To be honest I never bothered since he came rushing in like a freight train as soon as I figured out what the dreams meant and I actually summoned him in (one does not simply walk into Lady Eva’s Temple, after all!) and in every respect has been more like a demonic being than even the strongest “ghost”/human spirits I’ve dealt with, so - since I think a lot of the differentiations we use are human constructs, and limiting, anyway - I didn’t ask.
It’s like when a Dream Version of David Neagle showed up to give me some good advice that I needed to hear - I didn’t ask where he came from and why, I just got on with it! 
Maybe call him, and ask yourself? You might get an answer that makes more sense using your own models of reality, whereas mine, I’m not that bothered about that kind of thing so it would be run through my own filters and maybe not that useful, if you see what I mean…
Just to recap, it’s my understanding that as a frightened sick kid he first called the Prince of Darkness which he just conceptualised as the strongest darkest power willing to give him health, a long life, success, etc (which he knew wasn’t the offer on the table from mainstream relig.) in exchange for eternal allegiance, and he almost immediately underwent a full-on possession by the force he calls the Dark Master, since using any other name now I’ve made contact through Varnaxis does tend to open a channel to Him directly - and yes I know how that sounds but I promise you folks it’s what I’ve experienced.
Believe me I’m interested in how all this works and will share anything I can that explains why this is quite a different and stronger force, summoned by name alone, in a way that’s not true of most other spirits - especially since I was familiar with the “Egyptian Godform” ever since I was little.
Other notes - Varnaxis (in life) never summoned any individual demons nor went poring through the grimoires with a frown worrying if he’d got the exact right spirit - he just called the Dark Master and left the details up to Him.
Bear in mind he did this towards the early part of LAST century, so no handy web pages or occult bookshops anyway - still, I think it’s a very refreshingly non-dogmatic and results-driven approach, and that maybe we can learn from it?
It’s nice to have spirits in our lives and some, like Belial, can be really likeable, but do we want invisible buddies, or do we want results? I’m not saying (of course!) that it’s an “either/or” situation, but I found his account of how he operated very thought-provoking…
It's a bit hard to put into words, but I guess what I'm trying to ask is which plane is he currently 'residing' on, and what is 'existence' like on that plane? Also, has he now achieved his ultimate goal, or is there something further to strive for?
He’s achieved the initial state he wanted, of becoming a demonic being and no longer simply a human - I don;t know about an “ultimate” goal because that tends to imply a cessation, stasis, a resting state from which m=no more is to be achieved?
It’s more like that thing E.A. says about how power likes to express itself, and Varnaxis is a man who’s dedicated lifetimes in pursuit of the mysteries, of power, finally reaching the highest level of that search in his last life calling specifically on his Dark Master, and being filled with His power.
In life, he had a pleasant wide face and a very warm smile, but when he manifests forth this energy, his eyes turn red/black and he’s actually pretty frightening. Having seen him in life (in photos), seeing how he changes is part of how I acquired such absolute conviction he’s achieved his goal of demonic consciousness and power.
His goal now is to continue to grow in power and he’s also interested in the idea of a change of the old order, as stated above, so that’s the specific area he wants to work on - so that’s a goal, and the continued development of his isolate consciousness. I don’t think there’s a finish-line for that?
So actually, he used “ascent” and I’m seeing why, because he’s ascending above normal human capabilities whilst remaining heavily active on the same planes as us - anyway like I said he’s the demon and I trust he knows what he wants to say, or not say. 
I've been planning on starting a discussion on here for a while now, regarding the issue of 'Ascent' and the Left-Hand-Path according to Stephen Flower's definition, and this obv ties in with that (your Uncle having taken the idea of Isolate Consciousness to the next level).
He’s the first human being I can solidly affirm has attained this - true, he’s not alive in a body, but he has amazing abilities to predict things and also manifest things, currently he’s done that for me a few times via “existing channels” i.e., they won’t just pop out of thin air, they’ll come via some credible source (albeit defying probability and so on)…
So yes, he’s a good case study I guess?
And he’s out there now, so, call him up and have a chat!