So the western world, what used to be known as Christendom, and persons in other regions since, have poured a lot of love, faith, hope, expectation, belief – and of course, power – into the image of Jesus Christ over the past 1500 or so years. While some of that went to random iconography and maryrdom, and a lot was just random noise, the focal point was primarily the cross, which itself takes the form of a symbol humans were treating as specially significant for millenia prior to this.
After killing the troll god last year, a few of us have been engaged in surgically excising, purging, reconnecting, and otherwise fucking with various aspects of the old power structure and embedded energy constructs, for the goal of mass theogenesis.
This, for me, has superceded almost all personal goals for a while, except some low magick for the sake of acquiring objects and minor distractions, and is part of the reason why I haven’t logged much personal work in recent months.
The 23rd August has been flagged up on various websites as a significant date, something made more intensely personal to me based upon the emergence of the Pleiades as a meta-form of the Divine Mother, and that led to firsthand in-person recognition of various principles described in The Kybalion (PDF) relating to the manifest & causal worlds, and a bunch of other stuff with similarly pretentious but accurate teminology.
I’m not going to dig down into the validity or otherwise of the internet predictions, but I will say that this date mattered, a lot of attention has been focused on it, other things have also occurred, and that the work has been successfully completed.
To the fun bit!
This image:
We (myself and a choir of angels) have worked to place in this (back of, and behind it) the “Christ” energies (man as god, ascended in the flesh) that were previously the lot of Christianity.
No Christians were harmed in the making of this (not joking), it’s a part of the theogenesis process to release trapped energies from the past, and Xercius, a non-Abrahamic form of Chamael, Angel of Lost Things (spelling is scried and pronouncs “Zer Kee Us” – I googled it and the guy whose blog came up is not connected in any way) provided the rest.
You can do this work, ideally, today, and any time in the next 7 nights leading up to October 1st inclusive. Do what you can, in any order that makes sense to you, first and last, one or more, whatever, because this is about taking back YOUR powe.
What you do is this:
conceptualise what you’re looking at in that image up there, which is a perfect square divided into four – this is so that your mind doesn’t keep trying to figure bits out
go outside after sundown today, or any time within the next seven days
if you can’t get out at night, face south and visualise the night sky
hold your right arm up straight in front of you, about parallel and slightly angled up, bend your wrist gently back like you are about to push against a vertical surface in front of you
do the same with your left arm, only bend the elbow a bit so that your hand is level with about the middle of your right forearm (right arm is red in this diagram)
visualise this square image above
visualise the lines growing brighter, and the cross image in the centre becoming a bright point of light, until finally it becomes a diamond shape:
- slowly move your left arm forward to be in the same position as your right, and as you do so, visualise the Ascended God Self you could attain, walking upon this earth and wearing the flesh you currently wear
project that feeling and image strongly INTO the diamond, until you feel intuitively that this message is sent and the work is done, or until your become distracted, tired, or otherwise past the peak of holding this image. There is no correct timeframe for this, it may happen soon or after a longer period, this work transcends linear time
keeping your arms outstretched, turn your hands so that the palms face up
- bring your hands back and fold your arms like you may have seen the Egyptian Pharoahs do, right arm over left is best but if the other way round happens, your energetic wiring may need that, trust yourself.
Then, finally, bring your hands together in this form:
Breathe in and out deeply and calmly a few times.
The work is done.
Turn around sharply, walk away, and distract yourself with something – food, TV, loud music, sex, or if none of these are possible, slap yourself reound the face or pinch yourself hard and immediately start thinking about something you know will absorb your full attention.
- This is an exercise in reclaiming spent power from our ancestral lines, our forefathers, our blood, and our own past lives perhaps in some cases.
The reason for “grounding” so strongly afterwards in food, sex, other drives of the embodied flesh is to RE-ESTABLISH that link, that this is not a different plane, or state to be sought after in vain – they belong TOGETHER, paired, in tandem, both serving the whole, which is the self-god, which is you.
(Yes, even you, dumbass reading this and thinking “I’m not up for this, she can’t possibly mean me, she’s probably full of shit, Koetting groupie, Jesus will get me for this, it’s all crap anyway” - or any variety of such thoughts that shame you even as your synapses burp them forth!
DO BETTER. This IS for you. )
As a secondary but important note, if you do believe in Jesus but are also open to the idea of theogenesis in some form, consider using the blessing “In the name of Jesus Christ and the Ascent of Man” in future.
It is reasonably important to not render this politically correct by replacing “man” with any other term, because this has historical weight and is not going to open a self-censoring analytical overaly, but do what works most fluently for you and your inner symbol set.
Finally, this is no small deal, but THEOGENESIS is all that matters right now, everything else in the world rapidly comes into perspective after.