Hello Y’all,
I have always viewed magick as a transcendent, unifying topic. It allows every single human to transcend this physical universe, let alone this planet. No more human ambition exists than to aspire to become more, to evolve, to maximize ascent. French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre defined human essence as an “ambition to become god.”
Peace Treaty
As such, I would like to help foster a more unifying and ascendant experience on this community forum. To do so, it requires a peace treaty or white flag on a fundamentally divisive and irresolvable topic: politics.
As of today I have given permission to moderators to archive and unlist any topics that explicitly pertained to politics in name and premise — both past and future posts.
To say it with crystal clarity: Threads that soap box for particular politicians or political parties by name have become prohibited altogether. If you wish to rally in support of a political cause, you will need to do it either in a group private message or elsewhere entirely.
I have always loved that magicians unite on this forum to perform group ritual to help one another, and I absolutely suggest that you still do that — for example, to increase wealth, love, health, you name it. But it can no longer involve any explicitly political causes like elections, referendums, or overthrows of a political entity.
Example of allowed: Group ritual to find lost children.
Example of prohibited: Group ritual to help election of Politician Z.
Profile Flair & Group Messages
You may discuss politics as much as you wish in a group private message. Just enumerate your political worldview in your About Me under Preferences on your Profile, give consent to participate in group chats, and chatters can add you to private group threads — and you may leave those chats any time also.
This community forum has and will always provide a space where magicians can help one another to discover new magick knowledge and share new power — free from artificial political cages that muggles have placed around themselves. Thank you.
Homo deus,