
Hi I know this might be a little out of topic but I’m desperate and I want to know if there is a succesful way to spy on whatsapp. Also how can I make my boyfriend go madly in love with me? He has been seeing other people

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@srcr lol if you find out how to do the whatsapp spying please pm me

Madly in love there are some who say using your menstrual blood in meals you serve to him is a sure and easy way. There are some other spells that require his semen, I have come across some of them on this site too. Just do a little wondering around :slight_smile:

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I have been in a relationship for a year now. But I want us to at least live together and I want him to commit. I want him to fall madly in love with me that he cant see other women or men. How can I do this? I’m not so good with demos so I’d like to try any other way

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Beleth can help, so could Sallos would be my guess.

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Hi @srcr, I merged both of your threads, as they both asked the same question and were duplicate posts.