Simple Evocation Methods and Tips

A couple of people PM’ed me asking for advice on evocation, TGS, and the like. Also asking for verifiable evocation methods that are simple. Well, for those people, here it is!

{Using a Mantra to get Into TGS }
Any mantra Can be used to get into TGS as the RHYTHMIC chanting of the words eventually lulls your mind’s focus just to that one thing (the mantra ) then eventually that mantra itself will no longer be the focus and you will just BE…in TGS. However, regarding specific Mantras created just for TGS, here are some you can use:

Sozo Talat Hash

{Using Mudras }
I am not aware of any Mudras that are designed to get you into TGS… Yet.

{Mantra for Opening Astral Senses }
Vala Tala E’fey Dor (Uses Darkness to strengthen Astral Senses )
(Opening Chakras With Mantras)
Axo Lestat Vamada Rasto(Per Chakra)

{Petitioning A Spirit }
There is a difference between a petition that takes away your Godhood /Godlike power, and one that places you upon the throne of God him/her self. The Difference is twofold…
You must understand that the order of hierarchy goes like this:
YOU first, then Everyone else. Simple as that.
By acknowledging this you demonstrate Respect. Abaddon told me that Respect is "Power that understands its place in the hierarchy. " When you understand that you are the head of the Infernal Hierarchy, the spirits will understand that as well. That will lead to you phrasing your request like:

As head of the Infernal hierarchy, it is my will that XYZ occurs. Go make this come to pass. Rise, unchallenged, and take my will across the earth. Let nothing stand in your way.

Of course, you don’t have to be that flowery /elaborate. Just make sure you have the understanding of what you are doing when you are doing it.

{Simple Evocation methods }
You don’t always have to bring a spirit to physical appearance to get shit done. Often times we are busy or don’t have time to do it due to family and whatnot.

You can fire off a sigil and speak your desire to the spirit whether you think its there or not.

Write a letter to the spirit detailing your desire, questions, etc. Leave it alone for a few days, and watch the spirit do what you request.

Evoke it through creative writing. Write a story in which you dialogue with the spirit and write down what you think he/she might say to you.

Evoke the spirit into a cup of coffee. As you drink the coffee, the answers will come to you. Sometimes you will see shapes form in the drink as the spirit let’s you know it’s there.

{End }
Well that’s all I have for now. I hope this helps and Answers questions for you. Sorry if it feels rushed; had a long day and am tired AF


Quick question; is there a certain way you petition a spirit?


I won’t say there is ONE way to petition let’s say a demon, Because I have not experienced every single demon in existence(no sarcasm intended). So your petition will vary according to the energy/personality of the spirit you’re dealing with. Some demons don’t fuck around and they expect you to be short, sweet, and to the point. Other demons like to make small talk/Convo with you and you can have a more modern dialogue with them. The key is that you recognize, no matter what style your petition Is in, that YOU are the Prime Mover in this game! As long as you understand your Authority(Omnipotence), you should be fine in your petitions.


Mind writing an example of how you would write it?


Petition to Abaddon

It is my Will that all obstacles to my Ascent whether Internal or External,entities, adverse spirits, human opposition, and magical opposition be destroyed and removed from my life without causing alot of chaos.

As the Demon of Destruction, I am confident that you will carry out my will to its completion. Go forth and make my will come to fruition!

Thank you,


That was Impromptu lol. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ooooo I like that; shit thats way better than what I wrote.

Thank you so much!


Your welcome :smiley:. Just make sure you THINK very hard… No, THOROUGHLY …when you do this. You don’t want to have a spirit, just like a human, find a loophole in the petition and exploit the shit out of it lol. You petitioned for greater connection to the spirit (or divine) then you find yourself losing sleep because the spirit wants to “talk” and he wakes you out of your sleep EVERY NIGHT! Why? You didn’t specify to not be woken up between the hours of 8 P.M.- 5 A.M. :wink:. Loopholes are a bitch lol



Regarding what you wrote:

{Simple Evocation methods }
You don’t always have to bring a spirit to physical appearance to get shit done. Often times we are busy or don’t have time to do it due to family and whatnot.
You can fire off a sigil and speak your desire to the spirit whether you think its there or not.
Write a letter to the spirit detailing your desire, questions, etc. Leave it alone for a few days, and watch the spirit do what you request.
(1)Evoke it through creative writing. Write a story in which you dialogue with the spirit and write down what you think he/she might say to you.
(2)Evoke the spirit into a cup of coffee. As you drink the coffee, the answers will come to you. Sometimes you will see shapes form in the drink as the spirit let’s you know it’s there.

(1) You mean: like an advanced version of the paper with a bunch of questions Eric was talking about? [In Evoking Eternity and in the presentation about Evokation]
So… That “you” are answering your questions?

(2) Please write down an example way for that :open_mouth:

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Exactly @Drachir.
(1) Essentially you create a fiction(short) story or poem where you actually invoke the spirit and channel it through your mind.
Example: Look up a post I did called “Torn {Infernal Diaries: Existential Questions }” for an example.

(2) When I say evoke a spirit into a (hot) cup of coffee, I mean to use the still surface as a Scrying mirror to use when in TGS (or at the very least, a light trance ). You would go into TGS, evoke the spirit, and use the steam as a manifestation base(type of incense ) for the spirit to appear in. Once the spirit is there, you might see its face, or see some sign in the cup that lets you know it’s there


One more tip, if you don’t mind. It works for me very good.
Before going to sleep, prepare all you need. Put down on the paper what you are going to do. Relax, and say to yourself that you are going to wake up at the best time for your work. Usually, an hour or two after, I wake up and have a great experience. If it doesn’t work for the first time, just be persistent.
Good luck :slight_smile:


Thank you for the tip @DavidSmith!

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I’m glad you like it!
Some of the best experiences I use to have by using this method. Many applications, be creative!

Good morning friends!theres some interesting insight here.if i may add to this mix.what works for me in this formula is cut your own blood(naturally from your own body!)put your blood on the sigil for the "said"spirit/demon what have you,in between the 2candles.colour of your choice &you have to deepen your relationship with these entities/energies.its up to you what you call them.then soon youll be doing telepathy with them in your MIND&you wont need all these ive said you have to use what works for you.thank you for allowing me to share.of course i realise with respect that not everything works for have to choose how you approach these beautiful beings& they will be in your life!what works for me may or may not work for you!thank you&INFERNAL HAILSZ!Raquel


Thanks for sharing @Raquel

I saw Satanists do something quite similar, they draw the sigil on a paper and keep it for a definite amount of time, usually 13 days. During that time, every night they meditate on the sigil right before going to sleep. They Also decrease there sleeping period and stops eating too much food. Abstaining from meat. This acts as a preparatory immersion I believe.

This has proven to be one of the best methods :wink:


Brilliant and appreciated.


Sozo Talat Hash

Hey Micah, any information what kind of mantra is that, where did you get it from, curious beast here :wink:

So I just get into trance by repeating it over and over again? What are the signs it would be enough? Funny question but still never done this. Many thanks!

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I’ve tried the cup of coffee and broke cell phone for scrying, but I find that demons seem to prefer to show up on aluminum foil. I’ve never gotten the other two surfaces to work for me.


Cool :star_struck:

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