Theogenesis : Becoming A Living God

My goal for quite a long time (actually, going back to childhood if I’m honest) has been to command the power of a goddess within my lifetime.

Or, to use the term by which Google merrily delivered me to this site one time, to “become a goddess.” :slight_smile:

My goals aren’t just to command godlike powers, either - they’re to be able to affect reality with my thoughts, as easily as I can control events in a daydream: for example, change the past, control the future, and manifest objects from thin air, and change the entire course of world events if I see fit.

Prophecy - Because I Didn’t Make This Crazy Shit Up On My Own!

Several years ago I received a series of prophecies that included other things that have since proved 100% accurate - both personal stuff, and detailed info on the crash of 2008, and other world events.

These prophecies contained the invitation, which rapidly became my mandate, that mankind must free itself from the shackles of religion (and specifically monotheistic religion - no offence intended to any montheistic readers, just telling it like it happened) and also free ourselves of the darker reactions to that, the aggressively anti-spiritual, materialist and atheistic mindset that tries to suppress anything it can’t measure, tax, or control.


During that period, I was told we must break through barriers, evolve, and empower ourselves to literally become gods in order for the entire planet not to be destroyed; that this quantum leap to freedom could and would happen if I, and enough other people, placed their shoulders to the wheel and gave it a bloody good push; and that for some of us, this would amount to war on God, and therefore, be a bit controversial for those who spoke out, and a tad dangerous at times for almost all of us.

I’ve done a lot of work towards this, even prior to accepting the LHP as my primary philosophy, and I’ll continue to work towards it, in alliance with my husband (who’s a spirit, and nobody’s business but my own) - and along with those early prophecies, I was also given a date (which I can’t share) at which the planet would be destroyed IF this didn’t happen, and I know that sounds freaky but I promise we’ve passed this date and we are winning.


Well, me, anyone reading this who has the same broad goals (even just as a “that would be nice if it’s possible” kinda deal - trust me, tuck the idea away and it’ll grow on you), and of course the many magician people (like me of 2 years ago) who haven’t yet found this totally groovy website by typing shit into Google about how to become a goddess. :slight_smile:

I’ve also been told by the same reliable spiritual sources that there are plenty of people out there who fit this description, some of whom have never picked up a grimoire in their lives and think the “Left-Hand Path” is the route they take to nan’s every weekend, for in such diversity lies great strength.


I recently started classing all my work that has this as its core aim (as opposed to spellworking for minor goals etc) as theogenesis - I’m not that much of a linguistics expert, but the name landed in my head and has stayed with me.

Before anyone asks, I rejected apotheosis since it’s shopworn, and has fallen into common use to mean “the ideal example; epitome; quintessence” - none of which seem likely to fit any human being who attains this goal, and certainly unlikely to apply to me any time soon.

Because of that, it seemed like more of the “follow the idealised man like sheep” idea that I’m sick to the back teeth of already from other religions.

Theo - relating to God or deities.

Genesis - the origin or mode of formation of something.

It means (to me) the genesis of a godlike self and powers within the living everyday embodied self, and (to me) genesis is a nicely non-specific term insofar as it doesn’t carry an innate implication of either prior inadequacies/inevitability (unlike “evolution”) nor of that godlike self not having existed (unlike “birthing the god within” and similar terms).

Also, it’s short and snappy. :slight_smile:

As I experienced during my exploration of the Right-Hand Path (of Union with Source) we are already non-differentiated from the Source - already in, of, and non-seperate from “God,” so this is more like taking that power within and forming it into a consciously active godself that’s also embodied, and able to effect changes right here on Earth, perhaps modelled to some extent on what we know of existing gods from classical pantheons.

So anyway, I’m sharing this here as a concept for those of us who have this specific aim - see if it suits you, because it’s a lot less clumsy than saying you “want to become a god” (then run through the disclaimers on what that isn’t) - also, I’m going to be using this term in posts here and elsewhere in future so having a definition sorted is useful, and I’ve also started a blog with this as the title, at the moment it’s private until I can get some decent content up.

The Practicals:

To date, I’ve posted a lot of heavy work on here (and done a lot more that’s not suitable to share), my primary discoveries on the path of theogenesis have been:


To become a god, you have to essentially embrace and attain the focus of a demon, something I posted about here over a year ago and that seems to be holding true.

This means, be able to embody that single-pointed desire that casts aside irrelevancies and distractions, and you can have a lot of fun pondering its similarities to (and differences from) the “detachment” people talk about a lot on other spiritual paths.


That LOVE is the most powerful force in this causal universe we’re in, but (also covered in that thread linked above) this doesn’t mean wimped-out, “live and let live” hippy-style love, it can mean love of fury, love of rage, love of your enemies last gasp - all these things are loved by some spirit out there, after all.


That genetic and spiritual inheritance is highly significant, and that the goddess Buné, also know as Buto or Wadjet holds the key to this (possibly along with other spirits, but at this stage I don’t think so), and that pursuit of theogenesis by one person has some beneficial effects on every soul who’s ever incarnated within your family.

I’m not sure yet what the limitations or parameters are, but they seem pretty bloody huge, and possibly this is why a large number of people attaining theogensis will be sufficient to affect the entire human race.

The stuff E.A. touched on in this video about Buné as Wadjet, the serpent on the forehead representing the “third eye” of the Pharoahs in ancient Egypt, seems to relate to this god-knowledge passed along inheritable lines, almost representing the factor itself which seeks to awaken in the human embodiment alive right now.

(You can throw in some stuff about “reptilian” DNA manipulation, cross-references to the snake imagery, and Buné’s sometimes serpentine form, if you want to get really weird.)

And the entire Egyptian culture seems to have been focused on theogenesis, at least for its Kings and Queens, who also to some extent carried the grace and hopes of their people (or at least their extended family) along with them, possibly into the creation of entirely new realities.

But that stuff’s pretty far out even by my standards, maybe it’s more of a poetic truth than a historical fact? It’s just what I heard, and our modern myths carry that same aspiration for a human type that’s better, bigger, and yet which also benefits us all, instead of just lording it over us.


Having been asked to choose the things I’d like to be goddess OF, I realised that to choose one thing is to discard another - I’m happy with this, since I’ve already BEEN everything in existence, devoid of preference or limitation, and it was pretty dull.

As well as making that choice, I’ve compiled a few practical actions that anyone seeking this might benefit from, and my main theogenesis exercises now consist of:

○ Use of my godname (chosen by me) over and above all others, also using it as an empowering mantra - i did the research after choosing it, and the gematria associations and pretty much all other stuff is absolutely perfect, so if you must come to choose one at some stage, trust your intuition;

○ Choosing specific postures, one of which is key, that embodies my godself and which aligns my mental and emotional state more closely to that godself - something I posted about in-depth here;

○ Living my values as that godself as fully as possible, given that I live in a human body (and with an averagely flawed human mind!) and also that I try to live a superfically normal life - this last part’s pretty easy, since I’m batfuck crazy anyway, so believing weird things without having to act on them or seek too much affirmation from the straight world is no big deal to me.

So, that’s where I’m at with this: shiny new term for something pretty significant, and my core findings so far. There may be others that haven’t yet distilled themselves into a clear concept, but these seem to have stood the test of time and, most importantly, delivering results.

I’ll add to this list and/or post somewhere if and when I have more to add that’s maybe of practical use to other people. :slight_smile:


Very interesting stuff!

Not that this is really relevant, but just another example of the synchronicities I experience so often on this forum: I was literally contemplating the meaning of the word ‘apotheosis’ minutes before I saw this post. I was thinking about it in the shower and then after I had gotten dressed and logged in, i saw this post lol! :slight_smile:

But anyway, thanks for sharing this. I have actually been meaning to start a topic regarding the meaning of the the phrase ‘become a living god’, as I’m interested in how other people interpret it. I’m still going to do that at some point, but still working on it as I have quite a bit to add to that. Your above post has cleared up some of the questions I had though.

If I’ve understood correctly- when you say that your goal is to command the powers of a goddess- you mean that within this lifetime, you want to reach a point where you can manifest in this universe pretty much anything, simply by thinking about it?

Also, regarding the world events, if the fate of this world depends on a group of people reaching this state of Theogenesis (or working towards it), is that because those individuals will actively (consciously) work towards saving the planet, or will it simply be a consequence or side-effect of the higher vibration that will be attained in the world due to more people becoming Godlike/free/independent?

If this is something you can’t really talk about though, I totally get that, so no worries :slight_smile:


Yes - and (NOT “but”!) because I come from values and core drives of love and desire, I want this to be in harmony with certain other gods and goddesses, some pre-existing (Hathor, and others) and some to be created.

I actually created one already, my demonic Child (links and explanation here) and he’s having some fun already…

Not all love is - well, “pro-life.” He is my firstborn, I hardily banned and denied the “sacrifice” to a certain maggoty troll god, I mean really I have a fucking weird cosmogony but my Child defied many things, fucking did my head in to get this far, and he bears my blood, sacrificed to give him life, so make of that what you will.

Also, regarding the world events, if the fate of this world depends on a group of people reaching this state of Theogenesis (or working towards it), is that because those individuals will actively (consciously) work towards saving the planet, or will it simply be a consequence or side-effect of the higher vibration that will be attained in the world due to more people becoming Godlike/free/independent?

Kind of both - the world being enslaved doomed it, potentially, but according to my UPG etc., this is now over - people doing this don’t NEED to be consciously about saving the world, anyway it’s more than just a world (planet, dirtball, eco-sphere) but if they’d continued downhill (so to speak) into sheep-hood, that would have caused it to be wiped.

They didn’t - and no this is NOT about me, fabulous though I am, lol!!!

We are all safe, global theogenesis will commence, ideally soon, but there’s no deadline (ever notice how the religionist fearmongers only relay this kind of shit when they have a deadline approaching, to which you must donate fear, money and stuff?)

The world is not going to end nor be split into slaves and liberated beings - that sacrifice is fucked, ended, deader than a dead thing, banned, and dispelled. :slight_smile:

If this is something you can't really talk about though, I totally get that, so no worries :)

I can talk quite a lot about most of it and to be honest have been putting it off because I’m a lazy and imperfect critter! :wink:


Thanks for clarifying those points lady E :slight_smile: Lots to think about…

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:1, topic:6412”]Second:

That LOVE is the most powerful force in this causal universe we’re in, but (also covered in that thread linked above) this doesn’t mean wimped-out, “live and let live” hippy-style love, it can mean love of fury, love of rage, love of your enemies last gasp - all these things are loved by some spirit out there, after all.[/quote]

Funny thing you bring this up. If you recall we had a disscussion awhile back about the origin of the energy behind the hellraiser movies, there’s a specific type of entity behind that. The thing is I found out these beings whose function is only to destroy really genuinly love the things and people they eradicate. I suppose that would be what you call tough love.

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Yep, this is my personal goal, although globally I’m not very concerned about it. Since I feel human liberation is something that happens at the individual level before anything else, I feel that what happens globally is not such an honest concern. If it happens, great, score one for human Earthlings. But if not, the only thing I am worried about is whether I am prepared to continue doing what I wish to do regardless of worldly matters. This consciousness does rest in this planetary experience for the time being, but as an aspiring God I have come to grips with some things that just don’t matter when you got infinite power at your disposal. At this point, it kinda feels like the “collective” consciousness is a completely optional stream of reality for me, and it has no bearing on me when I find that it doesn’t serve me.

So that’s an interesting prophecy, as I wonder where it comes from that there is some importance of a “collective ascension” here. It just rarely mattered to me during this process, and as I have grown in this process, I have a lesser and lesser desire to “share” this with the masses. It’s not because I don’t want them to attain it, but rather because they don’t need it if they don’t want it. I believe there is already a parallel plane that occupies the same space we have here that is in this state of godliness, but if normal individuals can’t perceive it, it’s pretty much nothing to them.

Even if this experience’s planet were to explode, I don’t believe the Earth could ever be “destroyed”, nor do I believe that this planet would be divided, in the same experiential matrix, between “liberated” people and “slaves”. So it’s somewhat strange, because the idea of mass godhood never really seemed that important. Perhaps because I already believe that exists, but what that would entail is so foreign to the stream of consciousness that exists now that it seems nigh impossible to think of what that would be like.

I’m ranting… this post should be helpful for many people Eva. You obviously got a lot invested in it, so here’s to it manifesting as well as it possibly can!

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To paraphrase Hannibal Lector, how do we begin to covet - to desire, to want anything? Do we seek things out to want? Of course not.

People can only know they want something when they get to see that it’s a possibility, when they see other people having the same thing, or at least the same desires, when they become aware that it exists as a genuine possibility for them.

I doubt whether our cave-dwelling ancestors desired fire until it became something they knew they could have… :slight_smile:

But yeah, it’s my thing, not trying to say it should be everyone’s of course, and if I look round my life at the people I love, it’s not even a concept for the majority of them.

But neither am I going to stay silent when I think some souls might be as hungry for it as me, y’know - specially not on a forum with the name this one has in the URL? :wink:


I like the way you think Eva. You may refer to yourself as batshit crazy but I love your ideas and the fact that whenever I talk about something that sounds crazy or insane on here, you seem to (or at least attempt to) understand it and recognize that nothing is truly impossible. Just because something sounds crazy to the normal population, doesn’t mean the person is off their rocker and needs meds. Most of the time these experiences are genuine and true.

Don’t get me wrong, there are people who are truly delusional, those caught in the slave mindset trap who have been lead to believe that no goals are truly attainable and have resorted to living in a hallucination filled dream world to escape it and make their lives more interesting, those that do need meds. But many times the person had a real and verifiable experience that to them and others like them is possible but to others is only a fantasy.

I like this forum because Ihave had my fair share of crazy and weird experiences but I can come here and talk about them openly and maybe a few newbies will attempt to change my mind or tell me it’s not possible, but the majority here has also had such experiences so they know first hand that what may seem crazy is fully plausible. I like speaking to others who are open about things that the outside world will not discuss. The only reason those who have truly experienced what seems to be unnatural to others are on meds, is because the outside world sees such things as not possible and in attempt to understand that individual they either mock them or fear them and place them on heavy medications to keep them at bay and convincing them they are crazy and none of it is real, when such medications and supposed theraputic sessions are actually hindering that person from succeeding.


To paraphrase Hannibal Lector, how do we begin to covet - to desire, to want anything? Do we seek things out to want? Of course not.

People can only know they want something when they get to see that it’s a possibility, when they see other people having the same thing, or at least the same desires, when they become aware that it exists as a genuine possibility for them.

I doubt whether our cave-dwelling ancestors desired fire until it became something they knew they could have… :slight_smile:

But yeah, it’s my thing, not trying to say it should be everyone’s of course, and if I look round my life at the people I love, it’s not even a concept for the majority of them.

But neither am I going to stay silent when I think some souls might be as hungry for it as me, y’know - specially not on a forum with the name this one has in the URL? ;)[/quote]

I’m coming from a place where I seen a great deal of psychokinesis videos, although I already believed in it and had experience doing it before. In all honesty, I would be lying if I said I thought they were all real, but many of them I did consider real because, with my work with a small filming class, it seemed quite difficult for these people to fake their feats without having at least $40,000 worth of equipment.

But the thing is, most people were just completely trolling these videos for no other reason than to say it was fake. Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to teaching people. However, I consider that if I am gonna teach someone, it’s gonna happen through that person’s desire seeking me out. If they find me and vibe with what I got, then I’m an open book, without question. Aside from that, however, I’ve kinda been there and done that, and it was a huge waste of energy hahaha.

It’s kinda like being a fish, if you get caught by the right line, then you might as well be the best food possible. But I don’t think it’s the fish’s goal the be food outright hahaha. I also have too much to worry about with my own development, which is why I’ve been in somewhat of a down period as of late. I been on the internet a lot, so I am grateful that my wireless card is actin’ a bit stupid right now, and do myself a little internet fast for a while haha.

When you talk about your godname having gematric associations what do you mean? Are there resources where I can find gematric associations?



[url=]Christian Symbols, Symbolic Meanings and Types in The Bible


I don’t want to share my name because of reasons but it came out as some pretty cool stuff.


[quote=“Lady Eva, post:11, topic:6412”]Sure:


[url=]Christian Symbols, Symbolic Meanings and Types in The Bible


I don’t want to share my name because of reasons but it came out as some pretty cool stuff.[/quote]
Where i can find the symbol of the number that resulted from my name?

I don’t know for a single number, but you can map your godname onto a planetary kamea, I found a guide to this:

If your name gives one number, you can use that to correlate it to a planet that shares that number, and then map it again on that planet’s kamea.

Or, maybe more freeing, make a sigil from the combination of number and letters in your name, that you find personally meaningful - remember, LHP magick isn’t handing in our workings to teacher, to get graded on how well we comply and obey - what has power for US is valid and desirable, and to be respected.


  1. choosing what areas you want to be goddess/god of seems like a prime element of getting close enough to start shifting reality, of course it will be complex at times (to achieve A, you maybe have to do B, F & Z first) but it does seem helpful;

  2. choosing your godname and using that as a mantra and empowerment is paramoumnt - mine has actually saved my curvy ass on occasion! Ask spirits you trust about this, and probably keep it to yourself for a bit, maybe ask for a public godname you can share though;

  3. be ready and able to “drop back down” into mundane-you - this freakin’ EXCELLENT post by Arcane covers that, I do NOT waft round Sainsbury’s covered in gold paint demanding everyone address me as “The Holy And Mighty Goddess Eva” (no, really) - keeping your shit together and having ways to ground after some theogenesis work is really, really, important.

Oh and btw “theogenesis” isn’t trademarked, y’all can use it and I won’t show up saying “that’s my word” or anything, I’m only even on here because I want every person who desires this goal to achieve it, and al the words I can design and more need to be created becase the old language is old chains, and new horizons, new futures, deserve new concepts and new words! :slight_smile:


(Apologies for updating this like a blog post, and replying to myself!)

Things you need to not mind about, on the path to theogenesis:

  1. looking like a loony to yourself - it’s fine. There’s such a thing as the wank séance in which even normal people experience “The eerie feeling you get while masturbating that all your dead relatives are looking down on you in disgust” - which also proves that we’re all prone to spectatoring at times - and it’s never useful;

  2. presentation - your best magick may happen in period-stained joggies and a face-mask, or on the bus home - let it;

  3. what anyone else says, when you know in your heart/gut that something is real, or true, or valid.

Things you’ll do well to mind about:

  1. keeping your yap shut, online and off, when shit gets weird - keep it in a kitty box and your own journals, in code if necessary - do NOT try to convince other people of some very far-out things, unless you’re willing to be laughed at, even hated, UNLESS you have a good reason to push ahead of course - yes, this sucks, but you have to do a risk/benefit analysis sometimes.

But don’t be afraid to send some love to a brother or sister who’s talking about their own weird shit, and taking flak for it, either - there are no external morals, so as a god, support your own as YOU see fit;

  1. getting too confrontational with spirits etc - assume for a moment that the process of “becoming a living god” means you can and do manifest forth a cosmos, and entire universe, from your head - right? Then ask why you’d want to make that cosmos entirely composed of your enemies, and your victims. I’m not a psychiatrist, but sort that shit out already!

That’s all I have for now, based on hard-earned (and hard paid-for) experiences, obviously as the mighty and holy god of your own creation, feel free to go to endless war on lettuce or whatever, but honestly weigh the costs first! :stuck_out_tongue:

And yes this is KIND OF a humorous post also, just having some fun with the crazy concepts I live with etcetera, so please keep your cool, and don’t stop being your fabulous self just because of some stranger on the internet. :heart:

~ Amor Vincit Omnia ~


I’ve just discovered my Godname,while riding in my car.It’s very strange how sometimes deep spiritual insight will sneak up on you,through a voice in your head,or a vision in your imagination.

I am not going to disclose my Godname,but I can say a few things about it.For starters,it was unexpected.Second of all,I share my Godname with an Ancient Egyptian deity,but I’m putting all that nonsense in the kitty box,as Lady Eva advised,so if anyone wants to hear more about it,they should contact me via PM.


Hi, I moved this reply from “Left-Hand Path,” “Right-Hand Path,” And Definitions to my thread about (personal) theogenesis, because I didn’t want my personal stuff getting mixed up with that general definition - hope you don’t mind! :slight_smile:

[quote=“Akasha”]I hope you don’t mind, Lady Eva, if I copy a quote from that thread regarding my original confusion about Flowers definition- and your reply to that?

‘…how do you personally interpret his (Flowers) definition, if you don’t mind me asking? All that stuff about the eternal separation of the individual consciousness- what do you make of that?’

Lady Eva’s response was:

‘I see it as my consciousness becoming the ruling and defining factor in What Is - perhaps just within MY cosmos, and ideally within a reality that’s shared/somewhat overlapping with beings I feel a harmony with.’

The way I interpreted your answer, Lady E, was that for you personally it’s all about the here and now, and that the eternal separation is in the context of this lifetime?[/quote]

The most important thing to say here is that the definition I gave in that thread was my attempt to explore the overall modern interpretation of Left-Hand Path as given by Stephen Flowers, and (I believe) also used by some people on here - making it clear that we use it to mean overall goal and not so kmuch about only working with demons, only doing baneful work, etc.

Because some people just think LHP means “being a bad mean mofo” and that seems to cause confusion, or people assuming they see holes in the logic of LHP people, etc.

What I’ve posted below is my own personal take on it, within that overall philosophy, but probably distinctly seperate from the goals of other LHP people, even when they use that same overall definition. I just don’t know - sadly, not many people share this kind of thing.

If I have understood correctly- I hope you don't mind me asking what you mean by the 'desired overall destination of the soul'? In your case would that indeed be right here, on earth? Would you want to exist in the physical realm indefinitely? Sorry about all these questions, but I'm really trying to grasp this definition and how it relates to the 'end result' so to speak.

Basically yes, and also, after life, with the ability to be born into a situation that rapidly facilitates me reaching a similar point.

My core goal is to (literally) become a LIVING goddess - embodied, yet commanding the power of a goddess withing this lifetime - this body, and this realm.

That doesn’t rule out some kind of physical immortality, or some kind of alteration in state or realm that’s achieved outside the usual brutal mechanisms of death of a physical body, I just don’t know… I recently had a full-on contact from Metatron (and no, he did NOT resemble Alan Rickman! :smiley: ) and that’s something I’m pursuing right now.

Metatron is said to (possibly) be the ascended form of Enoch (Wiki), and what I got from him was that there’s a state, or harmonic available, to people (fwiw, including those who DON’T think a small desert tribe have the only hotline to spiritual power) who wish to ascend outside normal human classification and move towards something different.

Where I differ from probably most people with this goal, including possibly most people here, is that I plan to stay on Earth, in some manner (maybe an Earth/spacetime perception of my own creation) rather than waft about on a cloud as an “ascended master” or whatever.

I don’t LIKE a lot of what goes on here in this realm - even with the explanations and stuff I’ve been given, I find it distasteful, and I plan to attempt to change that by any means necessary, in terms of personal alchemy and transfiguration, and ultimately, theogenesis.

And I know that, just like there was a FIRST person, chronologically speaking, to invent a proper wheel, to deliberately churn milk, to brew beer or make a bow to shoot arrows, there will be a first person for any new type of spiritual ascent (new within known & recorded history), so I don’t need for there to be a set of established pathways for this, I don’t NEED solid examples of people who attained this, in fact that’s been the biggest lesson for me, of 2015 - to come to trust myself and stop looking for prototypes elsewhere.

Stop thinking some ancient dusty half-translated parchment might have the answers hidden away, for example. Maybe they do, maybe they don’t, but I’m a smart cookie and I plan to find it anyway - there are only so many ways to make a butter churn, and anyone with a working concept of how fats seperate from milk could re-create that, even if they’d never heard of it being done before.

The things I want, there probably are no records, guidelines, instruction manuals - and I have a major problem with copying anyone else’s work anyway, even when it’s just a simple exercise I feel highly motivated to change it somehow, improve it, or at least tamper with it… same with this.

I won’t attempt to talk more about this because I don’t really understand it all right now, for example I’ve had the experience of having a conversation with someone, and the exact idea and even, sometimes, the exact words I used, appear in a blog post made shortly afterwards by someone whose blog I follow, or in a news article, my life has all kind of crazy stuff in it and I don’t know what these concepts are called, let alone how to explain them. I know that’s common to magicians (listed in the “Common Experiences” thread) and I believe it’s things like this that hold the clues to personal theogensis.

How that will affect reality, I don’t know; how it would work if two or more people who can already do this, set their minds to a single goal - I don’t know. And what it would mean if several people attained reality-creating levels of theogenesis - again, I don’t know, but I believe that a lot of what we think of as hard-and-fast physical rules would rapidly alter, and that might be a whole new level of experience, and so not simply the case that a few of us are walkiing around able to do “miracles” or anything, within a basically unchanged world.

For a start, certain things I dislike in the outer world, also echo parts of myself I dislike, so what would happen to the interface (reality) if I deleted them? If I worked on myself (as I continue to do) using tools from personal development & psychology, whilst also attaining this kind of conscious reality-creation that can affect the mass-observed spacetime perception? Dunno.

I only know this - I plan to try and find out. :wink:


Thank you so much for that detailed answer, that has honestly cleared up so much for me!

[quote=“Lady Eva, post:17, topic:6412”]The most important thing to say here is that the definition I gave in that thread was my attempt to explore the overall modern interpretation of Left-Hand Path as given by Stephen Flowers, and (I believe) also used by some people on here - making it clear that we use it to mean overall goal and not so kmuch about only working with demons, only doing baneful work, etc.

Because some people just think LHP means “being a bad mean mofo” and that seems to cause confusion, or people assuming they see holes in the logic of LHP people, etc.[/quote] Yep, that makes sense :slight_smile:

Basically yes, and also, after life, with the ability to be born into a situation that rapidly facilitates me reaching a similar point.

My core goal is to (literally) become a LIVING goddess - embodied, yet commanding the power of a goddess withing this lifetime - this body, and this realm.

That doesn’t rule out some kind of physical immortality, or some kind of alteration in state or realm that’s achieved outside the usual brutal mechanisms of death of a physical body, I just don’t know… I recently had a full-on contact from Metatron (and no, he did NOT resemble Alan Rickman! :smiley: ) and that’s something I’m pursuing right now.

Metatron is said to (possibly) be the ascended form of Enoch (Wiki), and what I got from him was that there’s a state, or harmonic available, to people (fwiw, including those who DON’T think a small desert tribe have the only hotline to spiritual power) who wish to ascend outside normal human classification and move towards something different.

So basically, once you achieve your goal of Theogenesis, which would be a godlike state in the most literal sense of the word (and therefore would include the attainment of omniscience), you would then be in a position to make any decisions regarding the ‘next step’ (if any) so to speak? Whether that be the continued existence in your current state indefinitely ie physical immortality, rebirth into another human or other physical form or some sort of ‘otherwordly’ existence? This seems to me the most sensible approach, a sort of ‘lets take it step by step and see how it goes’. I personally feel that people like to throw around words like ‘immortality’ without really considering the full implications of such a decision.

My obsession with the whole issue of the ultimate destiny of the soul, stems from my inability to grasp the concept of ‘eternity’- and I’m sure I’m not alone in this. When contemplating these sort of goals, my mind just keeps asking 'what then, what’s next? And after that, and then…?" Argh its a mindfuck. But yeah one of my goals is to reach a point where I understand the nature of time etc.

Where I differ from probably most people with this goal, including possibly most people here, is that I plan to stay on Earth, in some manner (maybe an Earth/spacetime perception of my own creation) rather than waft about on a cloud as an "ascended master" or whatever.

I don’t LIKE a lot of what goes on here in this realm - even with the explanations and stuff I’ve been given, I find it distasteful, and I plan to attempt to change that by any means necessary, in terms of personal alchemy and transfiguration, and ultimately, theogenesis.

Yeah, I guess I would be one of those people. As I’ve often mentioned on here, I long for some sort of transcendence, but what or how or how long for I don’t know yet. There are times, when I’m feeling severely depressed and my misanthropy is at its peak, where I feel the Gnostic ideas resonate with me. At times I feel that perhaps eventually I should align myself with some sort of extreme satanism (ONA/ the Current 218 etc).

But then when I’m feeling more balanced, I realise that I would probably never be able to truly embrace that sort of philosophy 100%, because I don’t really hate life or this world, in fact, the times when the bi-polar pendulum swings the opposite way and things go well for me, I fucking LOVE life. I guess I always come back to the old Neoplatonic model, but I’m keeping an open mind; and, though I crave for something ‘more’, something ‘other’, I know that I want to make the very most of my time on earth and strive for as much power and freedom as possible.

Also, perhaps I’ve been thinking about Theogenesis concept too narrowly. Your goal of becoming godlike, would enable you to literally do anything. Your abilities would allow you to have experiences (way) beyond what’s considered normal. I guess that in itself is a form of transcendence? The kind of stuff we discussed here

Anyway, that was a really informative post- it’s given me a lot to think about. Thank you :slight_smile:


What do you mean by this? Immortality is my current main goal in life. And every divination form that I’ve consulted has said that I will achieve it.

Why should I change my mind?

Not saying you should :wink: I just meant it seems to me that people throw around these terms because it sounds ‘cool’ or whatever, without considering it too deeply (to choose immortality is, after all, a pretty big decision- imo at least).

If you say it is your main goal in life, you’ve obviously thought it through.