Can I Fix This?

I’ve been thinking about what to do about this when I remembered this forum and decided to hear the word of people who’ve been around this kind of stuff way longer than I have and all that. There’s this girl I know, and by “know” I mean I know she exists and she knows I exist, a part which I now sorely regret. From what people I know tell me, I scared the shit out of her when I first told her I liked her in the middle of the dark forest at like 10 in the night when I had never even talked to her up until that point, not even a simple ‘Hello’ or whatever. From an outsider’s perspective, it would look like I was ready to kidnap her or some shit, because that’s what I’m told she thought was about to happen, so I guess now she knows me as the creepy motherfucker you shouldn’t turn your back to. Of course I wasn’t gonna do any of that shit I was just acting like a socially inept retard. Anyway, I did this Powerful Love Ritual about a month after. It failed, and that’s simply because I had no idea what I was doing. What I’m wondering now is if I can do something to make things right or if I should go fuck myself. If I can fix it, let me know how and if I can’t let me know why.

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There are alot of demons in the ars goetia which will help you get friends back, in general: Make foes become friends. This also applies to any type of relationship that needs repairing. If someone has a bad view of you, those demons will help u remedy that.

Apart from that… do shadow work. And maybe dont approach women at night time in dark forests, let alone say something without even saying hello LOL. No judgement, just saying xD.


Well you nailed that one on the head… I should also add practice “thinking like a normal person.” Often times some witches get so deep into their “witchiness” that acting out of the Norm becomes the new Normal, and they stick out like a sore thumb to everyone else.

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With enough discipline, there is not a thing the black magician cannot bring into his reality as he wishes

From the goetia, to Azazel’s Nethers to elementals to angels etc… Plenty of entities can aid you in bringing your reality to manifestation

The number one magick that defeat all other form of magick is Confidence. How you fair in that department? Of course you and only you knows that, if need a boost, then seek from some external beings can prove to be worthy of your time