I Am's Solar Grounding & Banishing Ritual

I like your revised way of describing this


Why did some people find this hard??? Witches all.
Just imagine anf you have it. It only took me a few tries and blah easy.

Secret here:

Nothing is Impossible.

Work that one out mwahaha :joy::joy::joy::joy::heavy_heart_exclamation::black_heart:


Apparently I’ve been doing the banishing wave by instinct. Although I imagine it less as a explosion and more a writhing mass of teeth and claws ready to rip apart anything that dares to cross my boundary. It’s pretty good protection and lasts about three months.



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Good to know!

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Wow thanku for sharing this. Ill try this

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I am reviving this old thread with a silly question, is that any harm to the entity which will be any spirit/deity/demon/demoness, I want to work or connect with.
Will this technique break my connection with them or does it hurts only unwanted spirits/being etc.

Thank you

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It depends on your intention. Banishing will only remove unwanted forces.

When you banish set the intention that this may not affect those you work with and have around voluntarily.


can I say verbally before any banishing ritual-like “This banishing will only remove unwanted forces and this will not affect those forces/entities whom I work with them and have around voluntarily”


I just set this intent in my mind or any other method?


it can be safely used with demonic workings and entities


Verbally or in your mind either way works.

Your intent must be there for it to be that way. That’s what matters the most. Words without intent are just words.


for clarity it read to me there was an annoying guy you were in physical contact with and then the vampire but was the guy strayed away from you or the vampire was the guy the vampire and not some low vibe entity?

ouuu link it?

The members you are replying to haven’t been on the forum for several years, and will not respond.

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thank you upmost for the heads up

Before replying on an older thread, check the profile of the person first to see when they last posted, and that will tell you if they’re still around or not.

I can answer one question though: the exercise Musta_Krakish was talking about is found in the book Strategic Sorcery by Jason Miller. You can find it on Amazon.