Rise and fall of your fellow magician

i do remember you sir. I wasn’t really around when you were, but ive read your success story in the past, and enshrined it here with many others. I agree with your assessment that this is not the spirits trying to test magicians. That sounds like a crock of shit to me. Theres a chance that this black magician aunt had a role to play, given how immediately cold she turned against you. i think you need to expand outside of the entities you work with now and turn to ones more specialized in matters of love. Gremory comes to mind. You can find his sigil on google, and you’d evoke him the same way you’d evoke paimon or bune. I’m even willing to do some magick myself on your behalf if you’ll return the favor for me (ive got some money matters i could use help with). You may need multiple people working on your side to overcome the energy working against you. But the entities you are working with now dont really help with love matters. Paimon notoriously doesnt like dealing with love matters from what ive read. But yeah, happy to see ya back…of coarse, not under these circumstances

Also, check this post out made recently by @C.Kendall You may find it useful for getting her back

Powerful Love Ritual