Life after death? Any answers from the spirits?

In core shamanism you learm to journey to the moment of your own death, and also do psychopomp work to assist the (minority of) spirits that get stuck after death and have not passed on completely.

Generally most humans seem to do a few things, though there is no one absolute rule:

  1. reincarnate, after a very short time or up to several centuries, into a new human life

  2. progress entirely to some other plane, usually higher, sometimes lower (hellish, subjectively) - this can be based on choice, or that person’s overall vibrational level

  3. become an intentional spirit and retain some contact with this realm, or sometimes, a different kind of realm.

… but that just covers the absolute masses, obviously magicians and mystics can and do choose different routes, such as my blood-kin VARNAXIS : Demon Of Dark Ascent.

Not all humans have human souls, either, and the afterlife experience of a non-human soul differs. Some don’t know this, some do.

I share this based on many years doing shamanic work, including psychopomp work, and including for a deceased parent and other loved ones, so this is not drawn from theory for me.

Having a strong spiritual mentor (ideally not a demon, unless you’ve lived in that current intentionally for many years) is a good way to get assistance with your own passing, and afterlife destination.

I’ve not read any other replies btw so if anything seems contradictory, that’s probably just because there’s no definitive single outcome, but this is what I have observed in people, from close family to total strangers. :+1: