Success with Bardon's breathing exercises

So, I came across Franz Bardon’s breathing exercises in his book, “Initiation Into Hermetics”. He discusses a method of attaining whatever you want, but he recommends that you start carnal so that you can see the results of the exercise.

I chose prosperity, and I work at McDonald’s, and everyday I work in back cash, and so I always visualize me putting a lot of coins into my hands as tips.

So, every day since Monday last week (not including the weekend because I don’t work) I’ve gotten around ten dollars a day in tips, whereas usually, I’m lucky to make ten dollars a week. I have $70 in my wallet right now in $20’s and $10’s. And, it adds up very fast. And today was extra awesome, because instead of spending 8 hrs in back cash, I was out after 3 1/2 hours, and I still made my ten dollars in tips.

I AM prosperous. I AM the creative force in my universe. I AM supreme power.

Here is the exercise:

Chapter One, Physical

All we need for our life, and what preserves our life, to wit, breathing and food, is tetrapolar, four elements plus a fifth, the vital element or akasha principle, as we have said in the theoretical part about the elements. But the air we are breathing has a finer degree of density than the grossly material food has. But according to the universal laws, both of them have the same nature, being tetrapolar and serving to keep the body alive. Let us therefore return to breathing.

If we put a thought, an idea or an image, no matter whether it’s concrete or abstract, in the air to be inhaled, it will take in the akashha principle of the air concerned and convey it through the electric and magnetic fluids to the air substance. This impregnated air will play a double role when it is conveyed to the lungs through the blood vessels. In the first place, the material parts of the elements are destined to preserve the body; secondly, the electromagnetic fluid, charged with the idea or the image, will lead the electromagnetic air colored with the idea from the bloodstream through the astral matrix to the astral body, and from there to the immortal spirit through the reflective mental matrix.

And this is the solution of the secret of breathing from the magic point of view. Consequently it is quite evident that it is not the quantity of inhaled air that matters, but the quality respecting the idea impregnating the air substance.

Sit down comfortably, relax the whole body, and breathe in through the nose. Imagine that with the inhaled air, health, tranquility, peace, success, or everything you are aiming at, will pass into your body through the lungs and the blood. The eidetic image of your idea must be so intense that the air you are inspiring is so strongly impregnated with your desire that it has already become reality. You should not allow the slightest doubt about this fact. To avoid weakening, it will be enough to start with seven inhalations in the morning as well as at night. Increase the number of breaths gradually to one more in the morning and at night. Do not hurry or exaggerate, for everything needs time. In any case, you should not proceed to the imagination of another different desire before the first chosen one has been completely accomplished. In a pupil endowed with talents of a high order, success will manifest itself, at the earliest, after seven days, all depending on the degree of imagination and aptitude. Some one else will need weeks, even moths for the realization of his desires because the kind of desires will also play an important role. It is therefore desirable not to form egotistic wishes to begin with, but to confine them to the above-mentioned ones such as tranquility, health, peace and success. Do not extend breathing exercises to more than one-half hour. Later on, a standard ten minutes will do for you.

[quote=“ashtkerr, post:1, topic:8935”]So, I came across Franz Bardon’s breathing exercises in his book, “Initiation Into Hermetics”. He discusses a method of attaining whatever you want, but he recommends that you start carnal so that you can see the results of the exercise.

I chose prosperity, and I work at McDonald’s, and everyday I work in back cash, and so I always visualize me putting a lot of coins into my hands as tips.

So, every day since Monday last week (not including the weekend because I don’t work) I’ve gotten around ten dollars a day in tips, whereas usually, I’m lucky to make ten dollars a week. I have $70 in my wallet right now in $20’s and $10’s. And, it adds up very fast. And today was extra awesome, because instead of spending 8 hrs in back cash, I was out after 3 1/2 hours, and I still made my ten dollars in tips.

I AM prosperous. I AM the creative force in my universe. I AM supreme power.

Here is the exercise:

Chapter One, Physical

All we need for our life, and what preserves our life, to wit, breathing and food, is tetrapolar, four elements plus a fifth, the vital element or akasha principle, as we have said in the theoretical part about the elements. But the air we are breathing has a finer degree of density than the grossly material food has. But according to the universal laws, both of them have the same nature, being tetrapolar and serving to keep the body alive. Let us therefore return to breathing.

If we put a thought, an idea or an image, no matter whether it’s concrete or abstract, in the air to be inhaled, it will take in the akashha principle of the air concerned and convey it through the electric and magnetic fluids to the air substance. This impregnated air will play a double role when it is conveyed to the lungs through the blood vessels. In the first place, the material parts of the elements are destined to preserve the body; secondly, the electromagnetic fluid, charged with the idea or the image, will lead the electromagnetic air colored with the idea from the bloodstream through the astral matrix to the astral body, and from there to the immortal spirit through the reflective mental matrix.

And this is the solution of the secret of breathing from the magic point of view. Consequently it is quite evident that it is not the quantity of inhaled air that matters, but the quality respecting the idea impregnating the air substance.

Sit down comfortably, relax the whole body, and breathe in through the nose. Imagine that with the inhaled air, health, tranquility, peace, success, or everything you are aiming at, will pass into your body through the lungs and the blood. The eidetic image of your idea must be so intense that the air you are inspiring is so strongly impregnated with your desire that it has already become reality. You should not allow the slightest doubt about this fact. To avoid weakening, it will be enough to start with seven inhalations in the morning as well as at night. Increase the number of breaths gradually to one more in the morning and at night. Do not hurry or exaggerate, for everything needs time. In any case, you should not proceed to the imagination of another different desire before the first chosen one has been completely accomplished. In a pupil endowed with talents of a high order, success will manifest itself, at the earliest, after seven days, all depending on the degree of imagination and aptitude. Some one else will need weeks, even moths for the realization of his desires because the kind of desires will also play an important role. It is therefore desirable not to form egotistic wishes to begin with, but to confine them to the above-mentioned ones such as tranquility, health, peace and success. Do not extend breathing exercises to more than one-half hour. Later on, a standard ten minutes will do for you.


That’s great! Bardon’s breathing exercises are very powerful, especially once you get to the pore breathing aspects and can feel it filling you up each time. Just be careful not to overload your nervous system from too many breaths from elements once you get into that part and the banish when you’re done after a bit \m/

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