Belial's Gateway Symbols

Last year, I asked Belial to give me something which would help people open their psychic senses to communicate with demonic beings.

Although this isn’t his main area of interest according to the grimoires, he’s as aware as anyone that so many people labour under a form of imprisonment with regards to being unable to contact demonic spirits, and his answer to me was driven by the desire to break that bondage.

He gave me a set of 4 symbols with an incantation and instructions for use, which I’ve copied below. I sent them to a few people and results were mixed, so I actually kind of forgot about them until Globalitz mentioned seeing sprials in a dream associated with Belial - sorry B!!

Important to say, that although I passed these along to a few people who all seem to be alive and kicking, I can’t say for sure they’re safe - usual “do a reading” etc disclaimers apply.

So, all that said, this is the info Belial gave me:


To begin with, you’ll need a few sheets of white or cream paper, a black pen (ideally a thick marker of some sort) and some metal foil or a metal box to keep the symbols in afterwards, and you can do this sitting inside a Universal Circle or any other type if you wish, or none at all, but NOT any kind of circle that has any godnames anywhere on it.

You can do this on any day and at any planetary hour, it’s best done after dark but if that’s not possible, just make sure you’re in a reasonably quiet place, with the TV and radio off, and the lights not intrusively bright. Switch your phone off, and make sure you won’t be disturbed for about 15 - 20 minutes.

Copy out by hand the four symbols towards the bottom of this post, and the sigil you’re hoping to open, Belial’s being very much the preferred one, but only if you don’t feel drawn to him or want contact with another spirit, use theirs instead. But this is a gift from Belial, and it’s most appropriate and respectful to use his sigil for this.

Place the 4 symbols around you, starting with the North-West, then North-East, South-East, and finally South-West i.e., clockwise, and hold the sigil you want to open.


Repeat the following:

"Ocha Rasma

Teri Plugh (pronounced like “through”)

Vaskalla Teh


Close your eyes for a moment, get in tune with your breathing, try to sense your Ajna chakra but don’t stress about feeling anything “open” or anything like that.

If you want, you can repeat in your mind the statement:

“If I was a living god, the bonds that bind me will now begin to slip away, and my Mind shall be set free.”

It’s not essential, but it’s in the broad current of this work and may be helpful - the word “IF” is used to dispel the doubt/hope axis that revolves round the concept of failure.

Once you’re centred and have let go of doubts and worries as far as possible, open your eyes, and place a relaxed gaze on the sigil you want to open, blinking when you need to and without straining.

Speak to the spirit, out loud, asking it for what you wish - you can read E.A.'s newsletter about using spirit sigils, which goes into this in more depth, here.

If you’re working with Belial’s sigil, ask him for help in liberating you from all blocks to your senses, or for anything else that fits within his area of interest as noted in the grimoires.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

When you’re done, remove the symbols starting South-West and working counter-clockwise, the opposite to the way you placed them.

Wrap the symbols carefully in some metal foil (like baking foil) or in a tightly sealed metal box if you have one large enough. Don’t fold the paper, and don’t leave them lying around afterwards, even if you don’t think they worked.

Turn up the lights, get the TV or some music on, have a bite to eat, and do everything you can to take your awareness away from the ritual you just performed.

Repeat this for two more days (three in total) and pay close attention to whether you notice any shifts in your awareness, notice any symbolism associated with the being whose sigil you’ve used, any peculiar dreams, and generally be receptive, without impatience, to the opening of your senses.

Take a break for 8 days, and then if you want to, you can repeat it again for 3 more, followed by a further 8 day rest.

When you wish to dispose of the symbols, burn them, and throw the ashes away outdoors.






Click or tap for greyscale versions to print then trace over in your own ink

North West

North East

South East

South West

Belial’s Goetia sigil:

Some Notes

1: those images were done in Word & Photoshop carefully copied from the drawings I chanelled, and are designed as line drawings, so exact thickness of lines doesn’t count, but the dots in the SouthEast & SouthWest are small circles as shown, and the dot in the centre of the NorthEast spiral is a solid point;

2: I don’t know what the G, S, W & V in the NorthEast symbol mean and since channeling words and images is extremely tiring I didn’t ask on that occasion, but the overlapping elipses do resemble the sigil Ba’el later gave me, here;

3: the stick figure in the SouthWest diagram is just a stick figure, draw him as that, but he needs to be aligned under the circle;

4: the incantation is a mish-mash of words from different languages which references things shown to me when I undertook to bring forth a new demonic life into the world. It basically draws on that act to break the bonds that lock your senses to only comprehending the everyday world;

5: if you’re still feeling stuck, try seeing the everyday world falling down around you like a curtain, Belial showed me an image and this is as close as I can find online: [url=][/url]

Here’s a sigil of Belial:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So there you have it, I hope it helps some people but DO pay attention to the warning given, and don’t embark on this if you have any doubts, or if your divination or intuition says “Don’t go there.”

Good luck and please share any results if you want in this thread, I shall be as interested as anyone in knowing how this works out! :slight_smile:


Thank you. I will try these out tonight.

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Thanks for all this. will love using it in my next Pact working with him.


Ok, so I used these last night for a 30 min ritual. Saw the usual shadows and stuff from the side of my vision. Belial was actually saying my name this time in my dreams and showing me something. Never happened before. I will keep using these gateway symbols. I notice now he is showing up in my dreams as a well dressed man in black, like this fellow:


Lady Eva,

teri plugh is it pronounce as teri -through? OR IS THE WHOLE WORD just “through?”

It’s two seperate words, and “plugh” is pronounced to rhyme with “through” but keep the PL at the start.

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Thank you for sharing this information. And obviously thanks to Belial as well.

Your contributions to BALG are always appreciated.


Yet another he from the Lady of the forum!
I will be trying this either tonight or tomorrow depending on how much privacy I have.

1 question though,
Do you think it would be handy to have a black mirror in front of you or some incense smoke going? Just I case Belial decides to show some images (which he has done to me many times in my minds eye)?

Thanks for this! Mad respect for you and Belial!


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Just wanted to note that I finished the first night of this ritual about 30 minutes ago and when I asked Belial to open the gateways around me I felt what I can only describe as a ring of energy around me.But it felt like more than one ring.Like an energy from each gateway was circling about me as I stated my desires.Also as I spoke to Belial the candle lit room became much dimmer while the candle flames didn’t even flicker.
I will report more as I perform this ritual the next 2 days.



Sorry I didn’t reply before, I was offline a couple of days - look forward to hearing how it goes and yes, it should work wqith any additional tools added, like incense, black mirror, etc. :slight_smile:

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Bumping this for new members who may find it useful, because someone just reminded me of it. :slight_smile:


Nice one, I think I’ll give it a try. Just a quick question: if I understand correctly, the only thing I have to do with the gateway symbols is to place them on the floor? There’s no need to activate them somehow (like a sigil)?


No, you don’t need to, just draw them out with intent - BUT if you feel drawn to doing that, give it a go. :slight_smile:


I believe it’s a good time to bump this thread… so here goes…




Anyone did this ritual and had some results?



I have had some very intense and vivid dreams after I did the ritual but not much more yet. I’m so much in the beginning. Gotta do it again in couple of days.

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I’ve felt a strange insistent tugging to perform this operation recently. Had a few questions, though:

Do we have to do this right before the ritual proper, or can we make the symbols and the sigil a few days before when convenient & then use them in the actual ritual?

By repeat, do you mean just to say this incantation once, or to actually repeat it over and over to aid us getting into the TGS? Same question goes for when you say to repeat the “If I was a living god” statement.

This is probably a stupid question, but when you say here to repeat the whole ritual for two more days, we don’t have to repeat making a whole new set of symbols, right? We’d just unwrap the old symbols out of their containing foil and place them in the same pattern, if I’m understanding this correctly.

Looking forward to communing further with Belial. :syringe:

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Yes, you can make them in advance if that’s more convenient. :thumbsup:

You need to do both once, clearly, so it may help to write them out, then if it feels to you like it will aid TGS and general immersion to recite them over a few times, do so, but once is the basic entry amount here.

There’s not need to do more if it’s awkward, but if it feels helpful, go for it.

That’s correct, use the same symbols, storing them in foil “damps them down” and stops them being “live” – which is the only terminology I can think of that comes close! :smiley:


Bump, I’m going to do this tonight and record the results


I love Belial ! Wish I had him in my youth, although i am finding breadcrumbs which tell me He, was never far from me and a compassionate overSeer for me in spite of my assholio churchianity work. love having him for my Constant Companion.!!