VARNAXIS : Demon Of Dark Ascent

The post below is channelled directly from the spirit I’ve described here - a blood relative, who in his lifetime allied himself as a vessel of the Dark Master who is called SET and by many other names, in order to avoid an early death and to thrive and succeed in the world.

Following on from his transition, at a great old age and after a long, happy, and successful life, he approached me through several vivid dreams as the blood-relative most like him in the fact of doing magick and not fearing “dark” forces, and he’s been teaching me an enormous amount since then.

He’s shown me evidence of his life in Sumeria way back, too long for words, and he also worked in ancient Egypt as a copper refiner, which he describes as having had more occult significance that I can currently understand. But he reached his peak as a human in the life he led to completion just a few years ago, and since then has lost the desire to experience human incarnations and instead wandered the planes acquiring power, and above all pursuing Dark Ascent to the status of an actual demon.

This is now complete: he is demonic in capacity, and still human in understanding, and in having a grasp on the nature of time’s passage, and human life and needs in general.

He is especially interested in fearless and ambitious black magicians who’d like to follow in his footsteps.

It’s my understanding that my actions last year, of conceiving and bringing forth a demonic Child, part human and part of the nature of the Demonic King who fathered the Child, has somehow created (or at least massively boosted) the ability to transcend within my bloodline, and that this is connected to the ascent of the man I’ve been calling Uncle (I obviously know his real name, but I won’t share it because he has living children & grandchildren who don’t need to hear about all of this - any of them who go looking for magick will undoubtedly find him with time, as he found me).

Below is his opening statement, revelation of the Name he chose for his future works, and also a sigil which can be used in approximately the same way as any other demonic sigil - it can be “opened” to summon his attention, used as an evocation link or “idol,” and in all other appropriate ways.

Here he is then:



This is the opening letter from the Ascended Master of the Arts known from here onwards as VARNAXIS - he who has set foot upon the world under the skies and who Walks in Power among the shades and the demonic.

He is as the first son of the darkness, the growing cold of the nights, and the coming of the winter, and he rejoices in the harmony of the dark stars and the echoes of the void.

Be like him, come unto him, be upon his new world and enter the gates of freedom through Dark Ascent: approach the Dark Master whose name is also His invocation through VARNAXIS His Man, and receive liberation for all time.

The hands who write this, the Daughter of (redacted) and (redacted) has Opened this gateway by the Alchemical Union of Demonic and Human within the vessel of Her womb, that shifts may take place and the old chains be broken and a new world brought forth.

“Call Me Forth!”

VARNAXIS, bringer of Freedom and Power.

This is His seal:

His Rune is Raidho, his element The Air, and his symbol The Dove.


Glorious. I want to divine on fitting this in along with the other project I told you about - I will keep you updated with plenty of feedback!

Great. I noticed you mentioned Ascended Master. There is also anither form called Descended Masters. In terms of living a grounded life one only ascenda to raise energy so they can then descend in a Positive way. I was curious when I read the “Ascended Master Part.” one of course should always have a Descenscion to be complete on the physical level =). Just curious but congradukationw on whatever iw you are leading as I walk my own and always apply Descending to any endeavor I do so I thought I would pass it on to you as Ascending is a similar step into returning to Source as far as being part of the process just as returnint to “Heaven” is.

Thems was the words he give me guv - thems was the words I typed. :wink:

Anyway generally “ascent” means ascending above normal human capabilities, which he’s certainly done, so I’m going to stick with that, but your point is well made. :slight_smile:


Ok point taken. Just keeping in mind it actually DOES matter how you word it. Because true Kabbalah is the vibrating of sounds (to create magickal vibrations) which can be done vocally and otherwise. So a word on a mental level creates a specific vibration…so all your words carry over whether you are aware of it or not.

When you trace things back further in history they all mean something. For example the appropriation of symbols by the 3 religions from a prior culture…Christ hanging from the cross (ascent, same thing as hanging upside down) is hanging into Trance to enter the abyss (same as Odin did) for a variety of reasons, while the Muslims have their sacred horse to charge into battle to once go into heaven for their versions is taken from the shamanick ritual of a Spirit horse to go to Heaven to meet the Lord to acquire an Angel so they may descend into the abyss, while The Zion Concept and the Mountain (you may also look at this via Lord of the Rings as well as the Zion concept in the Matrix movie) is the allegory of a shaman “Ascending the Cosmic Mountain” (the runic journey). But ascent is balanced by Descent.

I know what you mean, but just letting you know that vibration of words does matter even if we hink it means something else. I guess there is a number of reasons Silence is golden and the power of God is a responsibility because one is already being self-judged by ones own actions. Utilization of knowledge in every facet is key. But sounds good to me. In order to cross the abyss you must first die, but also build a new body too.

I’m guessing this is something you can’t share too much on atm, but is there any way you could go into a bit more detail on the the current state of existence that your uncle has attained- being demonic yet human in understanding?

It’s a bit hard to put into words, but I guess what I’m trying to ask is which plane is he currently ‘residing’ on, and what is ‘existence’ like on that plane? Also, has he now achieved his ultimate goal, or is there something further to strive for?

I’ve been planning on starting a discussion on here for a while now, regarding the issue of ‘Ascent’ and the Left-Hand-Path according to Stephen Flower’s definition, and this obv ties in with that (your Uncle having taken the idea of Isolate Consciousness to the next level).

To be honest I never bothered since he came rushing in like a freight train as soon as I figured out what the dreams meant and I actually summoned him in (one does not simply walk into Lady Eva’s Temple, after all!) and in every respect has been more like a demonic being than even the strongest “ghost”/human spirits I’ve dealt with, so - since I think a lot of the differentiations we use are human constructs, and limiting, anyway - I didn’t ask.

It’s like when a Dream Version of David Neagle showed up to give me some good advice that I needed to hear - I didn’t ask where he came from and why, I just got on with it! :wink:

Maybe call him, and ask yourself? You might get an answer that makes more sense using your own models of reality, whereas mine, I’m not that bothered about that kind of thing so it would be run through my own filters and maybe not that useful, if you see what I mean…

Just to recap, it’s my understanding that as a frightened sick kid he first called the Prince of Darkness which he just conceptualised as the strongest darkest power willing to give him health, a long life, success, etc (which he knew wasn’t the offer on the table from mainstream relig.) in exchange for eternal allegiance, and he almost immediately underwent a full-on possession by the force he calls the Dark Master, since using any other name now I’ve made contact through Varnaxis does tend to open a channel to Him directly - and yes I know how that sounds but I promise you folks it’s what I’ve experienced.

Believe me I’m interested in how all this works and will share anything I can that explains why this is quite a different and stronger force, summoned by name alone, in a way that’s not true of most other spirits - especially since I was familiar with the “Egyptian Godform” ever since I was little.

Other notes - Varnaxis (in life) never summoned any individual demons nor went poring through the grimoires with a frown worrying if he’d got the exact right spirit - he just called the Dark Master and left the details up to Him.

Bear in mind he did this towards the early part of LAST century, so no handy web pages or occult bookshops anyway - still, I think it’s a very refreshingly non-dogmatic and results-driven approach, and that maybe we can learn from it?

It’s nice to have spirits in our lives and some, like Belial, can be really likeable, but do we want invisible buddies, or do we want results? I’m not saying (of course!) that it’s an “either/or” situation, but I found his account of how he operated very thought-provoking…

It's a bit hard to put into words, but I guess what I'm trying to ask is which plane is he currently 'residing' on, and what is 'existence' like on that plane? Also, has he now achieved his ultimate goal, or is there something further to strive for?

He’s achieved the initial state he wanted, of becoming a demonic being and no longer simply a human - I don;t know about an “ultimate” goal because that tends to imply a cessation, stasis, a resting state from which m=no more is to be achieved?

It’s more like that thing E.A. says about how power likes to express itself, and Varnaxis is a man who’s dedicated lifetimes in pursuit of the mysteries, of power, finally reaching the highest level of that search in his last life calling specifically on his Dark Master, and being filled with His power.

In life, he had a pleasant wide face and a very warm smile, but when he manifests forth this energy, his eyes turn red/black and he’s actually pretty frightening. Having seen him in life (in photos), seeing how he changes is part of how I acquired such absolute conviction he’s achieved his goal of demonic consciousness and power.

His goal now is to continue to grow in power and he’s also interested in the idea of a change of the old order, as stated above, so that’s the specific area he wants to work on - so that’s a goal, and the continued development of his isolate consciousness. I don’t think there’s a finish-line for that?

So actually, he used “ascent” and I’m seeing why, because he’s ascending above normal human capabilities whilst remaining heavily active on the same planes as us - anyway like I said he’s the demon and I trust he knows what he wants to say, or not say. :wink:

I've been planning on starting a discussion on here for a while now, regarding the issue of 'Ascent' and the Left-Hand-Path according to Stephen Flower's definition, and this obv ties in with that (your Uncle having taken the idea of Isolate Consciousness to the next level).

He’s the first human being I can solidly affirm has attained this - true, he’s not alive in a body, but he has amazing abilities to predict things and also manifest things, currently he’s done that for me a few times via “existing channels” i.e., they won’t just pop out of thin air, they’ll come via some credible source (albeit defying probability and so on)…

So yes, he’s a good case study I guess?

And he’s out there now, so, call him up and have a chat! :slight_smile:


Great post lady Eva

Had a feeling you were going to say that :slight_smile: Yeah that is something I’d be really interested in doing. I’ll wait until I’ve got a few full-on evocations under my belt though, as I’m still taking it reeeally slowly with that sort of thing (due to my, erm, current mental state lol).

This is a subject I’ve been thinking about a lot lately- the whole issue of Ascent and what the ‘Ultimate goal’ of the Left Hand Path is, and how it differs from person to person. Maybe it’s due to the fact that my 30th bday is fast approaching (relating to the whole Saturn return thing), but these days I regularly find myself contemplating death (what it means, life-after death etc.)

Personally, I’m very clear on what my goals are during this lifetime, and they are very much LHP, but I’m nowhere near making any major decisions regarding my destiny in any future incarnations. I personally feel that I still have wayyy too much to learn, to understand, before I can even begin to make such weighty decisions.

Atm I struggle with concepts like ‘infinity’, ‘forever’ etc, and tbh the idea of existing in some sort of Ascended/demonic state indefinitely kinda scares the hell of of me. I can totally see how something like that might be cool for a while, but, I dunno, I guess I feel that at some point it might get a bit ‘tedious’ (for lack of a better word)? What I’m about to say will probably cause some members on here to recoil in horror (as it’s an incredibly RHP sentiment), but I would imagine that there might come a point eventually, once all goals have been achieved and you’ve reached the very peak of power and ‘becoming’, that you think ‘OK, I’m tired now- maybe it’s time to merge with source’.

Again though, I realize this way of thinking is very much based on my current lack of understanding around the concept of ‘time’. This is why I’m genuinely interested to talk to an entity (such as VARNAXIS) who has achieved this state of being- to get a clearer idea of the motivations behind it and ‘what it’s like’ to exist in this super-human state, yet with memories and human understanding fully in tact.

Thank you so much for sharing this info Lady Eva! I’ve got quite a bit more to say regarding this subject of ultimate goals on the LHP, but I’ll leave that for another thread, once I can be bothered to type it all out.

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I know what you mean, but IMO our bodies condition us to think every day must end in oblivion, every life must end with death, etc… I think once freed of that biological mind-warping/brainwashing, things may look very different?

Also on the one hand we think in terms of death, but with the secret expectation of an afterlife of some kind, or reincarnation, and we only sleep so we can wake up refreshed… I’m told that when spirits die, they DIE - sure some energy returns to Source, but it’s never again formulated into that exact consciousness, it dissolves forever.

This is just UPG but I found it interesting as an idea. At some point soon I need to list a lot of the questions I have and do a series of evocations with different types of spirits to question them about these kinds of issues, see what they’re willing and able to share.


I’m going to channel Varnaxis on the 23rd Dec, do NOT bug me with questions beforehand :stuck_out_tongue: but fates willing I’ll get on here on the day and take questions, and do my best. Not sure what time yet, I’ll get on here closer to the day and confirm.



It’s such a mind fuck- the concept of ‘eternity’. The idea of total and complete non-existence freaks me out just as much as the idea of living forever, because both are eternal- arhhh it’s just too much for my little human mind to comprehend atm lol. I guess that’s why I’ve come to the conclusion that a sort of compromise might be preferable, ultimately: a long and happy life followed by as many future lifetimes as you choose to have (on whichever plane), and then a return to source only when you are ready. But yeah, I dunno, that’s just my current view of things based on my very limited understanding of these concepts.

Yeah that’s entirely possible. Also there’s the issue of time not truly being linear as we currently experience it. I have actually made some very slight progress in understanding this concept. A vid I watched on youtube illustrates this really well. This is the link if anyone is interested:

Also on the one hand we think in terms of death, but with the secret expectation of an afterlife of some kind, or reincarnation, and we only sleep so we can wake up refreshed.... I'm told that when spirits die, they DIE - sure some energy returns to Source, but it's never again formulated into that exact consciousness, it dissolves forever.
Also true. Although the hardcore atheists out there truly do believe that when you die, that's it- and yet they seem to be quite accepting of the fact that their consciousness will simply cease to exist. How they can be so calm about that I honestly do not know!

Anyway, I’ll have my question ready for Varnaxis on the 23rd (if you’re able to take questions). No doubt it will relate to what we’ve been discussing. This should be very interesting :slight_smile:


just curious – could the sigil be read as, “the eternal moon of the dark star”?

the eternity symbol (the figure eight) above the crescent shape (crescent moon?) which is, in turn, above the upside-down pentagram, or star-shape?

Could well be: I was surprised when I was shown the sigil because it has such archetypal imagery, but then by extension Varnaxis is part of something huge, and assumes a rather large role in it - he’s not just like a magick grandad :o) or anything.

Try him and see? He’s most likely to have patience for beginners, as I said he was a young boy himself with no grimoires or fancy-schmancy internet full of assistance… and he understands the tougher side of human life, and what it feels like to have immense ambition, only too well.


I was actually thinking about calling on him, but I must admit, I’m a bit of a chicken when it comes to calling on beings I really don’t know all that well. I never really tried any thing like that.

may be I will at some point; but I don’t think I’m ready to do some thing like that just yet. I mean, it’s kind of a big step. but should I ever do so, I will let you know how it went. : )

[quote=“qwyzl, post:16, topic:6754”]I was actually thinking about calling on him, but I must admit, I’m a bit of a chicken when it comes to calling on beings I really don’t know all that well. I never really tried any thing like that.

may be I will at some point’ but I don’t think I’m ready to do some thing like that just yet. I mean, it’s kind of a big step. but should I ever do so, I will let you know how it went. : )[/quote]

I understand, I really do, but I’m going to tell you something: I’ve agreed to channel Varnaxis on the 23rd, and I’m going to do it (barring some bizarre freak stuff) and you know what?

I’m kinda dreading it.

Firstly, I don’t enjoy partial possession except with a very few spirits, and the energy of Varnaxis’ Dark Master isn’t (no offence) one of them - He feels like a tornado made of burning oil and black jagged smoke just to be in His presence.

Secondly, Varnaxis was a human very recently, and being possessed by any remaining traces of ANY other human, having them inside your mind and body in a way that makes sex look as remote as being penpals, is always a weird and itchy experience, as much for me as for anyone else.

Thirdly, I have massive “does my bum look big in this” egoic fear that I’ll somehow cock it up, that he won’t really be here, that I’ll mishear, that I’ll end up telling someone the wrong thing or looking stupid, whatever.

Do you, for even one moment, think I’ll let any of that STOP me?

Not because I’m superhuman, or tough, or uniquely confident, in fact I’m an idiot and have at least as many flaws as anyone else - I’m doing it because I want the results, I want power, and I want as well to be part of Varnaxis’ work, and to bring him to people here so they can converse with him where they may otherwise not be able to - yet.

It’s all great to want to be ready and have time and be convenient, but the fact is he asked me for the 23rd December, so I’m setting aside a very important day in the buildup to Xmas for this, a day I could no doubt be out in the west end doing shopping, having laughs, meeting friends, baking - it’s not “convenient” for me and nor does it feel safe, or even very much like “fun.”

But it DOES seem important, so I’m doing it.

People who treat magick like a hobby (and I’m not having a go at you qwyzl, just speaking generally) get hobbyist kinds of results: people who treat magick like it’s their lifeblood get life CHANGING results.

At least half the stuff I’ve posted about on here has been weird, unprecedented, or outright terrifying but I don’t let that stop me - I don’t - because I want the results.


Ever wondered how come “Lady Eva” can speak to Salasash and get a solid result without having a sigil, the right book, the right placement of the moon or whatever the fuck? How a distant dead relative can get in contact to talk about his ascent? Or any of the other stuff I post? THIS IS HOW.

Do the groundwork, weave magick into your life like we have the internet or whatever, don’t just do magick when it’s convenient or you feel ready and everything’s giving you the green light.

Do it anyway, just like you don’t stop breathing just because you’re having a bad day or too busy or whatever bullshit excuses our minds come up with to keep us safe, stuck, stagnating.

Here endeth your motivational speech for today! :wink:


[quote=“Lady Eva, post:17, topic:6754”]I understand, I really do, but I’m going to tell you something: I’ve agreed to channel Varnaxis on the 23rd, and I’m going to do it (barring some bizarre freak stuff) and you know what?

I’m kinda dreading it.[/quote]

Bizarre freak stuff?

Firstly, I don't enjoy partial possession except with a very few spirits, and the energy of Varnaxis' Dark Master isn't (no offence) one of them - He feels like a tornado made of burning oil and black jagged smoke just to be in His presence.

Very interesting. Well a number of years ago I was Dreamwalking and I went through a Portal and met what I believe to be a Dark Master. I think he was testing me. Anyway, I experienced this black tornado of energy and there was something watery about it… it burned but was freezing burn. I passed the test by using a special power. I think the test has to do with going up against such an energy and seeing if you either are destroyed by it or integrate it so you can pass the Gate. This Dark Master are what I called the 4 Guardians of the Gate.

Secondly, Varnaxis was a human very recently, and being possessed by any remaining traces of ANY other human, having them inside your mind and body in a way that makes sex look as remote as being penpals, is always a weird and itchy experience, as much for me as for anyone else.

Any more details to share on this? Also I found the word “itchy” quote intriguing. My intuition says that something magickal is happening when things get itchy. It is like being poked with a needle of energy like a sharp jab, to moderate puncture of a fang to something very light to only feel as multiple itches. Then there is also the staticky tingling feeling as if one is being shocked.

Thirdly, I have massive "does my bum look big in this"


Not because I'm superhuman, or tough, or uniquely confident, in fact I'm an idiot and have at least as many flaws as anyone else - I'm doing it because [i]I want the results[/i], I want power, and I want as well to be part of Varnaxis' work, and to bring him to people here so they can converse with him where they may otherwise not be able to - yet.

Well… to some at least I have this feeling that there is going to be a number of changes (for practical reasons naturally). Some will be Trial by Fire, others Trial by water, and then of course Trial by Air (I put that in for the Tornado).

People who treat magick like a hobby (and I'm not having a go at you qwyzl, just speaking generally) get hobbyist kinds of results: people who treat magick like it's their lifeblood get life CHANGING results.

Whether its a hobby or “In Your Blood,” personalizing everything you do is what gets you better results, because it becomes a natural part of you. =) Its pretty much all I think about as far as magick goes.

Computer/internet problems, sick friend/neighbour/whatever, anything else like that. I try to avoid tempting fate by making statements of “this will happen come hell or high water” just out of personal preference.

And “IF” seems to be a powerful word in my own practice, so I use it (and the ideas it represents, of indeterminacy) quite a lot.

Very interesting. Well a number of years ago I was Dreamwalking and I went through a Portal and met what I believe to be a Dark Master. I think he was testing me. Anyway, I experienced this black tornado of energy and there was something watery about it... it burned but was freezing burn. I passed the test by using a special power. I think the test has to do with going up against such an energy and seeing if you either are destroyed by it or integrate it so you can pass the Gate. This Dark Master are what I called the 4 Guardians of the Gate.

I checked, and it seems probable that we’re talking about a different force - the one Varnaxis deals with is the being known as Set and there are not 4 manifestations - well, at least not within our reality. :slight_smile:

Any more details to share on this?

It’s not my favourite thing, basically. That’s all.

Whether its a hobby or "In Your Blood," personalizing everything you do is what gets you better results, because it becomes a natural part of you. =) Its pretty much all I think about as far as magick goes.

Agreed, and Varnaxis of course didn’t have stacks of textbooks and web pages to consult back then, so his own praxis was also very personalised and spirit-led to a large extent, but designed for him.

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I have decided to contact Varnaxis this Saturday, to ask questions regarding Ascent.

One question: is the “AM HERET TI’ASKU VEL TAMMU” in his message an enn for contact?