There’s a concept called “block world” being played with in leading edge theoretical physics which pretty much affirms the LHP in its most hardcore form, i.e., that the perception of the operator (that’s you - well, me, whoever) is entirely responsible for dictating EVERY experience and everything that exists materially, in what we believe to be our external reality.
It also basically implies that everything is possible - at least, I’ve been unable to find any rules that prohibit any kind of possibility playing out within it - and that these possibilities can be drawn into subjective reality by an act of conscious intent.
In short, the block world concept is based on the discoveries in quantum physics (a field much abused by the love & light crowd) that seem to suggest that time is NOT linear, and NOT unidirectional (going from past to present).
The concept that time just kind of IS, and that it isn’t a flow or ribbon or in any kind of motion, means that we’re not “in” space and travelling “through” time, but that there is only spacetime, something for which there’s concrete evidence in the form of time-dilation effects created by either increasing velocity, or changing the gravitational forces on an object. (“Clocks on the space shuttle run slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth, while clocks on GPS and Galileo satellites run slightly faster.” source)
Time is seen as a dimension equal to the three existing dimensions of space, which when mapped on a graph creates a kind of square block of solid “it-ness” devoid of flow or progression - hence the name block world. And if time’s just there, like a brick made of individual filaments of what we perceive to be our own time-lines, that’s one thing - a rather depressing thing that may be seen as indicating you have no free will, and your future’s literally carved into the blockworld, so why bother?
But if you layer on top the “Many-world interpretation”, in which every possible quantum outcome is reached (that means, every possible branching of reality creates a new universe, starting at the sub-atomic level, and all levels upwards) and the many other discoveries that indicate we live in a multiverse, then the block world ceases to be a stagnant set of tracks which our consciousness spools along with no real freedom, and becomes a box of infinite possibility, where the only limitation is the extent to which we direct our consciousness.
So that’s a brief explanation of the blockworld concept, and since you’re here you’ll be able to grasp the special importance to us of the sentence I’ve rendered in bold below, which shows that for a being made mainly of energy, time becomes a landscape, and space becomes a kind of flow:
“If time is really like space, as suggested in §1, and if the way time and space are perceived depends on the physical constitution of the perceiving cognitive agent (if made of mainly mass, then time flows and space is; if made of mainly energy, then space flows and time is), then the picture of the universe that emerges is one of a “frozen” world, which some scientists have dubbed, appropriately, “block world” (e.g., Dickson[3] pp. 165 – 174). In such a world, every event that happened or could possibly happen is already there, laid out in the four-dimensional space-time continuum.” source
If the only thing determining where we perceive ourselves to be “in” time is our consciousness, therefore, the only thing determining which of that multitude of possible events we’re in the middle of is, also, our consciousness.
And we’re here (in part) to learn to manipulate that - right?
To recap:
All of time just exists, and it’s our consciousness that’s “moving” along what we consider to be our own timelines;
All possible outcomes exist in physical form, due to each quantum branching spawning an entire new universe;
For beings made mainly of energy, space and mass and material form flow, which is to say their consciousness can travel “along” them as we beings made mostly of matter travel “along” time;
Multiple physical universes branch off along the axis of the time dimension (a quantum event is the cause of the branching effect - cause and effect are phenomena of the axis of time), so the ability to flow to a different outcome on the 3 spacial axes is theoretically as attainable IF you can become “a being made mostly of energy,” as the ability to flow to a different outcome along the time axis is for beings made mostly of matter, by exerting a sufficient act of will;
Can I do this stuff? Not the me that’s typing this. Yet.
But you pretty much have your godlike powers, complete with miracles, right there in valid physical models of the universe.