GETTING STARTED GUIDE, Rules, Notables, Tutorials and References

Official Newsletters

These provide tutorials and tips for your magick, and you sometimes se these linked as responses to questions, the entre archive is here: Newsletter Archives - Become A Living God

Unofficial Forum Tutorials

To unabashedly plagiarize the intro to the original Unofficial Form Tutorials Directory:
Members on this forum have posted some STUNNING tutorials over many years, and this post is intended to contain a list of these.
Please feel free to add links to any tutorial posts you created, and ones you have bookmarked, as well. :+1:

Core Shamanism Tutorial

Unofficial Forum Tutorials Directory

This megathread is the original tutorials collection started in 2018: BROWSE THROUGH THIS TO SHOP FOR IDEAS…

URGENT! I need help now! Collection

Mantras, spirits and spells for emergency situations.

Spiritual Hygiene Basics

A lot of grimoires just assume you have protections in place and know how to check for unwanted spirits, how to banish them, and how to ward so they don’t come back… learn how to do these things before your first evocation for a smoother journey.

Book Recommendations Collection

Covers all currents, also refers to loved authors in the occult genre.

Dreamwork Collection

Discussions on interpreting and working with dreams.

Love and Sex Collection

Common questions that have had some great answers in the Love, Sex and Relationships category.

Parasite Collection

Got a freeloader sucking you dry? Discussions, opinions and tutorials for recognizing and addressing entities that are acting parasitically.

Money and Wealth Collection

Entities and spells that help with money issues from short term windfalls to long term wealth building.

Developing Astral / Psychic Senses Collection

Discussions, opinions and tutorials for opening the 3rd eye aka developing, building or attaining psychic senses aka astral travel, doing vision work developing clairsenses like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience or “clairs”.

Making Contact

How To Tutorials/Guides on Evocation, Invocation, Sigil work etc.