how do I kill it myself?
Burn it with fire.
I just copied my way of doing this into the Parasites collection megathread that lists a bunch of useful parasite clearing ideas that all have worked for members on here.
Quick write-up of my usual parasite kill routine, mainly from this thread
I made it up when I was being attacked and it worked. Try it and you’ll just figure it out it’s pretty natural and intuitive, in my opinion.
This pulls from techniques that could be thought of shamanic. You might like to read through some of the info in the Core Shamanism Tutorial, particularly the work with the Middle World for background. Note this comment here:
A well as light or lightning, you can visualise fire or plasma burning the unwanted presences to death. (They probably won’t ‘die’, they’ll decide it’s not worth it and go away.) Basically you tried playing Mr. Nice Guy, you asked them to leave and they wouldn’t, now you’ll get out the big guns.
For a good visual to inspire you, I posted on here before the fight scene form the bar in Queen of the Damned film, where Akasha burns all the vamps in the bar to dust (the last minute in this 4 min video clip ). They sort of burn up from inside. Don’t think about it too hard just easily and firmly see it happening.
If you want a good book on dealing with all kinds of parasites, I like Josephine McCarthy’s Exorcist’s Handbook. You have to read between the like with the JCI bent but the information is very good.
That’s a good start, but intend the damage you want to see as well. For cages use metal, very thick, very heavy metal, even box them in in 12 inch thick titanium if you want - I use "transparent titanium as a concept borrowed fro…