This will help you w/ Belial and your magic in general…
Also, a word about DOM…W/ alot of the powers GW lists, they aren’t actually powers.
They’re more like examples of the ways to use those powers.
That’s why he says several times to contemplate the powers and consider them carefully.
If you look at the things he lists for Belial and then ask yourself, “what are the common denominators necessary to make these powers work?”, you’ll see the true nature of Belial’s power.
For all of those things listed, others (be it co-workers, members of an organization, friends, whatev) will need to perceive you in a different way - usually in some way “bigger,” “larger than life” almost.
This is what Belial develops w/ in you and this is what he makes visible to those around you.
They see you as being “without a master,” “without an equal” almost, of supremely high status, etc…
Belial is a big deal, a King of epic, legendary, and mythic proportions and power. He will grow those characteristics w/in you and make it so everyone around you knows you’re a badass too.
He’s worth the work!