So there’s several ideas in here, the first I’m hearing is that you would like some help troubleshooting your approach?
First of all, you’re not the only one. Many people take year to start manifesting and seeing the results of efforts. The only reason I didn’t was because I came to the occult on the back of 20 years of doing everything but magick and had developed energy working on myself and my psychic senses through qigong, shamanic journeying, druidry and lightwork. I still today advise that people work on themselves to gain these skills in order to have the best success in magick in the western occult traditions in a way that gets you clear feedback on your efforts.
So lost of people have posted here that it’s nor working for them, some give up and drift off, some like @DarkestKnight persevere and are rewarded by becoming amazing magickians. And 2 years is not very long for that to happen in for someone starting from scratch.
Other people do have success and when it works especially well post about that here too, have you see our thanking spirits thread? In here “demons” as you call them have been able to help many people and here is their first hand experience. As opposed the the complaints of yet another youtuber who failed at it and assumed that because they failed nobody can do it.
They only trick me and deceiving me … Demons do respond to my request by giving me cookie crumbs where they just play with my head, making me think they are actually help me, so they can keep me attach to them and around we go over and over.
Yes this is a huge issue and big trap for newbies… .We call those “parasites” or “impostors” and there are specific techniques to avoid them and get rid of them once they showed up. It’s a common problem and you have to learn how to make sure you get the entity you want, get the connetion you want, and get your ask out into the universe in a positive way.
Check out this thread to help with this:
and this one specifically on avoiding impostors:
That’s fine too, Angelic magick is a thing and there are people here who only work with Angels, including Allah, Kabbalah, the Shem angels, Jehovah and the like, or maybe Enochian magick. Check out the White Magick, Right Hand Path & Sephirothic Magick category. I consider that Christian prayer is also a form of magick. If it works for you, use it. Why not?
I would need a link to be able to address this fully. Taken out of context, it seems like a reasonable and true statement.
There IS a lot of larping (live action role playing: people who are creating fiction deliberately for fun) and just very dogmatic opinion based on hearsay not personal experience. You will find we always call out hearsay an dogma on here and encourage personal experience. Preaching dogmas is directly against the rules, which is why you won’t see any preachers on here trying to “save” you.
So you made 3 requests to Paimon and it didn’t work? My first question is how did you do this, what technique did you use and what was your energy and intent for the working? Also did you verify it was him? Is 2 years enough time for it to manifest?
Finally, I see a lot of doubt: you must know that doubt sabotages magick, kills it stone dead. It’ a form of fear and fear is an incredibly weakening force. If you can’t evoke without feeling like you need your god to tell Paimon what to do, then I suggest you want “Solomonic magick”, which orders the entity to work in the names of god, you might like to try the techniques of the Golden Dawn. (you can get the book on Amazon)
P.S. You’re allowed to say “shit” on here Own it, man!
I agree 100 percent. Read as much as you can but more importantly, don’t believe a word of it until you have tried it and developed your own worldview so that you know if and why you agree. Never just believe what you are told. Everything you read in the occult is basically opinion. All of it. So you will get a lot f opinions and most of them will diverge.
I’ll tell you a secret: there isn’t a single person or content provider, author or mage that I agree with 100 percent, not one. Nobody is right or wrong except for themselves. The ideal for me is, absorb it all, take what works for you, and don’t worry about the rest. No-one else can tell you what is true for you, you must find your own path.
This truism is the exact same philosophy found in all mystic religions and philosophies including Buddhism, Gnosticism, Hinduism. There is no Truth™, with a capital T, there cant be with the veil in place, there is only you and your own personal connection with the divine however you characterise that.