Please help!

Would someone be willng to look into a event in my life to bring healing and clarity? Its pretty personal so pm would be best.

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Hello James! Just to know if I am qualified to help you and avoid wasting both of our time, please explain what you need help with. I don’t mean tell us what your problem is ,since it is personal, like you said. Just what do you expect us to do to help you.
F.e do you require a reading? Want answers through divination? Want us to do some spellwork for you?

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My apologies thank you for being so kind as to reach out. Im still learning the culture around here.

I had a pretty traumatic thing that happened as a child. Im seeking asnwers as to why?

I know for a fact I have some sort of generational hex. Because for the last 5 generations males have died in their 30s every other generation. Im seeking what is going on with that and the reason why.

I have some ideas however I believe if another person were to see the same things it would connect dots for me.

Again thank you for reaching out.

Ok. I’ll take this to pm.

My apologies thank you for being so kind as to reach out. Im still learning the culture around here. I had a pretty traumatic thing that happened as a child. Im seeking asnwers as to why? I know for a fact I have some sort of generational hex. Because for the last 5 generations males have died in their 30s every other generation. Im seeking what is going on with that and the reason why. I have some ideas however I believe if another person were to see the same things it would connect dots fo…


Something of the sort occurred in my family as well. It’s a long shot, but if i can help in any way let me know.

Here is the short of it

My father died in a car crash at 33 along with my mother. While me and my brother were spared in the vehicle. Ive always asked why?

Even tho I survived my life has been uncommonly hard.

If the pattern is right early death will skip me and go to my children which is one of my greatest fear

I remmber after my mom and died I was visited by a blinding white light being. Ive been told this was either lucifer or baal letting me know they are behind the curse.

From 6 to 9 the dreams were terryfying.

The most notable dreams were as if I were awake but asleep. Usually were preceeded by a lightning strike out side the window. The lightning would hit and then the demon would attack. Or the floor would open and I would fall into hell. I can say I know im protected by angels as I can see them. So the demons dont really scare me anymore. But my worry is for my sons. Thanks for reaching out.

Hello could you pm me I again?
I Mistakenly deleted your message.

Okay, right off the bat one thing you can do is pay respect to both of them and politely ask them to help remove said curse from you and your family. If you only see them as monsters, all that your going to recieve is monstrosities. Do research on things they like, make offerings and plead with them on how to remove it. Then next time someone or something that might want to fuck with you spiritually will be at a disadvantage. They can always help, but if you’re ignorant to them or about them, they return the favor.

I understand and I also understand that im weeding through 31 years of ignorance which has brought me here.

You got this, it’s never to late to try to do the right thing. Make things right and have a healthy attitude about it. They will appreciate it. I have a video on youtube, check it out. - YouTube Have that type of mentality when working with them. Best of luck!

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I didn’t see anything but have a strong feeling this being will help:

So you think I should reach out? What exactly can this being do for me?