My goal for quite a long time (actually, going back to childhood if I’m honest) has been to command the power of a goddess within my lifetime.
Or, to use the term by which Google merrily delivered me to this site one time, to “become a goddess.”
My goals aren’t just to command godlike powers, either - they’re to be able to affect reality with my thoughts, as easily as I can control events in a daydream: for example, change the past, control the future, and manifest objects from thin air, and change the entire course of world events if I see fit.
Prophecy - Because I Didn’t Make This Crazy Shit Up On My Own!
Several years ago I received a series of prophecies that included other things that have since proved 100% accurate - both personal stuff, and detailed info on the crash of 2008, and other world events.
These prophecies contained the invitation, which rapidly became my mandate, that mankind must free itself from the shackles of religion (and specifically monotheistic religion - no offence intended to any montheistic readers, just telling it like it happened) and also free ourselves of the darker reactions to that, the aggressively anti-spiritual, materialist and atheistic mindset that tries to suppress anything it can’t measure, tax, or control.
During that period, I was told we must break through barriers, evolve, and empower ourselves to literally become gods in order for the entire planet not to be destroyed; that this quantum leap to freedom could and would happen if I, and enough other people, placed their shoulders to the wheel and gave it a bloody good push; and that for some of us, this would amount to war on God, and therefore, be a bit controversial for those who spoke out, and a tad dangerous at times for almost all of us.
I’ve done a lot of work towards this, even prior to accepting the LHP as my primary philosophy, and I’ll continue to work towards it, in alliance with my husband (who’s a spirit, and nobody’s business but my own) - and along with those early prophecies, I was also given a date (which I can’t share) at which the planet would be destroyed IF this didn’t happen, and I know that sounds freaky but I promise we’ve passed this date and we are winning.
Well, me, anyone reading this who has the same broad goals (even just as a “that would be nice if it’s possible” kinda deal - trust me, tuck the idea away and it’ll grow on you), and of course the many magician people (like me of 2 years ago) who haven’t yet found this totally groovy website by typing shit into Google about how to become a goddess.
I’ve also been told by the same reliable spiritual sources that there are plenty of people out there who fit this description, some of whom have never picked up a grimoire in their lives and think the “Left-Hand Path” is the route they take to nan’s every weekend, for in such diversity lies great strength.
I recently started classing all my work that has this as its core aim (as opposed to spellworking for minor goals etc) as theogenesis - I’m not that much of a linguistics expert, but the name landed in my head and has stayed with me.
Before anyone asks, I rejected apotheosis since it’s shopworn, and has fallen into common use to mean “the ideal example; epitome; quintessence” - none of which seem likely to fit any human being who attains this goal, and certainly unlikely to apply to me any time soon.
Because of that, it seemed like more of the “follow the idealised man like sheep” idea that I’m sick to the back teeth of already from other religions.
“Theo - relating to God or deities.”
“Genesis - the origin or mode of formation of something.”
It means (to me) the genesis of a godlike self and powers within the living everyday embodied self, and (to me) genesis is a nicely non-specific term insofar as it doesn’t carry an innate implication of either prior inadequacies/inevitability (unlike “evolution”) nor of that godlike self not having existed (unlike “birthing the god within” and similar terms).
Also, it’s short and snappy.
As I experienced during my exploration of the Right-Hand Path (of Union with Source) we are already non-differentiated from the Source - already in, of, and non-seperate from “God,” so this is more like taking that power within and forming it into a consciously active godself that’s also embodied, and able to effect changes right here on Earth, perhaps modelled to some extent on what we know of existing gods from classical pantheons.
So anyway, I’m sharing this here as a concept for those of us who have this specific aim - see if it suits you, because it’s a lot less clumsy than saying you “want to become a god” (then run through the disclaimers on what that isn’t) - also, I’m going to be using this term in posts here and elsewhere in future so having a definition sorted is useful, and I’ve also started a blog with this as the title, at the moment it’s private until I can get some decent content up.
The Practicals:
To date, I’ve posted a lot of heavy work on here (and done a lot more that’s not suitable to share), my primary discoveries on the path of theogenesis have been:
To become a god, you have to essentially embrace and attain the focus of a demon, something I posted about here over a year ago and that seems to be holding true.
This means, be able to embody that single-pointed desire that casts aside irrelevancies and distractions, and you can have a lot of fun pondering its similarities to (and differences from) the “detachment” people talk about a lot on other spiritual paths.
That LOVE is the most powerful force in this causal universe we’re in, but (also covered in that thread linked above) this doesn’t mean wimped-out, “live and let live” hippy-style love, it can mean love of fury, love of rage, love of your enemies last gasp - all these things are loved by some spirit out there, after all.
That genetic and spiritual inheritance is highly significant, and that the goddess Buné, also know as Buto or Wadjet holds the key to this (possibly along with other spirits, but at this stage I don’t think so), and that pursuit of theogenesis by one person has some beneficial effects on every soul who’s ever incarnated within your family.
I’m not sure yet what the limitations or parameters are, but they seem pretty bloody huge, and possibly this is why a large number of people attaining theogensis will be sufficient to affect the entire human race.
The stuff E.A. touched on in this video about Buné as Wadjet, the serpent on the forehead representing the “third eye” of the Pharoahs in ancient Egypt, seems to relate to this god-knowledge passed along inheritable lines, almost representing the factor itself which seeks to awaken in the human embodiment alive right now.
(You can throw in some stuff about “reptilian” DNA manipulation, cross-references to the snake imagery, and Buné’s sometimes serpentine form, if you want to get really weird.)
And the entire Egyptian culture seems to have been focused on theogenesis, at least for its Kings and Queens, who also to some extent carried the grace and hopes of their people (or at least their extended family) along with them, possibly into the creation of entirely new realities.
But that stuff’s pretty far out even by my standards, maybe it’s more of a poetic truth than a historical fact? It’s just what I heard, and our modern myths carry that same aspiration for a human type that’s better, bigger, and yet which also benefits us all, instead of just lording it over us.
Having been asked to choose the things I’d like to be goddess OF, I realised that to choose one thing is to discard another - I’m happy with this, since I’ve already BEEN everything in existence, devoid of preference or limitation, and it was pretty dull.
As well as making that choice, I’ve compiled a few practical actions that anyone seeking this might benefit from, and my main theogenesis exercises now consist of:
○ Use of my godname (chosen by me) over and above all others, also using it as an empowering mantra - i did the research after choosing it, and the gematria associations and pretty much all other stuff is absolutely perfect, so if you must come to choose one at some stage, trust your intuition;
○ Choosing specific postures, one of which is key, that embodies my godself and which aligns my mental and emotional state more closely to that godself - something I posted about in-depth here;
○ Living my values as that godself as fully as possible, given that I live in a human body (and with an averagely flawed human mind!) and also that I try to live a superfically normal life - this last part’s pretty easy, since I’m batfuck crazy anyway, so believing weird things without having to act on them or seek too much affirmation from the straight world is no big deal to me.
So, that’s where I’m at with this: shiny new term for something pretty significant, and my core findings so far. There may be others that haven’t yet distilled themselves into a clear concept, but these seem to have stood the test of time and, most importantly, delivering results.
I’ll add to this list and/or post somewhere if and when I have more to add that’s maybe of practical use to other people.