Ideas for a love ritual:
A simple list of 5 workings with clear instructions, including the classic Hoodoo Honey Jar spell, these are for when you have a person in mind. If it be their will…
And when you don’t have a person in mind, you just want to attract the right person to you?
Try a salt bath:
I like the salt bath, but being a mage that works with entities, there’s also a list of entities that you can petition or use sigil magick for to ask them to help you:
- Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of love, pleasure and procreation
- Venus, Roman Goddess of love, fertility, prosperity
Some good preparatory immersion type info on Aphrodite and Venus as a Goddess and a planet here from occult author Christopher Penczak.
Goetic entities (Info from Corwin Hargrove’s Goetia Pathworking):
- Amon, can stimulate romantic feelings
- Zepar, can help you attract love, and also influence someone you know to become romantically passionate
- Sallos, can create passionate love from affection or mere attraction
- Foras, can fascinate the jaded, to reattract a former love to be intrigued by you
- Dantalion, attracting opportunities for new love
From the Book of Azazel by E.A. Koetting:
- Fro’ghla’tash (search for him here) can fulfil intimate and emotional needs, calling into your life a love that can become a spouse or lover, from people you know or strangers from great distances.