I Am's Solar Grounding & Banishing Ritual

This is a copy of a post cached by the Internet Archive from EvocationMagic.com, that reproduces an earlier post from Occult Forums:

I Am’s Solar Grounding and Banishing Rituals
Postby Vovin on Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:22 pm
Archived Link

This was posted on Occult Forums a few years AGO i have used it and it definitely works it takes awhile to get the hang of…

Solar Grounding Ritual

Visualize yourself as growing very large…huge. Grow until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Earth. Size DOES matter! If you can see yourself bigger than the Galaxies that is even better. See yourself in the darkness of space with your feet on the two worlds.

Draw up power from the Sun into yourself and re-direct it into the Earth. Just make certain one foot (I have always put the Right foot on the Sun) is firmly planted on the Sun and the other foot is firmly planted on the Earth. You need to feel the power rising up from the Sun into your body, feel your body being infused by this energy, and then feel the power flow down the other leg into the Earth.

Do this continuously for about 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes, shut off the flow to the Earth while still drawing the power from the Sun. Continue this for about 1 minute. At the end of this exercise see yourself shrink down to your normal size.

Do this exercise two to three times a day for the next week. This exercise should make an immediate difference in your available energy and should also ground you. I will not tell you WHAT you will feel however I guarantee you that you WILL feel the energy within you and passing through you.

Many are unable to do this exercise for a full 15 minutes when starting. If you are doing it properly you may need to do it for shorter periods initially. Additionally, to call this exercise a “Grounding” exercise is VERY misleading. Once you begin this exercise you will experience some unusual things that will open an entire new world to you. This results of this exercise actually change based on YOUR NEEDS at the time.

Solar Banishing Wave

The Banishing Wave is a technique that the Magickian can use that is effective against ALL entities in my experience. There is one key requirement that is necessary for the Banishing Wave to work; the Magickian has to KNOW that the Banishing Wave will work.

The Magickian VISUALIZES and FEELS a wave, similar to the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, expanding and radiating out from within the Magickian in all directions. The wave should be seen as forming a pressure wave that physically and astrally “blows away” anything in its path. The Magickian should feel the heat of the explosion, the force of the blast, and should SEE the pressure wave expanding out to the horizon in all directions. This explosion should be seen and felt as an expanding CIRCLE or SPHERE, with the Magickian being in the center of this explosion…

The effectiveness of the Banishing Wave is greatly increased if the Magickian incorporates the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual. To do this all that is required is that the Magickian remembers what the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual feels like and feel THAT ENERGY as the nuclear explosion that radiates and expands evenly away from the Magickian.

This Banishing technique, once mastered, can be performed instantly almost without thought and, as long as the Magickian KNOWS that it works, has proved effective (in my personal practice) against any entity or force that the Magickian wishes to Banish.


I’ve used this and from my experience it’s more of an energy raising ritual than a banishing.

I do it hand in hand with The Middle Pillar ritual.

Once the stream of energy is flowing through me I pull energy from my left foot up the left side of my body and with an exhalation I bring it back down the right side of my body.

I’ve usually done the LBRP before this so Malkuth (Earth) is already below me which I’m pulling energy from.

My little theory is that you’re pulling the energy from the physical to put it into use to making changes there.

Just a thought.
But this Solar Grounding ritual CAN be used to banish but I prefer consecrated salt water to sprinkle on affected areas or objects and imagining the area the water hits bursting into flames.

When I DO use the Solar Grounding Ritual it’s just my preference to use it to raise energy.

If you implode the energy from yourself then you just (IMHO) wasted the energy you raised.

Also you can do circumbobulations around the space you want to clear and focus on the center of the room (where you could also have a circle laid out) and take your athame and point at the center of the room and imagine a ball of white light for banishing or even a green light (Earth) for grounding and as you circle the room imagine the ball of energy gaining mass until it almost engulfs the room and (if you prefer) vibrate Eh Hey Yay and see the mass of energy implode through the entire area.
Kind of like the Solar Grounding Ritual.

Notice the word “Grounding” I’m the name of the ritual.

But use it as you will.
Just my 2 cents



I love this ritual !
It actually helped me discover a psychic vampire. Back when I was still working at a botanica another guy working there always complained about not knowing how to do magic and being weak (he never actually worked, he always asked s million annoying questions, and he had no power so he was extremely useless). So I guided him on the ritual as a beginner rite, after doing it myself. When he was trying to absorb the sun’s energy , I felt myself being drained. So I used something like the wave technique to put up a burning wall, he immediately jumped back and opened his eyes.
Anyway, he drained me several times without my knowledge do I ended up having to protect myself with my personal exu, which worked wonders. Anyway, he’s an annoying little shit. Thank Satan I no longer have any contact with him.


[quote=“Euoi, post:3, topic:3701”]I love this ritual !
It actually helped me discover a psychic vampire. Back when I was still working at a botanica another guy working there always complained about not knowing how to do magic and being weak (he never actually worked, he always asked s million annoying questions, and he had no power so he was extremely useless). So I guided him on the ritual as a beginner rite, after doing it myself. When he was trying to absorb the sun’s energy , I felt myself being drained. So I used something like the wave technique to put up a burning wall, he immediately jumped back and opened his eyes.
Anyway, he drained me several times without my knowledge do I ended up having to protect myself with my personal exu, which worked wonders. Anyway, he’s an annoying little shit. Thank Satan I no longer have any contact with him.[/quote]

So all the remarks from him were a masquerade in order to hide the fact he was a psychic vampire, or he was draining you unconsciously?


I don’t think he knew until I confronted him about it. Then he started experimenting on customers (fucking asshole) and random people at the bus stop. He got his when some dark spirit gotr attached to him. But the owner had to take pity and gave him free supplies to cleanse himself. Should’ve charged him a shit ton and let him figure out how to do it himself.


This is an energy raising ritual but you use your own energy to perform the banishing. Personally I love this rite and have recommended it here plenty of times to people not comfortable with the LBRP and stuff. It reminds me of Jason Miller’s banishing (forget the name of it) where you pull in the celestial energy from above and the Chthonic energy from below and secure space with it.


TWF are you talking about the pillar ritual where you absorb each element into an energy center in your body after pulling the other energies into yourself?
That’s one of my favs!


If thats the one in Sorcerer’s Secrets then yes. I’ll have to dig it out to be sure.


Yeah it’s in The Sorcerer"s Secrets.
Great ritual.
It makes me feel so in tune with the elemental,Chthonic,and Celestial energies all at once.

I’ve found that you can pull the elemental energies from one or even two of the orbs and push them out either through your hands or through pore breathing as described by Jason Miller.

Combining the water and earth elements are a great way for grounding.Or you could use water and fire to breath out the energies to a specific target to gain their lust,respect,or to change their emotions from glad to sad otbvice versa depending on your intent.

A lot of possibilities.I’ve used pure elemental (and other darker energies) to change someone’s attitude and the effects were almost instantanious.


Lady_Eva this article achieve is awesome think forum seekers will get lot value I am.










Still using this, many thanks for sharing @Lady_Eva

1 Like

Great thanks another thing to learn and master :smiley:


Thank you, sounds interesting.


Do any of you know an alternative banishment ritual for only entities willing to cause harm/negative entities? I don’t want to banish ALL entities since it implies banishing the ones I don’t want to go as well


I greatly approve. When i did this, i used my right foot for the sun. I feel warmth only on my right side interestingly. Its very simple, effective and to the point and i feel great.

Ive been very attracted to solar energy as of late.


There was something similar I used to do years ago.

I’d go through the normal steps of meditation but rather than visualizing one foot on the sun and one foot on the Earth I’d do the following -

I imagined myself walking solely on the sun in bare feet. Letting the power just shoot through me. When I looked up, I’d see the empty vastness of space, the large planetary-stars in the distance. I found this method to be particularly effective in creating psychic barriers. It was simply sublime. The other positive aspect to is in the event of a psychic attack, that pent up energy… you yourself in your energy field (kinda shaped like an egg, funnily enough) becomes a star, the tendrils and flares lashing outward, preventing any attack from coming too close.

I really, really loved this method. I am going to have to give your method a try and see if I can work my way back to mine.