What order should I do things in?

That was quite the read ^^
It’s hard to know what went wrong or if anything went wrong at all.
Gathering from your reaction, it might have either worked on you at least. Since this obsessive behavior seems out of character. Or you might have been to invested in the outcome after the spells and maybe hexed yourself by accident in the process but the spells themselves didn’t fully manifest.

I have no frame of reference for the following, but if the spell worked… I can imagine a love spell takes effect and you’re incarcerated it can have weird ways of manifesting. Depending on his psychology I can imagine somewhere inbetween the outcomes of totally obsessing over you and getting clingy or driving you away, because the situation doesn’t let him act on his feelings. And sometimes a spell would work beautifully, but only temporary and the love just seems to go sour, regardless. (Is what I’ve gathered from witches much more experienced than me)
I can’t think of any other ways to check if the spells actually worked on him other than divination or if you asked for help from a spirit for these spells to connect and ask them for signs or to just tell you (depending on how deep of a connection you are able to establish).

It might be an idea to do some sort of a cord cutting or other kind of releasing spell or ritual to dissolve the bond between you two and do some shadow work to try and get to the bottom of what happened to you in this case. Just be rid of him and the entire situation and just take whatever lessons you can learn from this. That might be a way to regain your control, get your power back and shadow work, however painful and difficult, usually makes me more powerful one way or another in the long run. It might do the same for you.

If that is not an option for you. There are some powerful love/ attraction rituals on this forum.
I’d start with a break-up spell/ rite on him and his current love interest. If not only to see what works for you. In the case of getting back at him with a love spell, I’d strongly suggest to have a good and solid break-up spell that you know for sure works for you in your backpocket. Just in case you need to end things between you and him on your terms.

So search around on this forum if you need any ideas, I will also give you some unasked recommendations. Do with those however you please ^^

I usually use my black mirror and an athame in deep trance state to cut bonds (doesn’t matter if the bond is love or something more baneful). If interested I can write down in more detail how I usually go about it. But I’m not sure how to utalize that between two other persons.
I’ve also used my black mirror to establish a connection as a love spell. Those results were a bit mixed though, still working on that.

This is a good break up rite though

Otherwise, you can search for “vinegar jar” on this forum to give you some break-up options to choose from

Then there are wo love spells that have worked for me…

For me this was very powerful. I used it as part of an operation to get rid of two collegues who annoyed me, the two have quit their job and are still together and going strong a few months later from what I gather.

And this one is a little more witchy and a little less ritualistic. I used it as an experiment, but also took effect pretty fast and strong. It took doing the spell a few times before it had a full effect, but It took some amount of work to get myself and the other out of that state afterwards.
Note that you might have to read through a good amount of the replies, due to the OP not being an English native speaker. The spell is solid, however. It worked quite well for me.

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