I am new

Im new here. I was born scanner/ healer by bio electro megnatic feeling. Recenty I became interested in spirits. Succubus and lilith are my favourits.

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@succupedia would disagree with you I feel


How so?

Well, for starters, @succupedia was a beginning magician when he first received his lovely succubi wife. If I remember correctly, he has stated that asking for a companion was the first magick he had ever performed.

The only reason a succubus would “fuck you up” is if you are a total asshat to her, and deeply disrespectful.

The only issue a beginner might have with a succubus is feeling her touch, as it is difficult without development of the astral senses. The good news though, is that a succubus can help develop them.


Succubi and incubi are very friendly entities


I haven’t said they are not, as I am very well aware that in most cases they are wonderful entities, and I am not trying to discourage anyone from working with them one day.

The other way of getting fucked up due to working with Succubi/Incubi may also be due to a lack of experience with entities and how they should be treated, but also a high possibility of getting addicted to them or having different expectations than the reality (which may result in a rather vampyric and unsettling relationship that may have nothing to do with the Succubus/Incubus’ intentions but rather with the blinded mind of the practitioner). Also, if one isn’t ready for it (and this is completely individual) a sexual experience with an entity may be harmful to the energy body of the individual (and thus cause a burnout or other things).

What I personally would suggest is to first start working with Lilith without trying to work with Her sexual aspects, but first try to work with Her as a teacher and a guide in magick in general and after the practitioner gets to Her vampyric aspects (since the art of vampyrism strengthens the individual’s energy body and thus makes him/her ready for the influx of energy sex magick offers, but it also prepares the psyche for such energetic changes), and then approach Her in context with sex magick.

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I strongly disagree with you. My tip, for you, is to not being so authoritative in giving advise and warnings where it’s not yet needed.

If your intentions are good, I see no problems for a beginner to call upon a succubus or Lilith herself.

Any spirit could “fuck you up”, and fear of the unknown is also a trigger for some spirits. And some spirits show their own intentions regarding the fear factor, without making things worse.

We’re all have to start somewhere, right?


I can agree with you on that, but you’re not mentioning energies and how it affect us on an astral and a physical level and what possible harm it could cause if you’re not communicating with these spirits. If a spirit doesn’t know your limitations, they don’t get a starting point to develop with you, hence the experience could be much stronger in the beginning.

If you haven’t developed your astral senses, especially your ability to feel energies physically and emotionally, the affect on you is as good as nonexistent. It could affect the surrounding and others close to you, but not yourself as much.

Oh, and one more thing:

Physical interaction with these wonderful beings can cause muscle contraction and other physical strains. There’s stories of men peeing blood, because their erections lasted too long when interacted with a succubus, which is plausible. These kind of “complications” are easily fixed by communicating with the succubus/incubus.

Communication is always important. And being honest.


Can one send a succubi to a person for a short time

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Ask for it in your letter. (Something that @succupedia goes into in his how to summon a succubus post)
correct me if I am wrong about this