Powerful Love Ritual

Your spell seems good and what I’ve been looking for, I really like the imagery but leaving it burn in top of the paper in the ground? That may potentially burn the paper and well, something else.


Hello , what are the consequences that you talk about. What can happen in the WORST possible scenario with this spell. Lastly, is there any way that you can cancel it ?
(btw when you say “a huge image of the heartagram” can you please define how big is “huge”? does the size of the image play a big role?)


Worst case scenario the person becomes obsessed with you and when you leave them they committed suicide.

The image has to big enough for two pictures and the candle.


That i am not entirely sure of as i have said before Love Magick is unpredictable.


Yes i don’t see why not.

So how can someone cancel it if things turn bad?

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I’ll be making a break up rite soon.


Here you go guys.


It goes without saying that unless you know what you are doing that you just leave it alone.

This is done because you want love, you want a relationship with the person ie you are happy to support them if they become injured or ill and unable to work or lose their job; if they gain a few pounds or lose their hair or break the law and grow old and less attractive.

If you want a FB or one night stand then be honest about that and don’t bait and switch on someone - that will backfire. Find another ritual and an appropriate other, not someone who is interested in a committed relationship - they are a human being not a fleshlight or vibrator to throw in the bin once worn out or the batteries have gone dead.

I am not moralising here simply saying don’t use this ritual for a one night stand or short term fling - choose something else.

Also know yourself and don’t rush into a relationship simply to avoid being alone.


How long did it take to see results with this spell? I really want to do it my self but nervous and don’t want to ask anyone to do it for me because I’m not sure if it’s against the rules ?


If it took some a certain amount of time that doesn’t mean it will be the same with you, just follow all the instructions, push all you power, desire and 100% belief then you’ll have success.


I also agree some individuals confuse Love Rites, with Attraction Rites Theres a huge difference.


I can’t print a big sigil is it ok if I draw one

Would that be ok?




Could you update on how the spell went and the results of it?

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Yeah I will keep everyone updated on my progress after I do the spell.


Which will of course lessen its effect and will cause you to obsess because of constant discussion and looking for signs or progress…

Keep quiet until it has worked. You are not the guinea pig for someone else to watch - they have to try rituals for themselves; your energy is yours, theirs is theirs - what will work for you may not do the same for them.

You can only truly measure a ritual’s effectiveness by working it yourself.


Your right. Thank you for your advice and I’m gonna try and forget about Me even doing the spell so it can work better


Hey I did the spell yesterday and let the candle burn thinking it would burn out by now. However I get home and the candle is still burning but there’s barely any of the candle left should I blow it out or let it stop on it’s own?


You do not leave a candle burning alone unless you want the siren’s call of the fire brigade.

No you do not blow out candles - pinch out or clap hard just above or let burn out now you are there.

Do not leave a candle unattended again.