Astaroth Accidental Binaural beat summon

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much appreciated, I’ve a question to ask. Is Astaroth depicted as a male or a female?

Mostly as a female,she is such a sweetheart.
Before you start with evocations pls learn to protect yourself for your own good.

Yeah I guessed I learned the hard way, even thought nothing has happened. But I believe it to be a learning experience to strengthen my belief in these entities and spirits.

I cannot tell you how thankful I am for your information and time. Thanks

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You can always ask :wink:

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I Am's Solar Grounding & Banishing Ritual Read this!

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Thank you

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Something interesting. There is nothing special or spiritual about this binaural beat, it’s hard to see the important frequencies because this entire track is covered in white noise, but this is something just to put you in a trance, your intent brings the succubus

very interesting, I guess my intentions really didn’t bring a succubus
I need to keep that in mind for anything now.

Thank you for bringing that into light.

Do you believe that succubis will tell him how could fuck up his life??

I honestly don’t know what was happening there, for the first few hours nothing replied

Well what is a succubus, a succubus is just a spirit who is willing to have sex with you essentially. Some would be willing to kill you actually. Most are loving though. I have never felt the need to summon one though

The confusing part for me is the feelings i get
My stomach is so damn warm it is sp00ky (bad meme)

interestingly enough eating food satiates his hunger ironically

I’m not saying that the beat isn’t creating those things, but I’m saying it’s your mind opening up to the spirits, not the beat itself, thats causing it. The beat is just a catalyst.

Yeah essentially that is what happened.

If you want to summon Astaroth use her enn and sigil.

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how might that work?

It would be nice to get to know an entity while helping get rid of the one inside me

Just command it to leave