Purple’$ Big Money Thread Part $2.00 (Make Money, Fuck Bitches)

I normally use Rosemary or pine incense with money magic.
Making Money With Youtube! - #2 by Blackstarre

People use so much energy on writing applications. You could use that energy to think about what to do for yourself. What you love - make it your job.
Set - #4 by Epsilon


Advertising with banners and blogs does help, but the best clients always come from word of mouth.
“Well I started out doing tons of freebies both readings and work for people and established a reputation within a few occult communities.
Forums that allow signatures and links are great to help spread the word and there really is no need to push yourself or your services on others. Thise that need to come will come.
Your own website will be a must within the next few years as marketplaces like Etsy and Ebay are cracking down due to the number of scammers.
Keep it small and simple to begin with and be the one to dictate the growth of your business so you do not get overwhelmed.
Network, talk and work with other sellers and they will actually refer you to clients if they may not be a good match for the client, too busy or just do not offer what they may be looking for. On that same note be cautious of who you associate with, you can be the most honest and ethical seller in the world but if you get lumped in with some bad apples your name will be mud.
Play it safe, do not offer anything you are not highly profficient in unless you offer it as a free service. One bad review will get more word of mouth than 100 good ones.
Don’t give away what you can sell, I see a lot of new people keep giving their work out for free periodically and complain that sales are slow. Why buy when I can wait a week or two for the next batch of free services? There’s nothing wrong with the occasional giveaway but do not go overboard.
You should be doing plenty of magic to draw in clients and sales. Whatever spirkts you work with to help clients should be helping you. If they can’t manifest for you what are they gonna do for others?
Be what you advertise. There’s a saying “A poor magician is a poor magician”, while that is up for debate you should be able to represent yourself as being capable of providing for yourself what you are offering to others. Would you go to a dentist who had a smile like a Jack-o-lantern? Would you hire someone to manifest wealth in your life when they are living off the government? Would you ask someone who’s been divorced 5 times for relationship advice? A guy claiming to be able to do incredible things should be living a pretty incredible life, put up or shut up.”
Making Money With Magic ( How To Sell Magic Services ) - #4 by TheWanderingFool

Burn Ginkgo Biloba twice a day : it also will make you famous !
Trying to manifest a bit of money in days - #3 by sylvie

I don’t know whether this helps you or not, but last week I was getting to know Ophiel and he told me that Mercury is the guardian of Jupiter. The forces of Jupiter have to be apportioned, directed, and channeled quickly to a specific, discrete location and time. If you didn’t have that safety mechanism, everything would just swell forever into a great big mess. So you might want to try experimenting with a setup where you’re channeling Jupiter through Mercury for a specific task or goal.
Abundance Sigil - #16 by anon31277086
"TWF and I were just talking about this very thing today over Facebook. The uses of Jupiter and Mercury combined. The expansion and the channel through which it flows. (And Mars combined to provide extra force…have to be careful with that one though.)"


"Mercury is also the patron of gamblers, and not just thieves (and as i see it, all business / money stuff is “gambling” to a degree. ie, the risk / investment of some, to produce more).

and i wrote about this a little in my book Saturn Rising, but i feel that the hour is more important than the day. also, that the hours are male (in that they come / go faster or more “aggressively”, nesting within a given day which “nurtures” the hours.

to that end, we can sexualise or “genderise” the hours / days such, that the hour is the projective masculine side, and the day is the feminine, receptive side of the push / pull nature of magic in general. this is just my theory, and i have yet to experiment fully on it, but just like when the big hand and the little hand on a clock is pointing at “3”, we don’t say that the time is “three in three”, but rather that it is a “quarter past three”. similarly, we shouldn’t say that the planetary time is “saturn in saturn”, for example… although i don’t have a solution for what it should be called. i’m just trying to draw attention to the fact that something may be a little off, somewhere.

at the end of the day (and please excuse the pun), i think the hour of jupiter would be better for its projective, male qualities, and the day of, say… mercury or even saturn as the female, receptive and nurturing aspect. the energies sent forth will have the qualities of the hour employed, and the energies which return and which fill that energetic vacuum will be more heavily influenced by the day. saturn restricts, and in this case, it returns an energy signature that’s “restricted” to only those energies sent forth - those being of jupiter.

and as an aside, anyone willing to experiment with my idea of the hours being male and the days being female, with the hour being projected and the day being returned, should contact me as i’m desperately trying to conduct research into this for my next book (which is in production). anyone who helps will be credited in the dedication, and if you seriously help with the research from start to finish, you’ll get a copy for half price:)"



With bespoke new money spell Ive just made - homemade three day or so green jar candle.
Patchouli - Cinnamon Frankincense and Sandalwood candle dress.
Just petitionned Nina Blanca (santisima muerte)

As for magical intent, you want to induce a fixation. In all the magical lore, the badass magicians are able to induce a fixation of their choosing. To the point where they can’t get your script out of their heads.
If you know a demon that embodies that intent, then use it. If not, make something up.
What demon should I call on to sell? - #2 by The_Cusp
“There is nothing wrong with doing work. However it is all about in HOW ONE RECEIVES. There is a natural logical sequence to that. When you decide how you want to Receive… This changes things where you Reframe the Concept of what work actually is… All in all , this can be useful as it opens up doors you didnt know existed which brings fresh and new inspirational ideas if you open the right door. Remember work… And hence Magick first and Foremost is concieved in the Spirit of Mind. Thus, being a big thinker in itself can be a big job. Thinking is the first conception of Strategick Magick. If you do it right, you can get rid of allot of heavy lifting, whereas your magick goes more into the realm of “Program Designing,” to organize things, while then energizing it later for numerous forces to do the heavy lifting (magickal operations) for you.”

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I forgot to link this.

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My advice: Focus on money, personal transformation and influence magick.
Debt and Credit Score Magick - #2 by Rahnoren

Also associated with Freya who is in turn associated with gold.

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Read the entire thread.

Money and job-seeking magic is a perfect example of “show action as well as desire.” You’re not likely to get a job if you don’t show you want the job, no matter how many spirits are on your side.
Advice needed - #5 by SabahSnoblod

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Work for what you want.Magick black Magick respectively will help you.Make up your own 'get rich quick’ritual &youll have it.you do need to work in life though as well&rely on yourself to achieve this then you wont be subordinate,subservient or dependent on anyone else.if youre a man don’t look for females to financially support you.you can do it.burn lots of black candles in glass.for money start with a green candle dress it in virgin olive oil &put clove spice all over it.use a demonic sigil you can relate to & you may use your own blood as an offering or incense.Good luck!thank you for allowing my guidance.Raquel
Get ritch quick - #11 by Raquel

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So much awesomeness :heart_eyes:

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This thread is pure info dump so people don’t have to scroll every thread in this section.