Does anyone know this love spell?

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Here is a bunch of getting started with magick stuff in case that helps :slight_smile:

I don’t know that spell, it looks like a combination of Kabbalistic and folk/sympathetic magick. If I had to guess it works through a combo of the “amulets”, which I read to mean Seals, and the symbolism.

Red roses = love
White rabbits = fertility and purity (lots of healthy kids please) I would substitute a herb that’s easier to get, like Cornflower, as that’s in keeping with the style of spell.
Alyssum = protective herb
Gypsophillia (aka Baby’s breath) = love (associated w Venus and used as a bridal bouquet flower)
Hebrew amulets = Seals, doesn’t say which ones and there are lots: might be Pentacles of Venus? :thinking:
Photographs = sympathetic links to the targets of the magic

The important part they don’t tell you here: while you do this all the time your full intent and attention is on the outcome you want to see. Feel as if it’s already happened and be grateful for it, thank the spirits of the seals for their help.

This is the actual magick part the rest is all theatrical props to get you into the right headspace.

Well, the magick started the moment you decided to do the ritual, but if you intend it not to start until this point you can hold it back with this thought.

The burial in Earth is using the gate of Earth to pass the energy to the spirit realm to be made physically manifest. You could also burn them or let them wash away in a river. It’s a closure thing. After this you should forget the spell and know that it’s already happening.