Am I talking to Lucifer and Anubis?

I have moved this post to it’s own thread, as the question is off topic, and as far as I know, the OP of that 5 year old post no longer at this forum to answer you. (You can click peoples avatars to see information on when they were last seen to gauge whether they are likely to see your post to them.)

Possibly. We have dozens of wives, daughters, gay lovers, you name it, and the rest of Lucifer and many other entities here. Some people claim to BE these entities.

These entities are omnipresent and can be seen at the same time by many people, it’s not impossible. However there exists a phenomenon called “impostors” and “parasites” that pretend to be the big names, and tell you what you want to hear in order to feed on your energy.

Learning to test them and tell the difference is an important basic skill for anyone starting out in the occult.

We have collected a few of the best threads and tutorials about dealing with these entities here, and there are more in the search…

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