Is this your project? I can totally respect that if it is, and wish you every possible success!
I don’t know if you’re a reader, but books like Think And Grow Rich, The Science Of Getting Rich and The Magic Story all come from the dawn of New Thought and are powerfully supportive of the idea that you choose a project, plug away at whatever you’re doing in the meantime with the right mental attitude that they describe, and good things WILL happen.
Those books are all well out of copyright btw, so full versions are free at those links - another good one is The Science Of Being Great which everyone, IMO, should read if they want to truly understand power whilst dealing with their life as it is right now.
I’ve had enough proof of this stuff myself to want to pass it along, and you might be light years ahead of me already on this (in which case sorry if I’m covering old ground) but I wanted to share stuff that I love and make sure you know about it too, because you’ve evidently worked on this and are focused and committed.
Good luck!