Why so many rules?

As I have been interested in the occult and studied Demonolatry for awhile now I’m still very new when it comes to being a practicing magician. There seems to be alot of rules regarding timing, direction, incense, sigils, moon cycles and so on… when it comes to contacting a demon or spirit.

My question is do you guys practicing only find success when following these rules exaclty or have you had success with out worrying about what direction your sitting in or what color candle your using exc… exc…

I’m just curious what you guys feel regarding the so called " rules" of black magick. And having success.
Thanks all for any responses. Stay safe out there.


I’ll be short and simple on this. The rules and guidelines and processes are there for our protection.

As someone who just got rid of a nasty parasite from practicing without protection. I can honestly. Say. Follow. the. damn. rules. It can potentially save your sanity.

Once you build a solid foundation then you tweak it. But learn the reasons why first.

You dont paint a masterpiece on day one if youve never held a paint brush before. No. First you learn what pencil and paper is used for then you learn basic shapes. Then you move from there.


That stuff is completely dependent upon the system of magick you are using. In some systems, they are considered very important, and in others, not so much.

Always obey the rules of the system you are following, at least until you have enough experience under your belt to know what is essential and what can be discarded.


I follow no system but then I also dont believe in black magick, but I agree with what’s already been mentioned, if you choose to follow a particular system then you should also follow the rules of that system as it may or sure to help you get the best of what that system has to offer.


You also want to bear in mind, some “rules” and instructions, in older grimoires (from the middle ages particularly,) are what are called “blinds”.

They were generally added for a couple of reasons, to obscure the work so that it could be only understood by the initiated working with a teacher who knew what and where the blinds were, or to make the work acceptable to the established church, which had the power to kill you if your work challenged thier ideals.

As a rule of thumb, if it’s super difficult to obtain or sounds uber-dramatic, it’s a blind.
Needing the had of a black cat boiled in virgins blood? - blind. Performing it on a full moon, probably useful.

I’d say follow your intuition. Use a ritual like a cooking recipe - you try to follow it straight the first time before you start tweaking it. If something really doesn’t make sense, trust yourself, experiment, find what works for you. Magik is best made personal imo.
Sticking with modern authors like those publishing through BALG, who don’t employ blinds, mostly avoids that.


Thank you very much for your response and this was one of things I wanted to ask in this post but forgot, " is there danger in not following these rules"
I’m very glad you were able to get rid of that parasite and this has been one my concerns now that I’m actually practicing the rituals iv been studying.
Thank you again for your response.

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think of it this way. do you wear goggles if your playing with mixing chemicals in chemistry class? Those are not rules. they are guidelines. Is it dangerous? that depends on what your mixing.

Why do doctors wear gloves when they operate?
why do people use protection when having sex?
would you wear a n95 filter mask when treating an affected corona virus person? even though u see another nurse don’t use the mask?


Thank you for your feedback, your right there are so many systems of magick out there. As I’m still fairly new in my mind yet, I have so far always followed the rules as per the rituals.
I had seen some people make comments on posts saying they don’t do any that stuff and get results so that’s what brought me to write this post.

Thank you, that’s really interesting information and never thought about that. I think we tend to forget just how difficult it must have been to practice any sort of magick back in middle ages.
People still tend to keep it hidden depending your situation but no one is loosing a head because you wore a Sigil of Lucifer necklace haha.

Excellent points, thank you very much for your feedback, much appreciated.

Can I ask how you got rid of the parasite and also what you were experiencing that made you know you were being attacked?
Being fairly new I know this is a risk and I’d like to be informed in case anything happenes and what to do, also what is your best advise for protection?
If your more comfortable discussing through dm that’s fine with me.

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I would say that there’s big differencies between “rules” and “guidelines” in magic and rituals. A guideline based ritual, like the Letter Of Intent can work successfully, even if you do the complete opposite of what the content provides and suggest.

The purpose of a guideline is, as I see it, to do preporatory tasks and my own example is: Write, chant and burn. All other tasks within the guideline is for routine and consistency, and like any story written it needs a beginning, a middle and an end. Our intentions can be so strong that it works, despite some errors within the ritual itself.


Cleanse and banish negative and unwanted energies everytime. Question the spirits and learn to verify. Also do not allow a spirit in to your vessel unless you are 100% it is who it says it is. And follow guidelines for safety. Its not necessarily the rules but the safety precautions that are essential. At least until you become well versed in your spirits. And I had to ask my patron for help in removing the parasite and I also had to make some personal agreements with my guides and deities that i have to uphold since they helped remove it.


That’s very true as what iv read this far that your " intent" is what really drives the spell and gives it power. I agree that there is a diff between rules and guidelines and I think I should have maybe used the word " guidelines" instead of rules.
Thank you for your response :slight_smile:

Thank you for your advice, I have a white candle for protection that I have charged and I do use sage and pallo santo to smudge.
I have heard some people say not to smudge your space as it can hinder your contact with the Demons you wish to contact.

As a newer practitioner of magick I def would not attempt any possessions until I feel confident in my abilities and my spiritual self is ready for such a thing.
Thanks again for your reply and information, this forum has been so amazing specially as a newer magician.

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When banishing and cleansing you can be specific about what you want left. Smudging doesnt have to be like bleaching.

Edit: also check out different smudging incense. Sage acts like spiritual bleach and makes all the energy neutral. You can also use cedar, pine, juniper, mugwort, basil, oregano, lavender, resin incense, sandalwood, rose etc. Citrus too is a powerful energy raiser. Salt can be used to cleanse an area. Just do your research on the different herbs and their uses and base your use in your needs.

I’m doing the same thing with learning herbology and about essential oils atm.

Also when smudging Just make it your dominant intent to banish all that do not serve your highest good or that are imposters or parasites. The rest invite to stay.

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the first rule of magick club is if you have to ask about the rules. your not ready to be in the magick club. =o)


You just stole what I wanted to post.

Path_of_9 Learn a proper banishing, then evoking/invoking. These take (a lot of) time and practice, but are the basis of all ritual. With experience you get the hang of it.

Also, a lot of the rules are there to stop dickheads getting involved in what was for most of its existence an arcane science and art. Learn the rules then workout the shortcuts.



Awsome, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to keep the spirits I wanted around or if it wiped the board clean sorta thing. Great to know thank you.

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Much of the philosophy which underlies “LHP” doctrines as I understand it (e.g. self improvement, independent thinking, reflection, humans possessing a “Will” – let’s not get caught up in the wording – fully responsible for one’s own ethical/moral development and actions, etc.) are not novel. Concepts of self-actualization and having a Will and/or Self independent of eternal causes have been around more than one ancient civilization long before ToS or LaVey or Neitzche.

I have never gotten a complete answer from members of any Satanic coven (actually, a member online on a forum has been much more helpful in dispensing info to me regarding the necessity of their own magic than anyone else so far) regarding the connection of magic to one’s own personal development.

I am not convinced that magic is not just a surrogate for God.

Sure, LHP can believe that the difference is that the magic is “within" whereas God is at best an unproven hypothesis. Bro, every person follows a sort of protocol either way to make herself feel better or stronger or whatever.

Overtime when you make mistakes or complete failures, you correct them. This is why they advise beginners to go with the moon cycles because each phase possesses a kind of energy.

The point is, a person can empower herself by placing the burden of personal (spiritual, ethical, moral, emotional, mental etc. etc.) development in her own hands, but can either look to Deities, beings, Gods/Goddess etc etc or magic to aid her Or him…hence, my question about magic…and I will certainly be interested in information, arguments, etc. that may change my mind. I am not afraid to change my mind.

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