Enns are sentences (in unknown, demonic language) of invitation, admiration or requests for protection for particular demons. Enns were channeled by various persons. For first time they appear in private grimoires of demonolator Alexander Willit in 16th century and since then they appear in practice of various demonolator families (and lately outside of them too). Traditional demonolators claim that the same enns (or similar) were channeled independently by two different person in different location and that they stay consistently the same. Although we have no dictionary of every world used in enns, no knowledge about its grammar (it does exist, hence language), we know some words and are aware roughly what some enns mean. For example Ganic Tasa Fubin Flereous could be translated as Fire protect the flame, Lord Flereous.
So these could also be used outside of ritual for calling there energy forth and even for channeling? Thats amazing, im glad i ran into this today. Could this also be used in invocation and evocation to call a spirit forth?
When calling a spirit by name or using an Enn, always assume that it has been called toward you, and its attention can be made to focus on you. Normally, when an entity crosses my mind, I acknowledge it with a nod, and a “thank you”.
Part of the equation is your Will of course. It is your will that ensures that the call made to the spirit works. You need to KNOW it works and feel it in your bones. The trick is to let go. Let go of all doubt and let your auric field be perturbed by those you summon.
The Enn, sigil, name, these are keys, but your will is the lock.
I have considered using Enns, but frankly I have never been able to wrap my head around saying something to an entity when I do not know what it is I am saying. Here are my musings so far: does the demonic language function like a human tongue? Do the Enns act as a translator/beacon of the user’s intent to the specific spirit, does it mean something specific, if so are there situations where using Enns are more appropriate than others?
Do any/all of these factors change for each individual? Any input would be appreciated.
I totally agree with you @Woodsman81 and share the same questionings about words whose meanings aren’t known. It could be something like “come and fuck with life” LOL
Many months after this consideration I still feel the same as I did when I made that original comment. I have no idea whatsoever what enns mean, so I just decided to make my own. Depending on the entity I may sometimes use different languages, as it can add an element of psychodrama that I find useful, but I still at least know what I am saying.
I read somewhere that enns are invocations, but other authors maintain that they harken back to the day where it was standard practice to goad and abuse spirits into service, and I do not prescribe to that approach. The ones I make seem to work just fine, and they are personalized, so honestly I feel they are more powerful in the context of my own personal practice.
I am of the school of thought that entities are separate beings, apart from us. I want to make absolutely certain I know what is being said to them, if for no other reason than respect.
Absolutely right in my opinion! We should know what we are saying for not risking to provoke their rage. Respect is always good in human or spiritual affairs.
I don’t suppose anyone is aware of an enn to summon Ladilok? Best I have is something along the lines of “Lady Ladiloc, attend this rite, fill me with your strength, don’t try and seduce me or play any games 'cos ain’t nobody got time for that”… I wonder why she has such apparent disdain for women? #MeToo and #TimesUp must be driving her mental. I must ask her what she thinks of all that if I do evoke her…
Ladilok is a spirit specific to the grimoire Kingdoms of Flames. She is not affiliated with demonolatry, which is the practice that originated the enns, so she does not have one.
However, since the providence of enns is that they were given by the demons themselves, you could always ask her for one in the demon tongue
I read someone else’s account of evoking her and from what I can tell she didn’t get the memo on the whole concept of “personal space”… Tell yas what… If I ever manage to evoke her I’ll ask for one… Apropos, anyone know of some sort of circle thing I can stand in (as in the personal space part) while evoking to keep anything evoked at a comfortable distance which doesn’t involve my own blood?
Just cast a circle and a triangle. If you set aside the triangle for her, especially the triangle specific to Kingdoms of Flame, that is where she will materialize and remain.