Cloaking works better when the attacker doesn’t know you’re there. This one knows you exist and can look past anything just by asking “where is she if I could see what the cloak?” This is where astral combat is very different than the physical, the physic aspect is a matter or wits and psychology more than brawn.
But to hide I use two main methods -
- set my intention that all things unwanted are commanded to “do not see me”, that their attention slides off me and they don’t register my presence.
- use “decoys” where I create several thoughtforms that look and feel like me, and set them about looking like they’re doing me things, one a say a grocery store, one is gardening, one is reading in the bath… and dial up their brightness while you bring ours in close to you and stay intentionally dim, and set alarms on them so I know if they get attacked, but they are then distractions that buy time to react or completely keep attention off the real me.
Me, I’d make an example of that one in particular and attack it, tap it and kill it. Call it a fortunate opportunity that’s it’s volunteering to take the fall.
They’ll all see that and it will make them more careful of you - “si vis pacem para bellum” - if you want peace, prepare for war, meaning, be able to enforce your boundaries so harshly nothing attacks you because you made that just a stupid thing to do.
I did happen to just update my “kill it with fire” concept by adding it to the parasites tutorials if you want to try that. But that thread has many techniques that also worked for people less aggressive than me. Raziel is mentioned there and get’s reports of being very helpful. I didn’t think this before as I assumed you’d already browsed it, but it has been updated.