Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Welcome @88DARK_STAR33 Please tell us about yourself.

Where are you from?

How long have you been practicing?

Do you have experience in any specific system or traditions outside of Vedic sorcery?

The united states, and yes tantric ceremonial Magick,dragon working Magick,I know have some background is sacred geometry and it’s application also I’ve been actively practicing for about 5 years now I spend most my day in my particular study what are some of your areas of knowledge?

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience.

I’ve been a practicing ceremonial magician for almost thirty years now, with a background in Hermetics, Enochian, Golden Dawn, and the Chaos Magick paradigm. For the last ten years or so, I’ve been mostly working with the evocation system of EA Koetting.


Has this system been fruitful for you?

Hello, and my apologies for getting things wrong and not following the correct procedure, I will try my best to remedy it. I am Joan, I am not a youngster (62) and I live in Ireland, I am a practicing witch for around 25 years mainly helping people solve their problems, have always worked mainly with Angels and spirits in the realm of “white magic”. As a child I always saw and spoke to entities and knew when things would happen, but growing up in a very religious home I was not allowed to speak of it. As a teenager I dabbled in divination and also astral travel but due to certain circumstances I stopped when I married my first husband, an abusive drunk and wife beater, 7 years into this marriage I noticed that during the day I always had 2 spirits walking with me one on either side of me a half a step behind me, almost like bodyguards, It was then when I realised they are giving me the guidance to get out of the situation I was in and they helped me get out of the marriage and start a new life. I still did not listen properly but started gravitating towards meditation, crystals, herbalism and eventually back to divination. Then I eventually started practicing as a witch a healer and a diviner.
I have on the odd occasion worked with some Sigil magick but mostly for healing and protection. I am here now because I want to learn more about the lefthand path as I now know sometimes justice must be done by us. I want to work with others and learn I would also love to help and impart information as much as I can.

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Hey there,
My name is Amir, I’m 15 years old from Iran. I dont really have a magick name so you can call me by my real name.

I found out about Demonolatry and magick because of a girl i love,
she led me to where i am now although she doesn’t know a single thing about magick or any other topic related to this.

none of my ancestors or family members are into these kinds of stuff, so im kinda alone here lol.

I don’t really know different kinds of magick so i can say im ok with any type.

My current ambition is to do a love spell on the girl i mentioned before(attraction or more likely obsession) because long story short, she did me wrong but im obsessed and cant let go and im tryna fix things up so yeah.(wish me luck :grin:)

I don’t like calling it a struggle because if you truly believe in what you are doing, you’ll achieve it but if there’s any struggle, its about the Love Spell im tryna do.(which i found a great one from Conner Kendall im gonna link it)

I’m also into Demonolatry and communicating with Demons such as Azazel, Rosier, …

oh and one last thing, im also trying to learn about reading and divination, Opening My third eye and other chakras, and getting a companion once i reach the required knowledge about spiritual stuff and everything.

Thanks for having me here, and i love your website tbh (I’m also studying and learning about web development and know Html/Css)

After a minute on this site, I knew I have found a place where there are those like me.
Many years ago i bought the “Satanic Bible” by Aleister Crawley I think; I was searching for a path; a brotherhood, i was reading books on wicca, warlocks, almost everything i can get my hands on freely. It’s been years now and the stress of job and family got in the way of me growing spiritually. I am still a newbie but with this forum I think i can learn and grow. I am interested in the Left hand path, chaos magic and the like. There is so much to read but I will go thru it; i am eager to learn, eager to change my environment physically and spiritually, I want to change and control my environment.
Glad to be here and so inspired by someone who just joined as well "Murdered_Sun - I read your intro, that could have very well been mine.

Welcome @blackscorpion999

Where are you from?

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If you do, what, exactly, do you practice, and how long have you practiced?

If you don’t have any experience, what areas of magick are you most interested in learning?

Welcome @AmirLuciii

Do you have any practical experience in magick?

If so, how long have you been practicing?

Thank you for doing an introduction as requested @PissedOff

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions of magick, or do you mainly work intuitively?

I am from The Bahamas- a few practise Voodoo here - I have not truly practised any - one time I chanted to the Haitian Goddess Damballa while focusing on a major raffle here in town and got 2nd prize. I am interested in the Left hand path - i dont know specifically what but I’m about to read up on Asmodeus “devil of sensuality and luxury” since those things are always on my mind. I am open to suggestions; i am still going thru the forum reading when i can.

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and, again, welcome to the BALG forum.

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Mainly on intuition or what I receive from the spirits or entities I speak to

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Thank you for the welcome and again my apologies for my bad start

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No worries :slight_smile:

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Well, here’s my intro. I don’t really have a magick name yet, and I’ve been practicing for about 4 years. Although the results have been…very poor honestly. I started with Wiccan magick and that wasn’t getting me anywhere at all, but Chaos Magick seemed more my style. So I switched over and gotten some actual results. But my experiences haven’t been much. Some astral projection, a lot of lucid dreams lately, and I screwed up my summoning ritual. I want to practice onmyodo and evocation, but part of me is kinda scared I’ll probably screw something up and something blows up. But I’m working on it. Anyways that’s me, ask me any question you want

I started with the Satanic Bible, too

Yes i do, I have done a spell and a hex so far, the spell was a cord cutting one(i meant to do a Love Spell with lord Rosier but it seems i did the wrapping part wrong and did a cord cutting instead)

and the hex was a brake up hex which i did to my crush and her bf.

I also tried doing a honey jar but someone whos an expert told me that i gotta be a Hoodoo,or hvae one to do it for me otherwise I can’t do that because its closed atm.

it hasn’t been a long time, like i said im new to, but im planning on doing a lot in witchcraft and magick.

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Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and again, welcome to the BALG forum.

You were told incorrectly. Many people have had success with such jars even if they don’t practice Hoodoo.

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Hi all, been lurking this forum for a while and finally decided to join after months.

I’m from the Baltics and I’ve always been close to spiritual practices and mysticism since childhood, but only 2.5 years ago I started seriously practising, mainly ceremonial magick plus some stuff that intuitively feels right for me. Recently I gained interest in communicating with spirits, and as angels seemed so distant to me in the beginning and as I wanted to expand my praxis, I turned to demons and that is how I’m dabbling in LHP now.

I can’t pinpoint with what exactly I am struggling, as I feel that my praxis, mindset and knowledge has shifted so much thanks to the massive amount of information on this forum and recent workings with demons/angels, and I know that I’m just at the beginning of everything - right now I am just concentrating on developing my psychic skills and inner alchemy work (with material manifestations on the side ofc :wink: )