@Ancestor thank you for the detailed explanation. I appreciate it.
This is the ritual that I had been contemplating and planning to do this Friday. No the ritual as it is written doesn’t mention a specific moon phase. But in general if the day of the Venus matter so does the hour of Venus . I thought moon phase could help too.
Now I don’t know [quote=“Ancestor, post:14, topic:86886”]
If the moon is currently squaring your saturn natally by transit, are you going to be able to focus for example?
Now I don’t know where my Jupiter is currently in my natal. As I said just wanted to make the most as humanely possible for the ritual.
Let’s say I want all of the above. Is one ritual not sufficient ?
The idea is to give all my energy, to one ritual in a favourable period until I have nothing left to give and feel complete and a sense of peace.
Any guidance ?