I do have one thing to state here though. This is like the 40th time I’ve seen Belial’s name this month, no exaggeration. Usually that means it’s a sign that I need to contact a demon if I keep seeing their name everywhere I look and I am seeing it all over.
I’ve been having some issues with prioritizing lately and after reading all the posts on here about Belial a manly voice that was obviously not my own (since I’m not a man) spoke to me and said “Belial can whip you into shape and set you straight!” I heard the voice but did not see anyone when it spoke. It almost seemed like Belial was speaking to me and referring to himself in the 3rd person. Is he known to do this, refer to himself as Belial on occasion? Or do you think another spirit was telling me this?
I was in a mild daze when I heard the voice so it could have been one of my familiars telling me this and I didn’t realize it because I was zoned out. But I feel a strong urge to contact him and others have mentioned if you have a problem or a habit that makes you somewhat stubborn, that Belial is a master of force slapping those habits out of you. I heard he is very assertive and does not sugarcoat anything, he is straight forward when addressing issues that the magician needs to fix.
I do need to be forced in a way with some things in my life however, I am bullheaded, cocky, and stubborn sometimes and I heard Belial can be too if he is dead set on getting you to change something about yourself so I wonder if we’d get along well because of the similar personalities or if we’d clash and bicker at each other?