All about master Furfur and invocation n evocation & my experience

I basically took away all the layers and blame in my life and faced it head on. I had a lot of work I needed to on myself, and made some pretty big mistakes.

My shadow self I met recently and we hugged it out. It was in church actually and people were doing it for each other and I thought this is the best time for me to forgive myself. And so it was so weird but I zoned out for like 30-45 min. And basically I was in a very dark room and it was like looking at myself in the mirror but she had completely black eyes. And we fought and we talked and ended being like alright we gotta work together now and be strong. No more bullshit. Idk how others experiences are but that was my first time doing it so far. I just forgot to ask her who my guardian is but it’s like she’s in the back of my head saying you know who it is.

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Follow what your heart is telling you and go from there and that is an awesome experience I’ve never had that happen

I might want to try shadow work and see how it goes

Yeah I’m one of those who believe in ripping off the bandaid as fast as possible.


Highly recommend it. You said you have struggles with your love life well if you have any trauma to get over from the past that may be subconsciously holding you from getting what you want. Shadow work is a great place to figure it out. Basically your shadow self is everything that you hide away from your mind, everything you don’t wanna remember, your dark intentions, your greed and jealousy the pain and anxiety the stress and the loss. These all can be found and worked on in the shadow world. Anything that your mind has suppressed can be found in the shadow world. So be careful and keep a positive mind that you’re here to repair yourself and the damages you caused, that you’re goal is to be one with your shadow self, your physical self, and your higher self. And the only way to fully align yourself to get everything you want is to start from the bottom up. Work on the heart ache and pain and you might find yourself being a little more flirty or seductive without even trying.


No yeah I’m definitely going to do this once I figure out how lol there is alot of things I need to talk to my self about

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I tried the pendulum as you said, for everyone it was said a no including furfur, and finally a yes for Lucifer. So I tried summoning him with a prayer/spell And as soon as I said for Lucifer to manifest in front of me the candle that was going wild went still and I felt him come. He’s the one, and I need to fully accept that before I meet him. (66/66 post. If that’s not a sign idk what it)


Yes definitely trust yourself. It’s all pointing to Lucifer which is actually a good thing. There’s a friend of me and @bunny4cam that works with him frequently and she has nothing but positive things to say about him.


It’s never been anything but positives from him. He’s helped me through panic attacks. He protected me when I was 8 and almost died. He’s always been around and I’ve never felt any fear. I consistently have more than 1 demon with me/ my room because they know I’m not afraid but intrigued. And recently more and more has happened. I had a dream where a candelabra with 3 long lit white candle was moving towards me. And I asked if that was to prepare me for what I may see or feel and it said yes. A week later I felt something come on my bed and pull the covers away from my face so gently. It’s nothing but good vibes. Whenever I feel him come to me he tends to play with my hair and hang around with me and help me feel better.


Keep us updated on how things go

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Will do! Thank you for all your help and guidance! :heart: This really helped.


I just remembered a “dream” I had as a kid. I say that in quotes because I always knew I was AWAKE. But my parents denied it. I thought a witch flew by the window then came in my room and pulled my covers off. However I just realized the figure I saw was a tall figure with a hat on and black suit/ cloak/ idk I was 5. And as soon as it happened I ran to my parents room and slept with them. I got a new pendulum today and I’ve connected with it so well. It feels like the right one. And it confirmed it was Lucifer. And now I’m remembering another dream in which I I got scared in my room because there were wild animals everywhere. And they were always trying to kill me. Everyone was always trying to kill me in my dreams as a kid. And so in my dream i ran to my parents room for protections and I got into bed. To realize that there was a giant snake on the bed and basically the pendulum and demons who didn’t know the dream and I explained it said yea it’s probably him.

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Funny you say that cause he had on a top hat when I met him he was testing you they…do that

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In my head as a kid I always thought witch cause it was this tall dark figure with a hat and I was maybe 4/5 years old so I didn’t know about demon world yet. But I KNEW I was awake. I knew it. But I got scared and I think that’s why I haven’t seen him since… or any of them for that matter…

Hey I wanted to say thank you for pushing me in the right direction with Lucifer. More things have occurred since I found who it was. He has come to me in my dreams and one experience I had a few weeks ago confirmed something else for me.
So since I confirmed it was him, and began idk I guess speaking to him. He came back and he pulled my covers from my face gently one day. As if to say hey, I’m being gentle this time don’t freak out but I’m here.
I was talking with my medium friend and he described him to me but he didn’t know who and didn’t want to. Only that he was god like. And he asked me about it again recently and I told him that the connection grew and I know who know. And he said yup, he’s like remember that day you went to church and felt uncomfy. ANd I said yea, even tho I didn’t tell him about it, he’s like yea it was him coming with you. He’s like idk how he did, he’s truly unwelcome there but he followed you. Almost as if you shouldn’t be there. And well just small things have become more known day by day. So again thank you for just pushing me in his direction or I would’ve never believed it!


Your so very welcome I’m glad your connection has grown so much


the feeling “love” from Lucifer it’s only when it’s nearby?

Just a couple of question because I’m thinking of contacting him March 30th;

  1. Does he like wine? (If you can, what kind of wine does he like) I’m thinking of getting some for when I contact him and have a glass for him ready but I want to know if he’d like it first lol.
  2. What does he prefer to be called? I’m always stuck in this area and I want to be as respectful as possible so what do I call him? Great Earl Furfur? Master Furfur? Earl Furfur? This one is kinda important lol
  3. What should I avoid saying? I really don’t want to get on his bad side lol
  4. Is there anything else I should know before contacting him?
    I probably have more but that’s it haha. Thanks

Welcome to the forum @Shar_li3 !

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