I’m wondering has anyone ever tried a urine and sugar jar? You put persons picture on bottom of jar with their name and dob on back of picture, use first morning urine and bury in ground so it’s in a dark place - no sunlight should come near jar. Is this effective for getting an ex back?
Hi all , I am relative newbie to the world of magic and I stumbled on this forum and inevitably on to this post after going down an internet rabbit hole.! I am one of those newbies that has come in search of some guidance of how to get an ex back but I have in turn discovered a whole new world i didn’t know existed!
I have read as many threads on the topic as I can and have also done of my own research but I am looking for some guidance to see if I am on the right path
So on one of the threads there is link showing all the success stories for love spells and one in particular drew my attention as it involved New Avatar Power.I read the entire book as directed and have been following what the original poster did to the letter. I have been doing it for six days , tomorrow will be my seventh day. The NAP advises doing an incantation for seven days or until I see a result … my first question is do I continue on the path I am on with NAP or take a break on day 7 , focus on something different and wait for something to manifest?
Yesterday on another thread regarding getting an ex back I saw some advice about using the Law of Attraction and doing some manifestation and self healing . I worked on that last night as it was the first day of the New Moon and honestly I feel so much better today as a result!
Second question is do I continue on with my approach or is my approach of throw everything but the kitchen sink at getting my ex back splitting my energy and sending confusing signals? I’m a very impatient Aries woman!
Before anyone tells me to use the search function - I have !!! One poster says use the x,y,z approach and another poster says x,y,z won’t work use a,b,c . I’m confused and looking for someone with more experience than me to point me in the right direction!
I am also following the rules for when you are trying to get an ex back - working on myself, no contact , not checking in on what he is doing , lost weight, new haircut - lol