Forum Tutorials: Parasite Collection

This thread collects together the various discussions, opinions and tutorials for recognizing and addressing entities that are acting parasitically, whether by accident or by design.

I do hope this is useful. :slight_smile:
If you think of any other Parasite threads, videos, books or other resources (please, no adverts or commercial links) that you liked or helped you, please feel free to add to this collection!

Xag Darklight’s Parasite thread, symptoms of parasite attack, and many linked posts on how to remove and heal from parasitic energy drain.

Parasite’s 101 Thread: how to attack and remove parasites.

Excellent discussion re recognizing parasites while astral traveling.
Thread includes varying opinions on whether Succubi and Incubi are parasitic or not.

By extension, discussion on whether Lilith, as the entity petitioned for attainment of a Succubus/Incubus is a parasite, or an egregoric entity created by occultists mimicking her is the parasitic version.

Working example of how someone dealt with a sexually oriented parasite with more links and useful youtube videos:


I think this is a great idea and I’m sure it will be useful.


:raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands: you are spectacular thanks for creating this!!!


Wow, thank you, it seems I have some work. I’ve seen these on me before, they are very long and disgusting worm beings, they look like rotting intestines to me, they’re somehow a slimy rotting black, I didn’t know what those were before. I’ve pulled some from my sacral chakra on a few occasions, I didn’t know they had any sentience to them, there was no face, and I never managed to pull them all the way out no matter how long I’d pull, I would end up becoming overwhelmed with how long it takes, and how gross it was, and it would make me feel despair, so I would always end up cutting them with the intention of working on it more “later.” I had no idea it might be connected to health problems I’ve had in my lower organs, the weird skin problems that the doctors “never seen before.” The constant bad luck. Nightmares about moving into spooky dark house filled with hoards of garbage. I also have a recurring dream where I have to swim in parasite infested waters, and after the hospital would be filled with sick animals and no one would help me. These dreams have no light in them. They’re grey. It’s nice to know the problem so I can solve it. When I started reading I felt extreme panic in my heart and saw “maggot like beings” en masse in my mind’s eye. Thank you, friend.


Anti harassment Sigil to ward off attacks from unwanted entities by @DarkestKnight, which has been tested by many forum members and found to be both effective and beginner friendly.



Still using this to this day
Thnx again @Mulberry


Stumbled on this gem from @C.Kendall, to remove an entity attached in your field and bind it to a vessel for interrogation, future use or disposal/burying:


Ideas for deep parasite infestation.

Parasites, like ticks, can dig deep and get embedded within your energy bodies, making removal more of a process than a simple “pluck it off” affair. Here’s a conversation with experiences of heavier hitting protection work.


I’ve just been reminded of this basic parasite or unwanted energy clearing technique that I used to rid myself of depression:

I drew a picture of it that I still have somewhere. if I can find the notebook I’ll post it. It looked like man-sized snot with teeth. :joy:


Like a fat slimy maggot?

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Just wanted to throw this one in here with the other resources.


Yeah pretty much, and green and gooey and dripping. Just disgusting. I was not a little horrified that thing had been inside me.

Some parasites look black and spindly, some like goblins, some like fog, but that was the only one that really grossed me out.

The bit that got me, it’s if I hate simmering I get away from it, why hate me and stay so close, right inside me eating me? But I guess that’s all it knew, it was a manifestation of self hate so what else could it do?


Well, I’m glad you got it out of you. I love the stronger version of you. Mario fist jump


How to detect imposter spirits and other time wasting things

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Unofficial Tutorials: Spiritual Hygiene & Defense Collection

For entities that are out of place, orphaned, lost and just needing a home to go to:

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Quick write-up of my usual parasite kill routine, mainly from this thread
I made it up when I was being attacked and it worked. Try it and you’ll just figure it out it’s pretty natural and intuitive, in my opinion.

This pulls from techniques that could be thought of shamanic. You might like to read through some of the info in the Core Shamanism Tutorial, particularly the work with the Middle World for background. Note this comment here:

A well as light or lightning, you can visualise fire or plasma burning the unwanted presences to death. (They probably won’t ‘die’, they’ll decide it’s not worth it and go away.) Basically you tried playing Mr. Nice Guy, you asked them to leave and they wouldn’t, now you’ll get out the big guns.

For a good visual to inspire you, I posted on here before the fight scene form the bar in Queen of the Damned film, where Akasha burns all the vamps in the bar to dust (the last minute in this 4 min video clip). They sort of burn up from inside. Don’t think about it too hard just easily and firmly see it happening.

If you want a good book on dealing with all kinds of parasites, I like Josephine McCarthy’s Exorcist’s Handbook. You have to read between the like with the JCI bent but the information is very good.

That’s a good start, but intend the damage you want to see as well. For cages use metal, very thick, very heavy metal, even box them in in 12 inch thick titanium if you want - I use "transparent titanium as a concept borrowed from Star Trek :D). They can slip out but put it right back; you’re faster. Metal is a good tool all round as it does not conduct qi - meaning it blocks qi, and em energy.

This is how magickal fights work: you try something, they beat it and come at you again, you beat that and try something else… until you find out what lets you win. You don’t give up just because one punch didn’t do it. It had an effect right, so it did work, you just have to up the ante.

If you are depleted from it feeding on you, add pore breathing (search top right for how) so you’re pulling in new energy and not just using only your own.

PS, use music to help you focus for this long.

I invoked The Morrighan, and used Morrighan pagan folk music to become a god of battle and death. This lent me strength and joy in the battle.

This was a milestone working for me. In short, my best advice is, for a very tough parasite or army of parasites, “go big”.
Actually big, big - use a qigong concept where you expand yourself to be a mile high, or more, your head reached the clouds, the parasites arew tiny, and more to the point, easy to crush under your big feet. Your weapons are likewise huge, and there is no escape. You stomp over the whole gloibe literally stamping them out. There will be nothing left to come back.

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I had a parasite feeding on my anger toward my abusive step mother, but I didn’t know it was there until I decided to let go of the resentment, forgive her, and move on with my life, because the anger had become exhausting. A couple of days later that little turd was getting hungry so it came into my sleep to scare me. I woke in intense fear, I was bewildered and confused, and I could feel it pulling me back into sleep despite my pounding heart that would have otherwise made sleep impossible. My head was so foggy that it took me what felt like 5 minutes to remember the sword banishing. On calling the first name I saw the sword go into me immediately, not harming me but killing something inside me. I finished the banishing and then slept like a baby.

2 days later I had a mental image flash into my mind of something shaped like a log falling out of me. It was covered in black, sticky, smelly old blood. I felt the nastiness on and in me. It took a week of cleansing efforts to finally feel clean again. I cannot express how gross I had felt.

Since then, I feel light, free, calm, and serene. Not that I’m emotionally flatline or zen, but you’ve heard people say confessing sins and being forgiven was like a huge weight was lifted? Like that. I had had that little effer for so long that feeling its weight was normal, and a year later I still feel that almost floaty feeling of dropping a huge weight.

Sorry for being long winded. It was my first adverse experience since starting magick and it made a big impression on me. (Ritual source Magickal Protection by Damon Brand.)


Nice work!

Yes, this exactly, I have felt this lightness sa burden I didn’t know I was caring lifted. I’ve also had this from fasting once as the fasting cleansed some attachment I didn’t even know I had to work on. It’s very sudden and obvious.

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