Binaural beats are neat but only to an extent. They give you something other than your thoughts to focus on. First, here’s some tools and quote that might help in general.
This is a copy of a post cached by the Internet Archive from , that reproduces an earlier post from Occult Forums:
I Am’s Solar Grounding and Banishing Rituals
Postby Vovin on Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:22 pm
Archived Link
This was posted on Occult Forums a few years AGO i have used it and it definitely works it takes awhile to get the hang of…
Solar Grounding Ritual
Visualize yourself as growing very large…huge. Grow until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Ea…
Power, is everywhere, and in everything. It is, everything, in fact. The first you can do, is learn to shut up your monkey mind, your fears, your doubts, your insecurities-and all the utter pointless chatter. Because that chatter is what holds your universe together, as it is. If you want to change it, then shut that up.
Start by observing your breath, the world around you. Direct your full attention to your breath, and enjoy being in your body, for a time. Once you can, almost instantaneously,…
Hey guys !
I’ve had a lot of people ask how I work with gods and goddesses when there aren’t ready made sigils out there for them and how exactly they can bypass the use of sigils.
The truth is that sigils are a relatively recent introduction to working with spirits, remember our ancestors contacted their gods and goddesses without the help of sigils.
We can too. And i’m going to show a simple way to do this. It’s not the only way but it’s one of the simplest and it’s great for people who are…