Okay i swore i wouldn’t post on love or lust rituals because mine are extremely potent look there are consequences to Love Magick but if your going to do it then follow these instructions below.
What you need.
- Two images of both individuals you want to bring together.
- A red candle.
- A huge image of the heartagram.
That’s the heartagram above …
Face the south and place a huge heartagram on the floor place the photos of each person on the left point, then the other on the right point, then place the red candle in the center.
Then light the red candle and visualize the flame go red and feel the energy of love flow through the flame of the candle, visualize the lines of the heartagram glow red, next look at both images and say their names over and over.
Close your eyes visualize your heart chakra inhale deeply and as you exhale push the love out of that chakra down your right arm and push it into the symbol and say
" ( Name of Both people ) You shall fall in love, by these powers presented, your hearts, your minds and your souls shall be linked, you shall dream about eachother, you shall love eachother by the will of the goddess’s come together ".
Then visualize both people coming together and push that desire and your will into the heartagram, scry into it and see it come alive and say
" In Astarte’s name and power may you be linked ( Name of both of them ) ".
Repeat that X9.
Then visualize the red candle create a beacon of red light into the universe and say
" You are now one Alash Tad Alash Talashtu, In love you are ".
Then visualize both of them together inhale and as you exhale push that desire into the beacon and let the candle burn until its burnt all the way down.
It’s that easy, but you have been warned.
Conner Kendall.