm me. Here we go:
Lucifer- (from my experience he might be an angelic demon please correct me if I’m wrong) He is the emperor of the infernal empire. He is very patient intelligent and knowledgeable. He can teach all skill levels. He is also understanding of our human concepts and natures (however this is not a free pass to be an ass to him, he will lash back at you) he can teach astral travel, how to change your astral body, divination, healing to an extent, how to meditate, how to communicate with spirits, protection magick to an extent, how to better yourself in evocation, he can give exercises to open your third eye and prepare you for astral projection, he can teach pretty much all forms of magick both light and dark, as well as sciences, planetary knowledge and how to work with the planets, he can help within ascension, and can HELP break bad habits.
As for his personality (from what I’ve noticed) he is very serious however he does have a joking side to him but he doesn’t usually reveal this until after some time as he has gotten very sarcastic with me in the past, which I have enjoyed. He is a protector, he is fierce and very well looks after his followers and as I said before he is very understanding of humans. He can be quick and to the point, for example if you ask about a subject that required deep explanation, he may very well leas you to something or someone that can explain it instead whereas if you ask a really simple question he may explain it. I’ve worked with him for several months and I’ve enjoyed his presence and are very thankful of him
King Paimon (demonic jinn king) before I explain anything in evocation he is to be addressed as KING PAIMON NOT JUST PAIMON. While he isn’t for hierarchy, he is for respect and expects it. He is patient and works very close with Lucifer as he is loyal to him. He can teach all sciences, he gives very good familiars. He can manipulate people for the magician if need be. He can develop psychic senses and help within the realms of spirit communication and I believe astral travel (correct me again if wrong feel free to add) I cannot divulge his personality because I dont know him as well as Lucifer, however I can say he is kind and patient as long as hes respected and called by his title. He also has a legion of over 200 spirits.
Raphael (archangel) being a mercurial spirit, he can aid in communication. He is known as the “physician of the archangels” due to his focus in physical healing. Many people in this forum work with him and can vouch that he is a great start. He can teach physical healing, protection, binding magick, spirit communication, and divination. He is very kind and protective, similar to that of Lucifer in his patience IMHO. He is not opposed to working with those who work with demons.
astaroth (demon or demoness, said to be of both genders, not that it matters/ she/he is a duke of the empire) astaroth is very kind. From what I understand she can teach divination, astral projection, spirit communication. I don’t know very much about her however I do know she is not opposed to working with beginners.
Bune (demoness, a dutchess of the empire) I’ve recently started working with her. She appears as a tri headed dragon. She teaches necromancy and can help in the realm of finance. I’ve known her to be kind.
Adrahnex (demoness, no known ranking as of yet) certain things I am not permitted to say. What I will say is that she teaches vampirism, divination, astral travel and associated skills. She is understanding of human nature. She usually prefers to work with more intermediate practitioners, however its not impossible for a beginner to work with her.
seere (demon of the goetia, rank unknown) he has helped me within the realms of divination, psychic senses, spiritual senses and I believe he can help with astral travel. He can also teach sciences as he has told me.
FOOTNOTE: DO NOT approach any of these spirits with fear, hatred, Christian points of view, disrespect, etc. WHILE THEY MAY BE KIND They are also not opposed to lashing out against you, if you piss them off. Remember there is a difference between fear and respect choose respect. If you do manage to somehow fuck it up, give the entity some space, then try to apologize or something.
[quote=“Dragon Crow, post:1, topic:8784”]Hello,
Tonight after thinking about how I united a beginner with Lucifer (which was very beautiful to watch come together so well) I thought I’d leave a list of spirits that are willing to teach beginners. This list will be comprised of both angelic and demonic spirits that I have either heard of or know personally that can aid in ascent and such. Anyone can feel free to add on to this list if they wish. If you have questions, feel free to also comment or pm me. Here we go:
Lucifer- (from my experience he might be an angelic demon please correct me if I’m wrong) He is the emperor of the infernal empire. He is very patient intelligent and knowledgeable. He can teach all skill levels. He is also understanding of our human concepts and natures (however this is not a free pass to be an ass to him, he will lash back at you) he can teach astral travel, how to change your astral body, divination, healing to an extent, how to meditate, how to communicate with spirits, protection magick to an extent, how to better yourself in evocation, he can give exercises to open your third eye and prepare you for astral projection, he can teach pretty much all forms of magick both light and dark, as well as sciences, planetary knowledge and how to work with the planets, he can help within ascension, and can HELP break bad habits.
As for his personality (from what I’ve noticed) he is very serious however he does have a joking side to him but he doesn’t usually reveal this until after some time as he has gotten very sarcastic with me in the past, which I have enjoyed. He is a protector, he is fierce and very well looks after his followers and as I said before he is very understanding of humans. He can be quick and to the point, for example if you ask about a subject that required deep explanation, he may very well leas you to something or someone that can explain it instead whereas if you ask a really simple question he may explain it. I’ve worked with him for several months and I’ve enjoyed his presence and are very thankful of him
King Paimon (demonic jinn king) before I explain anything in evocation he is to be addressed as KING PAIMON NOT JUST PAIMON. While he isn’t for hierarchy, he is for respect and expects it. He is patient and works very close with Lucifer as he is loyal to him. He can teach all sciences, he gives very good familiars. He can manipulate people for the magician if need be. He can develop psychic senses and help within the realms of spirit communication and I believe astral travel (correct me again if wrong feel free to add) I cannot divulge his personality because I dont know him as well as Lucifer, however I can say he is kind and patient as long as hes respected and called by his title. He also has a legion of over 200 spirits.
Raphael (archangel) being a mercurial spirit, he can aid in communication. He is known as the “physician of the archangels” due to his focus in physical healing. Many people in this forum work with him and can vouch that he is a great start. He can teach physical healing, protection, binding magick, spirit communication, and divination. He is very kind and protective, similar to that of Lucifer in his patience IMHO. He is not opposed to working with those who work with demons.
astaroth (demon or demoness, said to be of both genders, not that it matters/ she/he is a duke of the empire) astaroth is very kind. From what I understand she can teach divination, astral projection, spirit communication. I don’t know very much about her however I do know she is not opposed to working with beginners.
Bune (demon, a duke of the empire) I only know he is not opposed to beginners, he is associated with finance. Possibly legal matters.
FOOTNOTE: DO NOT approach any of these spirits with fear, hatred, Christian points of view, disrespect, etc. WHILE THEY MAY BE KIND They are also not opposed to lashing out against you, if you piss them off. Remember there is a difference between fear and respect choose respect. If you do manage to somehow fuck it up, give the entity some space, then try to apologize or something.[/quote]
Silly me, I almost forgot. If you cannot hear them, they can however hear you and they can teach you to hear them, however I don’t not recommend evoking constantly, evoking blindly, etc. However if one is calling out to you, this is different, as they are practically waiting outside your door waiting on you to evoke them and invite them into your life.
He’s an angel (from what I know), angel who achieved perfect balance between light and dark energy. Term “Angelic demon” is, I guess that perfection.
I would also like to add that he likes to test people a lot to see if they’re willing to trust him or not. It can be in many, random ways so it is hard to say what exactly but if you work on it, you’ll realize that you’ve been tested after some time.
I only worked with him once and it was enough to see and gain trust in him. He manifested opportunity, exactly what I was seeking in every single detail just in different way than I expected it to be and it turns out that it is even better. I found him like some sort of “perfectionist” when it comes to manifesting and working with him. He would rather like to manifest things a bit slower but to be way better in the end.
Additional. From what I know, he likes when you refer to him as King Paimon instead of just Paimon because you can’t gain that kind of title “over night” and he deserved to be called like that.
She (Demoness)
I also heard that she’s interested about Necromancy too.
Anyway, very useful post for people which are new!
He’s an angel (from what I know), angel who achieved perfect balance between light and dark energy. Term “Angelic demon” is, I guess that perfection.
I would also like to add that he likes to test people a lot to see if they’re willing to trust him or not. It can be in many, random ways so it is hard to say what exactly but if you work on it, you’ll realize that you’ve been tested after some time.
I only worked with him once and it was enough to see and gain trust in him. He manifested opportunity, exactly what I was seeking in every single detail just in different way than I expected it to be and it turns out that it is even better. I found him like some sort of “perfectionist” when it comes to manifesting and working with him. He would rather like to manifest things a bit slower but to be way better in the end.
Additional. From what I know, he likes when you refer to him as King Paimon instead of just Paimon because you can’t gain that kind of title “over night” and he deserved to be called like that.
She (Demoness)
I also heard that she’s interested about Necromancy as well.
Anyway, very useful post for people which are new!
~ Flame
Thank you flame! I never knew bune was a she, well we learn something new everyday don’t we? I might call on her to learn necromancy at some point
I first approached Buné expecting this male demon, which was what I’d read, and then it was only working with her a lot (because honestly, three heads and darlk snakelike body don’t give me much to pin a gender on), and finally a spirit calling her Mother, that I came to see Buné the demon as Buto or Wadjet, the snake goddess protecting the Pharoahs, placed over the third eye location as a guardian and also as a channel.
She brought back one of my parents, who died a while ago, into a resurrection body in the astral, so I’m immensely grateful to her for this.
While she will help with wealth, and has done so for people on here (if you search, also chek the spelling Bime) her main role for me has been around ancestral inheritances of knowledge and ability, and also some very complex discussions about DNA that to be honest I still haven’t completely understood.
But I love her very much and she is absolutely a spirit worth contacting early on!
Archaelus placed angel Deggal (in Evoking Eternity) as the first entity to call upon, to ascend.
Rightly so, because Deggal will light up your energy body.
Deggal is perfect for beginners.
(extremely simple evocation - no intent needed - try)
for all magic, you need mana.
sometimes you don’t do some magic you wish to do simply because you don’t have enough mana.
call Deggal, see what happens
in one istance, Deggal elevated me when i was falling into Azazel and couldn’t stand the pressure of Azazel any longer.
Deggal is miraculously powerful and his purpose is ONE. you don’t even have to know why you’re calling him, he’s on it.
Deggal is something like main (pre)enlightenment super move a sorcerer can do. A main power energy switch - cleaning of circuits, empowering energy body, adjusting frequencies and voltages to measure up to the Eternal Kinddoms of Flames of Lucifer, Clear Consciousness.
And as a proof of a Grand Joke being played on us all, he is also an insane shortcut if “you’re into Kundalini”
[quote=“bahamuthat, post:6, topic:8784”]Archaelus placed angel Deggal (in Evoking Eternity) as the first entity to call upon, to ascend.
Rightly so, because Deggal will light up your energy body.
Deggal is perfect for beginners.
(extremely simple evocation - no intent needed - try)
for all magic, you need mana.
sometimes you don’t do some magic you wish to do simply because you don’t have enough mana.
call Deggal, see what happens
in one istance, Deggal elevated me when i was falling into Azazel and couldn’t stand the pressure of Azazel any longer.
Deggal is miraculously powerful and his purpose is ONE. you don’t even have to know why you’re calling him, he’s on it.
Deggal is something like main (pre)enlightenment super move a sorcerer can do. A main power energy switch - cleaning of circuits, empowering energy body, adjusting frequencies and voltages to measure up to the Eternal Kinddoms of Flames of Lucifer, Clear Consciousness.
And as a proof of a Grand Joke being played on us all, he is also an insane shortcut if “you’re into Kundalini”
i wouldve put deggal but i know nothing about deggal and deggals prefrence when it comes to what skill level he/she works with. good call!
[quote=“bahamuthat, post:6, topic:8784”]Archaelus placed angel Deggal (in Evoking Eternity) as the first entity to call upon, to ascend.
Rightly so, because Deggal will light up your energy body.
Deggal is perfect for beginners.
(extremely simple evocation - no intent needed - try)
for all magic, you need mana.
sometimes you don’t do some magic you wish to do simply because you don’t have enough mana.
call Deggal, see what happens
in one istance, Deggal elevated me when i was falling into Azazel and couldn’t stand the pressure of Azazel any longer.
Deggal is miraculously powerful and his purpose is ONE. you don’t even have to know why you’re calling him, he’s on it.
Deggal is something like main (pre)enlightenment super move a sorcerer can do. A main power energy switch - cleaning of circuits, empowering energy body, adjusting frequencies and voltages to measure up to the Eternal Kinddoms of Flames of Lucifer, Clear Consciousness.
And as a proof of a Grand Joke being played on us all, he is also an insane shortcut if “you’re into Kundalini”
Hey, I was wondering, how do you go about evoking deggal?
King Paimon his a Wonderful teacher of Ascent, Lucifer in my opinion is also a wonderful teacher and ally, Azazel, a bit more strict and demanding but really he is really worth it.
The Four Archangels are wonderful teacher, along with the Four Elemental King, I think every Magician should work with the Four Elemental King to learn how to Balance the Elements within as well as to learn powerful weather Magick among many other things.
[quote=“Mephistor, post:14, topic:8784”]King Paimon his a Wonderful teacher of Ascent, Lucifer in my opinion is also a wonderful teacher and ally, Azazel, a bit more strict and demanding but really he is really worth it.
The Four Archangels are wonderful teacher, along with the Four Elemental King, I think every Magician should work with the Four Elemental King to learn how to Balance the Elements within as well as to learn powerful weather Magick among many other things.
And their is plenty of others![/quote]
Very true I do agree I just added the ones I know of and I have worked with I just added 2
[quote=“Dragon Crow, post:1, topic:8784”]Hello,
Tonight after thinking about how I united a beginner with Lucifer (which was very beautiful to watch come together so well) I thought I’d leave a list of spirits that are willing to teach beginners. This list will be comprised of both angelic and demonic spirits that I have either heard of or know personally that can aid in ascent and such. Anyone can feel free to add on to this list if they wish. If you have questions, feel free to also comment or pm me. Here we go:
Lucifer- (from my experience he might be an angelic demon please correct me if I’m wrong) He is the emperor of the infernal empire. He is very patient intelligent and knowledgeable. He can teach all skill levels. He is also understanding of our human concepts and natures (however this is not a free pass to be an ass to him, he will lash back at you) he can teach astral travel, how to change your astral body, divination, healing to an extent, how to meditate, how to communicate with spirits, protection magick to an extent, how to better yourself in evocation, he can give exercises to open your third eye and prepare you for astral projection, he can teach pretty much all forms of magick both light and dark, as well as sciences, planetary knowledge and how to work with the planets, he can help within ascension, and can HELP break bad habits.
As for his personality (from what I’ve noticed) he is very serious however he does have a joking side to him but he doesn’t usually reveal this until after some time as he has gotten very sarcastic with me in the past, which I have enjoyed. He is a protector, he is fierce and very well looks after his followers and as I said before he is very understanding of humans. He can be quick and to the point, for example if you ask about a subject that required deep explanation, he may very well leas you to something or someone that can explain it instead whereas if you ask a really simple question he may explain it. I’ve worked with him for several months and I’ve enjoyed his presence and are very thankful of him
King Paimon (demonic jinn king) before I explain anything in evocation he is to be addressed as KING PAIMON NOT JUST PAIMON. While he isn’t for hierarchy, he is for respect and expects it. He is patient and works very close with Lucifer as he is loyal to him. He can teach all sciences, he gives very good familiars. He can manipulate people for the magician if need be. He can develop psychic senses and help within the realms of spirit communication and I believe astral travel (correct me again if wrong feel free to add) I cannot divulge his personality because I dont know him as well as Lucifer, however I can say he is kind and patient as long as hes respected and called by his title. He also has a legion of over 200 spirits.
Raphael (archangel) being a mercurial spirit, he can aid in communication. He is known as the “physician of the archangels” due to his focus in physical healing. Many people in this forum work with him and can vouch that he is a great start. He can teach physical healing, protection, binding magick, spirit communication, and divination. He is very kind and protective, similar to that of Lucifer in his patience IMHO. He is not opposed to working with those who work with demons.
astaroth (demon or demoness, said to be of both genders, not that it matters/ she/he is a duke of the empire) astaroth is very kind. From what I understand she can teach divination, astral projection, spirit communication. I don’t know very much about her however I do know she is not opposed to working with beginners.
Bune (demoness, a dutchess of the empire) I’ve recently started working with her. She appears as a tri headed dragon. She teaches necromancy and can help in the realm of finance. I’ve known her to be kind.
Adrahnex (demoness, no known ranking as of yet) certain things I am not permitted to say. What I will say is that she teaches vampirism, divination, astral travel and associated skills. She is understanding of human nature. She usually prefers to work with more intermediate practitioners, however its not impossible for a beginner to work with her.
seere (demon of the goetia, rank unknown) he has helped me within the realms of divination, psychic senses, spiritual senses and I believe he can help with astral travel. He can also teach sciences as he has told me.
FOOTNOTE: DO NOT approach any of these spirits with fear, hatred, Christian points of view, disrespect, etc. WHILE THEY MAY BE KIND They are also not opposed to lashing out against you, if you piss them off. Remember there is a difference between fear and respect choose respect. If you do manage to somehow fuck it up, give the entity some space, then try to apologize or something.[/quote]
@Khayman: E.A. has mentioned Mepsitahl on multiple occassions in his books and video courses and a lot of other members of the forum were successful in working with her. I, on the contrary was not and I honestly I can’t explain why. I could barely make her sigil flash, let alone working with her.
So, as an alternative, I would like to add Sastan (KoF) in the list. I just cant recommend him enough.From the very first moment I laid my eyes on his sigil, I could strongly feel his energy and I had some very vivid visions in my first scrying session with him. He helped me open my scrying vision really fast, despite my tendency to procrastinate A LOT. He works a lot by “planting” ideas in your mind that seem to come from nowhere. With that being said, after my last scrying session with him, about 10 days ago, I had an strong impulse to try fire scrying, which I never had before.I have strong reasons to believe Sastan has something to do with this. I use a candle for the moment until I acquire a bigger container and I’m very satisfied with the results so far, given the fact that I have tried it very few times.
He can also teach shapeshifting if someone is interested in that and he does that a lot when summoned. One moment I see a black & yellow snake, the other an old man in greyish robes and I’ve also seen him as a salamander. He has also appeared as an Buddhist,Shaolin or whatever monk with long white hair and beard.