How does a Human become a Demon?

What’s the process like? What are the changes? how do u know if it has happened?


I have shared my experiences of this:

It will give some “answers” to your questions, but remember that this is from my perspective and point of view, and according to my abilities to sense it on a physical level.


One of my family accomplished this by leading many lives building magickal power, and then allying with Satan (also Set) and ascending to the state of full demonic power when he stopped living that final lifetime as a human.

It’s not exactly what I seek, but I’m awed by his accomplishment:


I just saw his sigil, and I could feel the power of it… it seemed to flash a little too… But then I stopped focusing on it…
Thanks for sharing this :slight_smile: :+1:

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That’s a good sign you may work well together if you choose to do so! :thumbsup:

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