Spirit vs human girl sex


What can my spirit lover do for me?


Awesome! What you just described are pretty much my life goals…

I have a Queen succubus companion and a normal succubus companion, and I am working on getting my astral senses / psychic abilities 100% fully working so I can sense them flesh on flesh, and seeing them, talking with them like normal humans. I already do talk to them but it takes time to fully open up my crown / third eye chakras.

Your descriptions are perfect, and that’s exactly how I envisioned myself in the near future with my succubi companions, an intense out of this world relationship, true love, true dedication, ascension, etc etc etc :smiley:

My dick got seriously very hard just reading your stories about your sexual encounters, can’t wait to experience it all myself :smiley:

Sex with a Human woman is better, assuming you can find a woman who has some occult knowledge. When the spiritual aspects and material aspects are moving together in unison, it is the most profound experience.

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Lot of people out here that would disagree buddy, no offense to anyone.:sweat:

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God no, just get a succubus my dude.
Credit to Succupedia

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All depends on if you want them to or they want to.

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Could other people see the succubus or just me?


Just you, unless you want them to…

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Excuse me, but it is NOT possible for a MALE HUMAN to orgasm for that period of time biologically and anatomically wise. If you only fuck physically with real life women then no wonders why you don’t feel that, but via astral, it doesn’t matter who you fuck with, you can orgasm for that period of time. What you say can be done by either succubi or humans.

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Why? I believe it is possible for a human male to get multiple orgasms?

Anatomically and physically wise it is NOT possible due to the hormone mechanism during sexual intercourse, and the time it gets to be reactivated once a male cums.
Astral wise…everything is possible!


You are right in the case if I would ejaculate and shooting a cum load. After 5 times of shooting cumloads I would be completely empty and orgasming would not feel good anymore lol.

But if I control my sexual energies and I keep my cum load inside, I can keep orgasming on and on and on until i’m bored of sex.

When a man ejaculates, prolactin increases and that’s how the sexual urges fade / become somewhat surpressed after orgasming. It’s a biological evolutionary thing. I believe there are more hormones involved, but if men didn’t had that mechanism, men would be having sex all day long.

It is not only affected by prolactin. Serotonin also has a place on it. Prolactin elevates with a LOT of activities, from nipple stimulation to stress, pain, etc. so it is not a reliable hormone to explain it. The mechanism is more intracellular than extracellular. Also you need to differenciate between ejaculation and orgasm, as the mechanisms are different.

Would my demon lover be able to heal me?

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could my succubus get rid of my sickness?

This was my point, should have said this in the first place before we took a trip down biology class lane.

Well, you compared physical bodies with astral beings… you earned it :joy:

Honestly, I am sorry.

I’ll break out the whiffle ball bats with nails in them later, I still love you.

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Hahahahaha Thanks :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: