What’s up guys and girls? This is an article detailing and giving tips from my experience on evoking spirits and sensing their presence. I’ve had a conversation with @Seven and she confirmed that I should write an article for the Newbies on this. So thanks Deborah! You the inspiration for this…
OK so on getting into TGS. What you want do is ZONE OUT. ALL THE WAY OUT! Like when you were sitting in class bored out your fucking mind and you started daydreaming. TGS is like that but with this stark difference:
You are hyper aware of your environment. Your head feels clear (and I literally mean “feels” clear). You hold in your mind everything in your immediate environment.
Allow me to explain…
When I get into Theta gamma sync, my mind is like, "OK I am aware of the fact that everything in my environment is in its place therefore I don’t have to concentrate on each individual item such as dresser,phone,dog,etc."
It’s just like in the mundane world. You are reading this right now and NOT focused on the items in your environment. Why? Because you know that they are IN PLACE and not going anywhere. That is what I mean when I say hyper aware of your environment.
Cool. So you are at peace with your environment and are holding the meditative state. It is at this point that your breathing will take on its own rhythm. It is at this point that you can start working on your chakra. This point is what EA calls “High Theta”.
Command yourself to enter the Rapture. You will suddenly drop in awareness and your focus will narrow to one thing only. This is the one pointedness of mind the yogis talk about. When will it happen? In the twinkling of an eye… The true meaning of the Christian Concept of The Rapture. At that moment you will have medium to EXTREME difficulty concentrating but you must push through the “clouds” to meet the entity in the Air (representative of your mind and your reality ).
As you near the crossroads you will start feeling sleepy. Ever tried to meditate for the first time and almost fell asleep in 20 minutes?
Well Congratulations! You were at the crossroads!
All the signs that beginners have of trouble meditating:
Can’t concentrate.
Can’t be still
Feeling sleepy
Falling asleep
Meditation not working
Is because they are going too deep, too fast.
They have already been through TGS and RAPTURE, and are about to evoke a spirit at the crossroads lol!
The yogi is simply trying to get them aware of the environment…TGS. That is where the peace is at.
“The first step is always where the peace is at”-Micah Joshua Richardson
But I digress. Push through the sleepiness into the crossroads And you will come into a stillness in the atmosphere. That stillness is the atmosphere empty, receptive, waiting for the spirit to be called forth into your reality (damn I’m starting to sound like EA). Call the spirit forth with whatever incantation suits you all.
You will notice…
Pay attention to your Manipura. In my experience, I normally have a very hollow feeling when a spirit is around in general (24/7). But when I call it forth, my Manipura will turn ROCK HARD. It let’s me know how much of the Spirit has solidified into my room. It kind of sits like a rock sits at the bottom of a hollow lake.
Pay attention to your Tactile senses:
You may feel a hand stroke you in a spot on your neck or anywhere for that matter. You will feel a warm spot and the same time a shift in the overall temperature of the room.
Pay attention to your hearing: you may hear crickets, thunder, etc. SOUNDS WILL BECOME SHARPER! So do this in a quiet environment if you can.
Well that is all. I hope you guys like this article. I’m going edit it later as I feel worn from just writing it lol. Feel like I channeled my inner EA Koetting and went through TGS and Rapture just to get this shit out.