Is it the only way to evoke them?

Is it the only way to evoke Goetia,Enochian and other spirits by their seals/sigils?

(I met a few spirits without doing any ritual or sigil in dream.My friends told me who they r. But i m doubting myself lately.)

Another question is:Shamanism says at the beginning there was only Eagle,Jaguar and Hummingbird.

But in other occult form,it says,at beginning there was Gods Goddess,

I wonder if these different systems give same spirits in different way?


In my experience once you are connected enough to an entity you can summon them without any tools (sigils, candles ect…) but that comes from familiarity, repetition and relationship building. Things of this nature. I can invoke and evoke my patroness just by thinking her name. So no in short but it’s the best place to start (sigils specifically) :slight_smile: hope this helps.


I work with a variety of spirits, some don’t mind if I use their sigil, but there are a select few that prefer I connect with them mentally without the sigil.

Even if the spirit hasn’t exactly made it clear they don’t want to be called upon using their sigil, if I have an urgent situation and don’t have access to anything, I focus on their sigil mentally (if I can remember it, I have a horrible memory) or I focus on their name and they answer.

No, don’t doubt yourself. Sometimes, the spirits call us first, there doesn’t always need to be a whole big ritual or chanting of enns for hrs upon hrs, etc for them to come to us.

@Mulberry is pretty well versed in Shamanism, she can probably answer this better than I can.


Hold up… @Mulberry is a girl? Damn I feel like a dummy rn :person_facepalming:

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Pathworking is good as well :slight_smile:


@QueenMustang ,I doubt because the spirits called me in dreams r not small ones, they r big deity(Daemon).And they have sigils of course…

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I understand totally @kxland, but even the “bigger” spirits have their reasons for calling us first. That’s of course, if there really is a reason for them coming to us.

Sometimes dreaming of spirits doesn’t mean anything at all.

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This is called a myth, or fable. This one sounds Mesoamerican in origin. Myths are teaching stories that are highly symbolic, and are then used to delve into the symbolism and draw out the lessons this had for different aspects of life,usually via a teacher who has heard the same lessons through their teachers, and this is what “being initiated into the mysteries” means: knowing what the symbolism stands for.

Here is an example of someone breaking down this symbolism for us.

The practice of shamanism doesn’t require you to know these stories or their meanings. It’s about working with the spirits directly. If you look up the “Core Shamanism Tutorial” on here you will find a very detailed explanation of how this works, under a system taught to one of our former members.

But in other occult form,it says,at beginning there was Gods Goddess,
I wonder if these different systems give same spirits in different way?

Not so much specific spirits, maybe, but all cultures have origin myths.

In the end, you have to form your worldview yourself.
Mine for example has nothing to do with spirits at all: they came later, and the universe began from the Tao. It’s a more Taoist/Buddhist point of view. Gods, including us, are manifested from the Tao. If you keep reading around you will find what speaks to you: keep what you like and don’t worry about the rest.

Many cultures think so differently, I don’t think it’s really worth trying to match up the names and categories of spirits, as they really work the best within their own system. Some figures stand out across all systems, such as the concept of a Promethean fire bringer who gave humankind tools and fire, or the sun and moon, but otherwise you just get bogged down in the weeds and it’s not very productive magickally speaking. (If you’re an anthropologist or a scholar or just interested in that it’s very interesting all the same.)

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Happens all the time. These energies are omnipresent its no big for them to reach out to all who can hear the call. You heard it, so you were meant to hear it. Many don’t.

You have free will, it’s optional if you want to accept the invitation. And it might not be a big thing, just something that will help you and you’re done, or something lifelong, you have to try it to find out.

You’re important too, we all are especially at this time. We just forget who we are when we come here. We can remember, it takes a lot of work and it’s slow, doing past life regression work is helpful for this, but I think it helps to find your piece in the bigger picture. :slight_smile:

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Nah it’s all good :slight_smile: I understood. The spirit behind what you were saying is what’s more important to me than the surface labels. Also I like dudes, there’s nothing diminishing in being called a dude, I take it as a compliment in fact. :+1:

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Ily2 :laughing: Nah being real though I naturally respect that, I know some people get offended these days by labels and mislabeling ect. Glad I know now though dude (intended). Definitely taught me I should look at profiles before making assumptions though haha!


Hopefully not on BALG :slight_smile: We have a moratorium on politics including identity politics here since 2018, (which is also linked in the rules). There’s plenty of other places to take that kind of activism.

The owners noticed how that just causes division and negativity that is damaging to the forum and ends up in fights that cause great members to up and leave, meanwhile it doesn’t bring that much, if anything, to the discussion or learning of magick.

Posts that start in on that are deleted as off topic at best, it’s ideal if you could flag something like that rather than escalating. :smiley: :+1:
We’re magickians, we just don’t do well with being told what to think. :slight_smile:

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Think that was the first thing you learned about me haha :wink:

Again in all seriousness I’m glad that these things are a part of the rule set since in reality it’s not for one to say what’s right for the other.

I have to apologize to OP @kxland because I’ve become aware I’m derailing this thread :sweat_smile:

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