Time to blow your mind - the "block world" concept

There’s a concept called “block world” being played with in leading edge theoretical physics which pretty much affirms the LHP in its most hardcore form, i.e., that the perception of the operator (that’s you - well, me, whoever) is entirely responsible for dictating EVERY experience and everything that exists materially, in what we believe to be our external reality.

It also basically implies that everything is possible - at least, I’ve been unable to find any rules that prohibit any kind of possibility playing out within it - and that these possibilities can be drawn into subjective reality by an act of conscious intent.

In short, the block world concept is based on the discoveries in quantum physics (a field much abused by the love & light crowd) that seem to suggest that time is NOT linear, and NOT unidirectional (going from past to present).

The concept that time just kind of IS, and that it isn’t a flow or ribbon or in any kind of motion, means that we’re not “in” space and travelling “through” time, but that there is only spacetime, something for which there’s concrete evidence in the form of time-dilation effects created by either increasing velocity, or changing the gravitational forces on an object. (“Clocks on the space shuttle run slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth, while clocks on GPS and Galileo satellites run slightly faster.” source)

Time is seen as a dimension equal to the three existing dimensions of space, which when mapped on a graph creates a kind of square block of solid “it-ness” devoid of flow or progression - hence the name block world. And if time’s just there, like a brick made of individual filaments of what we perceive to be our own time-lines, that’s one thing - a rather depressing thing that may be seen as indicating you have no free will, and your future’s literally carved into the blockworld, so why bother?

But if you layer on top the “Many-world interpretation”, in which every possible quantum outcome is reached (that means, every possible branching of reality creates a new universe, starting at the sub-atomic level, and all levels upwards) and the many other discoveries that indicate we live in a multiverse, then the block world ceases to be a stagnant set of tracks which our consciousness spools along with no real freedom, and becomes a box of infinite possibility, where the only limitation is the extent to which we direct our consciousness.

So that’s a brief explanation of the blockworld concept, and since you’re here you’ll be able to grasp the special importance to us of the sentence I’ve rendered in bold below, which shows that for a being made mainly of energy, time becomes a landscape, and space becomes a kind of flow:

“If time is really like space, as suggested in §1, and if the way time and space are perceived depends on the physical constitution of the perceiving cognitive agent (if made of mainly mass, then time flows and space is; if made of mainly energy, then space flows and time is), then the picture of the universe that emerges is one of a “frozen” world, which some scientists have dubbed, appropriately, “block world” (e.g., Dickson[3] pp. 165 – 174). In such a world, every event that happened or could possibly happen is already there, laid out in the four-dimensional space-time continuum.” source

If the only thing determining where we perceive ourselves to be “in” time is our consciousness, therefore, the only thing determining which of that multitude of possible events we’re in the middle of is, also, our consciousness.

And we’re here (in part) to learn to manipulate that - right? :slight_smile:

To recap:

All of time just exists, and it’s our consciousness that’s “moving” along what we consider to be our own timelines;

All possible outcomes exist in physical form, due to each quantum branching spawning an entire new universe;

For beings made mainly of energy, space and mass and material form flow, which is to say their consciousness can travel “along” them as we beings made mostly of matter travel “along” time;

Multiple physical universes branch off along the axis of the time dimension (a quantum event is the cause of the branching effect - cause and effect are phenomena of the axis of time), so the ability to flow to a different outcome on the 3 spacial axes is theoretically as attainable IF you can become “a being made mostly of energy,” as the ability to flow to a different outcome along the time axis is for beings made mostly of matter, by exerting a sufficient act of will;

Can I do this stuff? Not the me that’s typing this. Yet.

But you pretty much have your godlike powers, complete with miracles, right there in valid physical models of the universe.


I’ll mention this as it seems to relate in some ways. I had been experimenting on and off with timeline shifting off and on for a while. Recently I started doing quantum jumping, shifting consciousness to my parallel selves where I already exist as the potential I’m reaching toward now, sometimes talking with them, then merging consciousness and jumping back. Using this method seems to bypass many barriers and really speeds up changes in self image/skill acquisition compared to other methods like affirmations.


What is your method of doing this? This seems like a pretty useful thing. I sort of did this a couple times during some pretty intense rituals but I don’t know how to induce it under regular cercumstances.

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  1. Hold an intent of a skill or knowledge you wish to gain/learn about, and the knowledge that a parallel version of you already knows and lives this.
  2. Get into state, TGS or whatever method you use.
  3. Jump (project via chosen method) through a gateway into the vicinity of your alternate self
  4. Have a dialog, ask questions, or just observe.
  5. Merge with that self and experience the shift in yourself towards the you who already knows or is already a master.
  6. Jump back and record what is learned.

I did breifly meet one of my alternate selves in the astral, I will have to try this. One astral shapeshifting technique is to create an astral body you want to shift into and then you sort of merge with it. Is the merging process here done in the same way?

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I heard Terence McKenna once say that it is extremely unlikely that all of this is happening in real-time. I wasn’t sure what that meant but this gets me closer to understanding it. What implications do you think this has on time travel?

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That we’re going the wrong way.

It’s not up or left or down or right, not is it straight, because it is SIDEWAYS

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I think its all of the above

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Yeah, actually there are not directions, we’re living in a bubble and there are no directions on a sphere… unless you draw them… that’s why the Cross is so special.

whenever there’s a talk like this I get instant acid flashbacks lol

I remember a time I was working (as an archaeologist) and we had made very deep quadrants so I was left by my crew because I was in charge of the witness (a part of the hole that is not digged in order to preserve part of the material culture and context of the place) and so I spent a while there but the nice thing is that I lost absolutely the whole perception of time.

No thoughts on my head, just drawing the stratigraphy… when I go out of the hole I get that feeling that I’m in a totally different place, and when I got together with the crew I had the feeling that they were not “my crew”… I was freaked out at first but, that time in my life was very odd, spiritually and mentally speaking.

I know there’s a weird illness of extreme paranoia that makes people believe that they’re in an alternative reality and/or that the objects and the people around them have been replaced by exact doubles… do you guys think that may be some people has spontaneus experiences that are culturally translated as illness?

anyway, the thing didn’t last much, and I’ve never had a similiar feeling or experience.

I’m totally agree with that block world theory.

There is a tale written by that beatnik guy, keruac, about a robot that is about to die and in the last minute he realize that all his life was a movie, even the doctors and the nursess and he was basically the film projector.

Truly, the way we concieve individuals. I only feel myself as a sphere and whenever I look at humand bodies, or bodies in general, and living shapes I feel odd… like have you ever looked your toes? Man thos things are weird… all this universe is so odd I’m surprised people don’t notice… the sky is blue… it has such a deepness… and the starry nights… whoever did it… good job because is wonderful.

Realizing our daily “individual self” are nothing but a mental lie, the real self -that doesn’t resemble an individual at all would be the force behind the creation… but who makes the molds? The physical individual perceptor.

But, in that instance, sometimes I wonder… all that are we able to create are recreations of previous existences?

If I “achieve” the state of creator of a universe… what would I create but a work or a play based on the reminiscences of a previous existence as a “non-god”?

I’ve learned something for sure tho, without a constant connection with your “own divinity” all what you can create are imperfect distortions of the “perfect creations”, you know, like Morgoth who wasn’t able to create perfection but to twist Eru Ilúvatar’s creations.


Sorry, we talking about dark matter? Quantum physics,here,or parallel worxs,?

The merging process for me is consciously stepping inside my other self, physically occupying the same space. I think this is an easy way to communicate to my pre-verbal mind or sub-conscious what my intention is. Then I consciously relax and observe the differences in thoughts, feelings, drives, motives, etc. to whatever degree I can from the perspective of living as my alternate self for a short while.

I’ve found basically the same thing (so far) but I used different words. I’ll share a segment of something I wrote down about my understandings of this as of late 2013.

[quote=“NariusV”]I/when this mental->emotional process is observed consciously, one sees that there never existed a person. All meanings were expediently useful in the context of perpetuating a pattern in order to gain desires/avoid pain, which are themselves collections & re-interpretations of prior experiences thought/feeling patterns in the memory/ re-energized by the beingness (through attention) and mis-interpreted as a personal self.

Existence continues with or without a personal-concept construct.

The patterns are useful in the context of memory and communication, and as a way to understand “persons”.

By observing this process directly feeling/meaning dissolves & is seen as superfluous & unnecessary most of the time, excepting communication.

Conceptualizing creates unreal-separation → ‘objects’ which could be called ‘objectification’.

Most/all problems are created by trying to apply these partial patterns to reality, which they do not, and never can fully match.[/quote]

I have come to believe that every mistake I make or problem I have has been a result of assuming that some imperfect or incomplete knowledge/perception is accurate, and then acting from that place of mis-perception.

[quote=“EpicGnome, post:9, topic:2683”]and so I spent a while there but the nice thing is that I lost absolutely the whole perception of time.

No thoughts on my head, just drawing the stratigraphy… when I go out of the hole I get that feeling that I’m in a totally different place, and when I got together with the crew I had the feeling that they were not “my crew”…[/quote]

Following this, did you feel that you had developed a strong link or connection to that site?

[quote=“Student of Goetia, post:13, topic:2683”][quote=“EpicGnome, post:9, topic:2683”]and so I spent a while there but the nice thing is that I lost absolutely the whole perception of time.

No thoughts on my head, just drawing the stratigraphy… when I go out of the hole I get that feeling that I’m in a totally different place, and when I got together with the crew I had the feeling that they were not “my crew”…[/quote]

Following this, did you feel that you had developed a strong link or connection to that site?[/quote]

I felt that I, and all the guys there (40 archaeologist plus some bio anthropologist and a bunch of social anthropologist too) belonged to the place, and it wasn’t only me, various people commented that they felt a strong sense of connection to the place, and also to the people (many of the people didn’t knew each other). A girl even said to me “what if they were we in past life and we’re digging up ourselves?” but was mostly as a joke.

After the job was finish I felt strong sense of rejection from both the place and the people.

some remarkable details:

We found around 60 corpses (you know, bones, skeletons) in that place. It was a cementery and I was the one who found the little “prince/princess” with the sacred pottery.

There was one thing to, there was this one skeleton that was very big, like a very big man, he has like big bones in his skull, and when I looked at it I felt as if it was really really angry, like angry at us.

during that work (too campaings, 20 days and after a week, other 9 days) I had constant dreams with death, with skeletons looking at me and I looking into the black depths of their eyeless sockets. There was an effect as if that darkness was absorving me. My grandpha died while I was working, and the grandpha of a girl died too the next day.

After the job I got very ill, lost a lot of weight (Even tho I had “healthy” eating habits, it may had to do with the factor of “party hard” every night in the inn we were… you know, excesive drinking + pot + 8 a.m. in work 20 days in a roll) and shortly after I paused my studies, and wandered until I started practicing magick.

Our very own Sultitan_Itan did a post recently that encapsulates that possibility:

I’ve had experiences that bear this out and I think tapping into this concept along with the block-world stuff is valuable - well for me anyway, I have to be able to believe in magick before I can think it works, and when my belief is absolute because it has a theoretical underpinning, the bastardly “doubt” is completely banished.

It beats down the culturally ingrained skepticism I’ve been immersed in, on its own home ground - the language of science and physically measurable phenomena.

I’ll tell you if I ever work that out!


Our very own Sultitan_Itan did a post recently that encapsulates that possibility:

I’ve had experiences that bear this out and I think tapping into this concept along with the block-world stuff is valuable - well for me anyway, I have to be able to believe in magick before I can think it works, and when my belief is absolute because it has a theoretical underpinning, the bastardly “doubt” is completely banished.

It beats down the culturally ingrained skepticism I’ve been immersed in, on its own home ground - the language of science and physically measurable phenomena.[/quote]
Ehhh…Ive been down that road and I can see why that point of view makes sense, but the problem that at least I keep running into is that when you run into another self-aware person, or another magician even, and spend even 10 minutes with them, the whole thing just crumbles because suddenly there’s another entity in your immediate space that has all the abilities you do, to the extent that they can change your reality every bit as much as you can change theirs. Add more magicians to the room and it just gets weirder, and I would say this forum is an example! Im not claiming that anybody’s right or wrong, but I think there’s more going on than we may be aware of.

I’ve found basically the same thing (so far) but I used different words. I’ll share a segment of something I wrote down about my understandings of this as of late 2013.

[quote=“NariusV”]I/when this mental->emotional process is observed consciously, one sees that there never existed a person. All meanings were expediently useful in the context of perpetuating a pattern in order to gain desires/avoid pain, which are themselves collections & re-interpretations of prior experiences thought/feeling patterns in the memory/ re-energized by the beingness (through attention) and mis-interpreted as a personal self.

Existence continues with or without a personal-concept construct.

The patterns are useful in the context of memory and communication, and as a way to understand “persons”.

By observing this process directly feeling/meaning dissolves & is seen as superfluous & unnecessary most of the time, excepting communication.

Conceptualizing creates unreal-separation → ‘objects’ which could be called ‘objectification’.

Most/all problems are created by trying to apply these partial patterns to reality, which they do not, and never can fully match.[/quote]

I have come to believe that every mistake I make or problem I have has been a result of assuming that some imperfect or incomplete knowledge/perception is accurate, and then acting from that place of mis-perception.[/quote]

Yeah, totally. "I/when this mental->emotional process is observed consciously, one sees that there never existed a person ".

This universe is nuts, is a constant reconfiguration of especific patterns in one endless moment, each pattern becomes a “memory” on individuals, so basically our individual memories (the “I” that comes from “past awareness”) is just a recolection of the different patters that the universe had engaged on from our narrow perspective. But since there’s a necesity for reflectivity in the realization of awareness, our perspective gets confuse with memory therefore creating a false sense of “being” based in the false assumption of a linear-continuous pattern reconfiguration.

So in essence, history does not exist, nor do we exist as individuals advancing on a linear route of events. Instead of that this is an ever unfolding experience that is constantly being born from us, and into us.

Each singularity recreates the patterns that had not appreciation from the confuse-singular-linear memory based identity. That is, the constant struggle for repeating a pattern that will never be repeated again, since the reconfiguration is “Original” at every moment, from “origin” in “non-existence”.

Interaction between “entities” means to break through the string loops that interconects the different senses of identity. Out of this unfolding process that is creation, there exist what is called the “acausal”, a “prior” existence before time/space (representend by both the circle and the cross that creates demarcation in space and order inside of the “finite” world) in which there are “forces” that consist of Tones, both Musical Tones and Color Tones. Those “Tones” Sounds, are the sacred chants while the colors are the sacred combination of imaginery that boths it is the sacred experience of “observing the accausal” and the color combinations that are needed for that experience.

The “Causal world”, in this “phyisical” existnece, breath is nothing else than the “sky god” whilist hearbeat is the tru original life force. Yet, the original omnipresent ever pervading “God” (in the most wide definition) is the “non-existence”/indiferenciated accausal that is before and during and after creation only possibly of recognition thanks to the contrast with this patternfull differentiated creation… and that is what is called Dharma-Body of Buda , and Buda Vairocana. whilist the person that is experiencing that is called Tathagata , and the experience itself is tathata . The upmost and wordlessness beautiful experience that a life-form can experinece: Wordlessness Non-Form or Nirvikalpha samadhi No-Concept/Constraction-Time-space observation… in buddhist terms.

In Tempel of Black Light words, the force that is return towards the accausal is called “Satan” whilist the Force taht brings the knowledge of that accausal plane into this place is the other face Lucifer. They’re not destructive forces but “returning” impulses of non-creation.

Neither the returning impulses nor the creation impulses are struggling, nor are fighting nor are battling each other… creation forces deal with the schemes of things in this “causal realm” whilist returning foreces deals with realtionship between the realm of existence adn the non-realm of non-existence.

A RHP magician basically looks for the perfect harmonious enjoyment of this existence, whilst the blakc magician looks to become a gateway for returning forces.

Yet, from our individual narrow perspective, it seems like a fight, is just that our view is too narrow, is part of the game, being biased.

No word, nor god, nor concept pervades or “predates” anything in totality, it is just that the human body is not design to perfectly understand the whole scheme of things in daily life mode, so we need to refine ourselves in the process of going up and down in the real, non linear yet vertical dimension that is this existence and it posibilites.


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What you mention here is one of the keys to all this magick and mysticism. as I understand it. We find the means like you say in our ‘daily life mode’ to travel in the apparently non-existent vertical dimension through meditation, ritual, etc. to access knowledge and change reality, so that our experience of self and world through time can improve.

When we push far enough, the tables turn and the vertical ever-present a-causal state which has always been, and yet had never been perceived consciously, is seen directly. This can happen when the march of time and self identity are revealed as nothing more than a self-referential web of memories, all inaccurate, and yet paradoxically valid enough, and even necessary to function in daily life.

Well there’s a reason the cross/swastika is important in so many widespread traditions! :wink:

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