I think that’s the right attitude. These things do nothing but lie, so you can safely assume that by telling you that, the opposite it true. or it wouldn’t have to try so hard or bother to talk to you at all.
I just updated the parasites thread with my go-to “kill it with fire” technique - two can play at that game but you can do it for real. But there are many other less upfront-and-personal techniques in that list as well.
As I said the other day, if he’s going to behave like a parasite, you can treat him like one.
So, once you have trapped it, (and I like to envision a sort of thick, transparent metal type stuff) then yeet that whole container with him in it into the sun. In the middle of the sun is a portal directly to the black hole in the center of the galaxy - nothing gets out of that intact. Send it into that and watch as it shrinks to nothing and a few farts of stardust get expelled from the poles of the black hole. It will not be able to reform in your personal universe. Other people can still talk to it, but it’s cut off from you. The immortal spirit doesn’t die, but it’s effectively lost all useful shells and doesn’t even know who it is any more.
Yes. The heirachy of the Universe is thus: The Operator, then everything else in existence - Azazel. You have to believe you’re better and nastier, and you are. It’s tough being human and none of us are here because we’re lightweight fluffy bunnies.