Hi, I'm Alisha

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

This comes up a lot on this forum and among people opening up to spiritual experience generally.
You have maybe seem in your travels the idea that as we meditate we “shine” in the astral, and that attracts entities that think it looks yummy. Around these parts we call these parasites and impostors (or tricksters). Parasites deliberately feed off the attention and energy, often the energy of negative emotions, though some off love and sexual energy, and some on attention or just enjoy the entertainment.

In the western occult, it’s common to combat these with

  1. “having good spiritual hygiene”, meaning, study how to clear your self and space, set up wards and protections. You’ll see the terms banishing and cleansing a lot.
  2. recognising, repelling, removing or “killing” parasites and negative energies.

Here’s a start on some of the discussions on those…

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