Introduce Yourself To Members Of The Forum 2.0

Hello everyone I just joined a few mins ago. I have been a fan of ea Koetting and other creators of BCALG for a few years. my magic name is ballam amon.
ironically my real one is after the Greek god of war. I practice a variety of pagan practices but lean mostly towards spiritual satanism.
I decided I should make an account because I have a thirst for ea’s content which youtube no longer provides.
I am not seeking help from anyone beyond the major figures and the entities themselves.
but ambitions would include wanting to become a creator myself within this path
as well as music and being the best version of myself I can be.


Welcome @Ballam_Amon

Where are you from?

How long have you practiced?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

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I am from Ohio.
I have been practicing seriously for about 3 years but fascinated with the forbidden since about 12. I am currently 19.
my main systems would be Luciferian/satanic spiritualism Norse Paganism and Hinduism.
I dabble in others such as Egyptian and chaos magic but those first 3 are what I am connected the most to.

I practice meditation, rituals, and the common works frequently.
I am the most spiritual person I know in my personal life which kinda sucks.
I’ve read the bible more than some pastors lol.
before I got into the left-hand path. I was a devotee of the Hindu god of destruction Shiva.
one day I just came across one of Ford’s books wisdom of Eosphoros and thus began my LHP journey.
A fun fact is shiva wound not come to me until after my experience with seeing the dragon’s eye as well as many others.
I don’t consider my spirituality to have been serious until my first contact with Lucifer
feeling him in the room with me and soon after awakening within me after that point it took off into something of major fascination
and removed the skepticism from my mind of whether spirituality is bs or not.
the signs leave little room for doubt lol.
I have currently been doing a working with Lucifer Samael and Satan and it has been amazing so far.


Sorry, I saw the first post & jumped right in & didn’t realize I had to introduce myself LOL

I don’t really have a majick name as I’m just starting out. I chose Sensual Mystic to start.

I’ve been studying spirituality since '92 (off & on) when I became spiritually conscious.

I never dipped into the occult b/c something was stopping me & it’s rarely ever mentioned in the spiritual books I learned from.

Now I’m ready & am trying to push myself to learn this as there’s still a bit of a block.

I want to take it slowly because I’ve heard stories that if you aren’t careful, you can harm yourself. Supposedly even the most seasoned witch can.

I am sure I’ve been a witch in at least 2 previous lifetimes. I’d love for someone to help me do a past life regression.

I want to study the old ancient traditions, not the more modern religious ones. I don’t believe in ANY religion. To me religion is a control mechanism meant to segregate humanity.

I’m currently trying to uncross myself. That is THE most important goal of mine right now including healing my mind and body…

After trying to find information about curses (being crossed is different from what I understand) & everyone telling me there’s no such thing, I finally came across real majick that says otherwise. NEVER doubt your intuition & let others tell you what to think.

I learned years ago that you can even be cursed (or have a generational trauma) from a generational curse. WOW.

Then I want to increase my flow of money so I can also help others. This is very important to me as it’s my belief that we need to work on our own issues, learn how to love & respect ourselves & then help others to do the same.

I also need to finally find a mate or two where we are compatible, have the same similar values, goals, interests, & we both study how to communicate well & have a healthy relationship.

My current struggle is my health, being able to find like minded friends & keeping them, getting back home to the states & find a home I can afford to rent & bringing in the money to pay for what I need.

My other ambition is to help others create, help build or join communities based on FREEDOM, Natural Law.

I look forward to learning & growing.

Thank you for listening.


Thank you. That’s kind of you to say.

@SensualMystic Please familiarize yourself with the forums COVID-19 posting guidelines. I’ve flagged your response for the mods to review because the topic is highly controversial and edges the topic of politics which falls also under certain guidelines.


My pleasure.

@SensualMystic Please stay away from trying to promote your opinions on supposedly “pure blood.” It is politically biased and politics is prohibited on this forum. Any posts along those lines will be immediately removed.


I’m interested in western occult, ceremonial magick.
I like divination methods like Tarot and Astrology. I got few good evocations behind me including Beliar, Halathor, Paimon, Raphael, Buer, Michael.
I have difficulties in working with Pagan Pantheons, since there energies feel weaker for me than for example energies of Infernals and Celestials.
Currently I work with 5 Spirits: Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Beliar, Lucifuge Rofocale and Sidragosum.

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What, exactly, do you practice? Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

And how long have you practiced?

Since previous year. When I say western I mean the one that includes: seals/sigils, proper astrology time and date, the offerings, candles in colors, and using rituals like LBRP for cleansing.

Just like in the Golden Dawn teachings.

Thank you for doing a proper introduction and elucidating more upon your experience. Welcome to the BALG forum.

Hi, I am Alcyone and I have been exploring the LHP with amazing results. My patron is King Asmodeus. And King Belial changed my whole life. I keep learning and have found many truths. Hope to find some friends with so many wonderful people. Hail Lucifer :black_heart:

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Thank you for doing an introduction as requested, @eeramos, but you haven’t really told us anything about your experience in magick.

Where are you from?

What, exactly, do you practice?

Do you have experience in any specific systems or traditions?

How long have you been practicing?

My experience with magick is mainly with the goetia and years back with enochian magick from John Dee and Edward Talbot. Exploring the LHP and doing rituals for guidance has granted a different purpose in my life. At the present time I am exploring necromancy. I have practiced the methods of demonic invocation with satisfactory results. This is an endless path that takes you to unbelievable realms.

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And how long have you been practicing?

Hello everyone. I am Rakishn. I’m new to this forum. I have no experience in Magick. I’m here to learn. I spend here reading posts of experienced people and gain knowledge. I’m more interested in spiritual growth rather than material prosperity. Thank you.

I have been practicing for about 10 years with enochian magick guided by Lon Milo Duquette of Thelema and with the Goetia for about two years. Thank you, eeramos from New York

Thank you for elucidating more upon your experience, and welcome to the BALG forum.