Need help


I think your intuition is right. They hide their nature, refuse a name and make grandiose promises, while you’re in a vulnerable state: these are red fags for parasites.

This is a well known chant. It’s a general summoning ritual opening chant. It doesn’t mean anything specific to these entities. They probably picked it out of your head if you already read it somewhere.

Banish and cleanse. Keep banishing and cleansing, with different method if needed, until it works.

I suspect, though I could be wrong, that this is hard as you may be undergoing shamanic illness. You will be sick until your magick learning lets you beat it. But you have to do it by yourself. When you win, and you will, make sure you know that for yourself as it’s part of the magick, then you will have a great knowledge of how to fight parasites and will be able to help others. This is a path that chooses you, not the other way around unfortunately.

You might like to read through some of the info in the Core Shamanism Tutorial, particularly the work with the Middle World for background. Note this comment here:

A well as light or lightning, you can visualise fire or plasma burning the unwanted presences to death. (They probably won’t ‘die’, they’ll decide it’s not worth it and go away.) Basically you tried playing Mr Nice Guy, you asked them to leave and they wouldn’t, now you’ll get out the big guns.

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