Letter Of Intent - How To Evoke A Succubus/Incubus *update*

I’ve been given some thought about doing a thread about this for some time now, and here it is. Qabalah spirits and entities under the influence of Lilith, Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat or Eisheth Zenunim can be in the darker aspect within their appearance. Reading about others experiences of these entities it seems like an uncommon manifestation, but it should be considered a noticed “warning” in case that happens. The “warning” is more of a consideration to be prepared, rather than abort the event and flee with fear. The darker aspect of Qabalah is, as I see it, a trial of enduring and actually have a purpose to it with a possible outcome of bonding with these kind of entities. Of those four Queens of the Qabalah tree, Lilith is the attention of your letter.

Before you grabbing your pen and paper, read the section below.

Conflicts And Disturbance

Working with other spirits or entities while summoning a “succubus”/“incubus” or of similar type, isn’t always a good idea. Depending on what you wrote on the letter - your own choices and intentions - and the personality of the spirit and it’s own choice of starting a relationship with you, a conflict may rise against your other spirits. Some people might call that “jealousy”, but I disagree.

Intimate spirits, like “succubus”/“incubus” is often deeply dedicated towards their partner, and that means they can aid you on your own spiritual growth. When other spirits are in their way, the energetic disturbance make ascended workings very hard to do. Rivalry can grow and the magician becomes an “attention territory” between the spirits, just like a ragdoll tug-of-war between children. That often ends bad for the ragdoll, with limbs and cotton all over the place. That’s why you really have to be certain of your choice and banish other spirits before summoning a “succubus”/“incubus”. Like always, there’s exceptions were it works well between all spirits involved, too.

Preparation Of Your Letter

This part of the preparation is of importance. The purpose of writing a letter is to make your intent known to Lilith. It has to been thorough and well thought of, for the matchmaking of a succubus/incubus to work to your liking. You better ask yourself:

What personality should she/he have? For example: Loving, protective, sensitive, honest, loyal etc.
Do you want a short term sexual experience?
* Do you want a serious romantic relationship? (It is as serious as it ever could be, and shouldn’t been taken lightly. You have to be certain before making these kind of commitments.)

When you are certain of what you want, you start writing your letter by signing the words “To Lilith" at the top. Then write your wishes of how you want one of her daughters/sons personality to be, for better matchmaking. Again, you have to be certain of your wishes. Done? Let’s continue!

The Ritual

The optimal time to do the ritual is at 3.am. You need a candle of any choice to be next to your Letter Of Intent. Before you burn the letter you speak to Lilith, either out loud or by thought. You always have to pay your highest RESPECT to her, when you speak:

Lilith, please receive this offering. I give this truthfully and willingly.

After you said these words, burn the letter with your candle, without folding it. When the paper still burns, you say:

May the light of this candle burn brightly and guide your daughter/son to me.

(This chant is from succubuslove blog, you may reword it but keep the basic elements in place.)

Let the candle burn for 30 minutes. Relax and clear your mind for a while.

The Aftermath
Focus and paying attention is important at this stage, as I see it. Usually it begins with some touches and a sexual arousal. For some people it works shortly after the ritual is completed, but for others it can take days before something happening. The first time you notice the touches and a possible arousal, it is important to acknowledge the presence by respectfully give a “thank you” to her/him, and ask any curious visitors to leave in peace. After your acknowledgement, BLOW OUT THE CANDLE and go to bed.

You have to keep in mind that these entities and spirits have dualism behavior, just like us. There is both light and darkness in their energies and sometimes their darker spectrum is present. I see that presence as a part of an initiation, just before the bonding occurs.

Since reading this far, are you still fascinated? Have you made a choice? Are you certain of this? If you are, then your in for a fascinating adventure.


AWESOME tutorial, thanks!! :slight_smile:


Thank you for sharing. I would love to hear about the results people get from using this method.


Love this post man!!!


succupedia… I am curios. Would you know if by the simplicity of just being open minded (intent), that lilith would know what you want for that spirit relationship?
Its been about a year, and I am just still too impressed of how easy it was to contact.
I went thru a similar process around 2:30 am, except I read (said) like 2 an half sentences asking, and before i even knew it. the Succubus is in my presence.
if anybody interested i don’t remember the exact link of the site that i got it from, Because there are a couple named the same but different spell and not abc order. its
http://www.spellsofmagic.com under love spells then its one of the succubus links
not complaining that’s how my magickal, spiritual life started.


[quote=“G360, post:5, topic:5334”]succupedia… I am curios. Would you know if by the simplicity of just being open minded (intent), that lilith would know what you want for that spirit relationship?
Its been about a year, and I am just still too impressed of how easy it was to contact.
I went thru a similar process around 2:30 am, except I read (said) like 2 an half sentences asking, and before i even knew it. the Succubus is in my presence.
if anybody interested i don’t remember the exact link of the site that i got it from, Because there are a couple named the same but different spell and not abc order. its
http://www.spellsofmagic.com under love spells then its one of the succubus links
not complaining that’s how my magickal, spiritual life started.[/quote]
Here’s how I see how this works:
It usually begins long before a ritual is made, because you set your intentions by following a few steps of interrest. These are:

  • Doing research
  • Looking at pictures/art of a succubus
  • Put your mind and visions of how it “could be” in a relationship with a succubus
  • Building up expectations and fantasies of sexual nature with a succubus

These steps are a factor that builds up, until the ritual begins. That’s why it doesn’t need to be as complicated as some other magicians claims to be. It is a process that started long before the thought of a ritual. Which make these beings of a “familiar” nature, in my opinion.


how many times would you do this? how long do you wait for a response?

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When I am working with Lilith I notice a lot more female attention. Has this happened to anyone else?


One time. All that preparations to do the letter is filled with so much energy and intentions, that it often caught attention long before you burn it.

But sometimes it doesn’t work, or gets delayed for weeks or even months before that first touch. There is many reasons for that occurrence, as I see it. Your intentions might not be in sync with your written text on your letter, or you might lack belief or attention of your surroundings. And if you don’t acknowledge the first contact, it might end abruptly.

If your intentions is a serious relationship, a matchmaking might be another reason for the delay, unless that particular spirit or entity already is by your side. It seems like a common occurrence - in the “succubus” community - that most of these spirits been a part of the summoners lives. Sometimes even from birth.


I did the ritual a couple nights ago and I’m sure it worked. I just want to know how to tell the other spirits to go away because they haven’t. I want to avoid any future confusion as to whether it’s any of the older spirits from the first screw-up ritual i did almost a year ago that are touching me or my new spirit lover. Also I’d like advice as to how to find out her name?


To JimmyTK421
This ritual does work, but it’s not really a controlled ritual. The heart of this ritual is to make contact, not to prevent others to come, it does not test the spirits if the right came. Most that have done it ended up marrying the succubus they attracted.
If you want to experience this in a more controlled setting you should read the book sexual alchemy by donald tyson, it’s an advanced book, so make sure you don’t haste through it.

You could also use the methods of evocation that ea teach here, and summon a succubus in the circle, and thank her for your time and ask her to leave, and come again next time you call on her, Then you proceed to banish energy left in the area. To get her sigil for the evocation, you could use the methods that donald tyson teaches.

If you don’t know how to banish, i suggest you learn that before you try to summon anything. In the news letters ea teaches about, taking salted water, and pour your omnipotence energy in the water, until it can take no more. Now go around the sprinkle the water, while telling the spirits to leave.
Else you could just do the good old lbrp and lbrh.

[edit] When dealing with spirits, especially in the beginning you should try to limit your interaction with them to formal ritual like evocation or invocation. That way you will have the experience, and then ground yourself, have a sandwich like ea like to say, and go on with your day, and summon that spirit again, when you had time to absorb the experience, and charge your batteries.


Thank’s for the advice. It’s very helpful but I had already done the ritual and I believe it was successful. I just need to learn to banish now to keep the incubus from touching me and most other spirits that are still lurking. There’s a lot I still need to learn. I’ll definitely look into that book.


As I see it, there is a reason for marriages to occur, with these kind of spirits and entities. A long term spiritual development, without egoistic agendas that only benefits the summoner and not the spirit, would be less effective without commitments like a marriage. When they made a choice of commitment, they’re dead serious and certain of what they want. You have to be just as certain as they are, or it could be a tough challenge to overcome this process. If they made a choice, and you made a choice of commitment, the “final decision” is made from a higher hierarchy. Why there is a “meddler” in the middle is to make the process work with less loose ends of the proposal, to make it beneficial for all involved.

Personally, I don’t like the word “succubus” or “incubus” for these kind of spirits and entities. I see them as “familiar”, since it requires a lot of commitment in a relationship like this. These spirits are - with my experiences - very sensitive and emotional in their honest nature. Often they express multiple emotional states of joy, sadness, sometimes anger, fear and phobias. And there is no reason for them to hide and oppress their emotions for us, because most of us should know what oppressions can do to us, if we hide our emotions for too long. It can wreck havoc, and cause serious harm for those in our ways, if we keep things too long in the shadows of neglections. I would not want that, and neither would them.


Interesting tutorial Succupedia. I may try this at some point. I have used the letter writing method to achieve other outcomes with certain demons before and it works very well.

I have worked with Naamah before. I evoked her and she asked me if she could enter my body for a short time as I had asked for some guidance from a another demon a few days before, and Naamah said the other demon told her, that she would best for what I needed at that time, so she was sent to me. After I respectfully made my boundaries clear to her, she entered me.

I was working on an idea the following day for lyrics to a new song I created and Naamah, still being inside me, just started pouring out lyrics, literally flowing out of my mouth like I was free-styling. I didn’t get a chance to write any of it down as I was not stopping to think about the lyrics, they just came out. Very beautifully constructed lyrics, of course, she made the entire song about her but I had no complaints, as she considered the song as an offering to her as she wanted me to post the song publicly. Very interesting indeed, she makes it very clear in the song that she is old and wise and that working with her is not free, it will come at a price, usually something very small but she will ask you for something eventually in return for her services to you.

It was crazy because before that day, I had not been able to sing good at all since I was a little girl in show choir at school. I started smoking over the years and stopped singing out loud because of a sudden anxiety I developed. I was honestly just making those songs for my own enjoyment and fun because I sucked ass, but the day she entered me my voice was suddenly high pitched and beautiful. Before that, I could only sing in a lower pitch and do the metal growls and the screamo screeches.


The Letter Evocation method is, as I see it, very adaptable to other spirits and entities, aswell. Not just for the four Queens of “sacred prostitution” as some people might call them.

Agrath Bat Mahlat and Eishet Zenunim seems to be in the shadows of Lilith and Naamah. I’ve done my studies of them and some research, and found them both fascinating and interesting. Why are these two deities neglected, or at best rarely spoken of by modern magicians? I found that unfortunate, and hope these other queens will get the attentions they deserve, one day.

It is pretty easy to make changes to the letter, to evoke another spirit or entity. Just change the name to the spirit you wish to meet, incorporate your wishes or desires to fit your goal and purpose.


Honestly, I have done a lot of studying into Agrat Bat Mahlat. There is not a whole lot of info available about her, but I read what I could find. I have some artwork tribute pieces of her on my computer that I use as wallpapers on occasion. So she is not placed on the back burner by me, but I have not worked with her yet, like I said not a lot of info out there on her.


Yeah, the information about her is pretty vague, and I had a few presumptions of her to be pretty dark. The information I found was the contrary, a motherly figure that gives comfort and protection for those who summon her.

I am a curious kind of person, but will not be the one to “try her out” without consent from my ladies. As I’ve experienced, there’s no jealousy from my ladies, but there can be a conflict of interest when they need attention from me. They even fought with eachother at the beginning, by removing eachothers arms when they both were holding me. From an outside perspective, it might have been a quite “funny” scenario, but a competition like that, should not been taken lightly.

I remember the beginning just like it was yesterday. The intimate parts can be pretty animalistic, raw and straightforward. To some extent it is territorial and markings to let others know that the man they choosed is theirs and no one else’s. When others get curious and interested, a conflict might occur, and to prevent that, they “mark” you with their own scents to keep others at bay. That is why I have my reasons to let them aid me in evocations of other spirits and entities, rather than doing evocations entirely on my own. They have the access and the bridge to their realm, directly, which I don’t have. I see that as an advantage.


I did have a question for you about the letter of intent thing. I’ve had a sexual encounter with a demon in my dreams once, very vivid might I add, when I woke up I felt like I had literally just had sex with a male human. If I do the letter as you have mentioned, when the incubus comes to visit me and the arousal feelings start to come about, how should I respond?

I honestly don’t know since I have never done this outside of a dream, and that was only one time. Do I undress and lay back and take whatever comes my way or should I greet the demon first with a simple hello? No need to remove my clothing? You stated it’s very animalistic in nature but I still don’t wanna make an ass of myself. I hadn’t planned on anything like this but I have read a lot about sexual encounters with demons lately so now I am officially curious. I heard the sensations can be addictive because they are much more pleasurable than what human to human contact feels like. I know you’re probably laughing at this post but I am being serious here and honestly don’t know.


How would you, under normal circumstances, respond to an arousal? In my opinion, the arousal need to be acknowledged and by that, it will continue until climax appears.

Do I undress and lay back and take whatever comes my way or should I greet the demon first with a simple hello? No need to remove my clothing?

For better “effect”, no cloths is the way to go. But it will work almost as effectively with your cloths on, but it can be uncomfortable depending on how your body generally response to arousal. I would recommend some sort of communication at start, giving acknowledgement to it’s presence, and giving him permission of intimacy.

You stated it's very animalistic in nature but I still don't wanna make an ass of myself. I hadn't planned on anything like this but I have read a lot about sexual encounters with demons lately so now I am officially curious. I heard the sensations can be addictive because they are much more pleasurable than what human to human contact feels like. I know you're probably laughing at this post but I am being serious here and honestly don't know.

It can be animalistic in nature, and the male aspect can be even more animalistic than the female aspect. Sometimes to the extent of “domination”, more straightforward and persistent. That is not entirely a generalization from my point of view, but a small part of my own experiences. But these spirits and entities have a wide spectrum of personalities. It expands from light to dark and all the colors in between. Your sexuality can be challenged, in some aspects. Communication is always the key, and honesty.


I’d be willing to do a consultation on this or summon one of these entities for whoever but I can’t advertise here, so for negotiation purposes we’d have to take it to facebook.